QUIZ / TEST 1+2 s
Modul 1+2 in English
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Question 1 |
A 54-year-old man was admitted to a neurosurgery department with complaints of skin sensitivity absence of the inferior eyelid, lateral surface of the nose, upper lip. During examination the doctor determined the inflammation of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve. Through what cranial foramen does this branch come out?
A | Spinal |
B | Oval |
C | Lacerated |
D | Superior orbital fissure |
E | Round |
Question 2 |
To establish the boundary between the cervical and thoracic parts of vertebral column, the doctor must palpate to find the process of VIIth cervical vertebra. Which process should exactly the doctor be looking for?
A | spinosus |
B | articularis superior |
C | articularis inferior |
D | mastoideus |
E | transversus |
Question 3 |
The woman of 27 years old complains to the doctor-ophtalmologist about blurred vision. The examination has found the violations of lens accommodation process. The function of what anatomical structure is disturbed in patient?
A | Corpus vitreum |
B | M. ciliaris |
C | M. sphincter pupillae |
D | M. dilatator pupillae |
E | Lig. pectinatum iridis |
Question 4 |
A 62 years old man got an injured of the lumbar part of the vertebral column. The X-ray revealed a fracture of processes of the III lumbar vertebra which are located in the sagittal plane. What processes of these vertebrae are the located in the sagittal plane?
A | Superior inferior articular and spinous processes |
B | Spinous and costal processes |
C | Mastoid and spinous processes |
D | Superior articular and mastoid process |
E | Spinous and inferior articular processes |
Question 5 |
During the operation (cesarean section), was made the sectionon in the pubic area, the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle was cated. What does consis the anterior wall of the vaginaof rectus abdominis muscle?
A | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis |
B | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. pyramidalis |
C | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis |
D | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis |
E | Aponeurosis m. obliqui internus abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis., m. transversi abdominis |
Question 6 |
The patient 69 years old, has purulent inflammation of the nasal cavity, which spread in the anterior cranial fossa. Through which anatomic structure did purulent process spread into this fossa?
A | Foramen ovale. |
B | Foramina cribrosa. |
C | Foramen rotundum. |
D | Foramen sphenopalatinum. |
E | Foramen ethmoidalae posterius. |
Question 7 |
After tooth extraction a doctor saw three roots. Which was that tooth?
A | Premolar of the upper jaw |
B | Molar of the upper jaw |
C | Molar of the lower jaw |
D | Canina of the upper jaw |
E | Premolar of the lower jaw molar |
Question 8 |
What part of the maxila forms hard palate?
A | Processus alveollaris |
B | Processus zygomaticus |
C | Processus frontalis |
D | Processus palatinus |
E | Corpus |
Question 9 |
To the hospital applied a man with the sliced wound of the upper third of the lateral side of the forearm. Which muscle was damaged, if the patient can not bend the upper limb in the elbow joint?
A | M. extensor carpi radialis. |
B | M. extensor carpi ulnaris. |
C | M. extensor digitorum. |
D | M. brachioradialis. |
E | M. extensor digiti minimi. |
Question 10 |
What is name of the muscle responsible for the supination of the dorsal flexion of the leg?
A | M. fibularis longus |
B | M. flexor digitorum longus |
C | M. tibialis anterior |
D | M. fibularis brevis |
E | M. flexor hallucis longus |
Question 11 |
A 54 years old man with an eyeball injury went to the hospital. Besides the damage to the eyeball, the doctor found a fracture in the orbital surface, orbital process and one of the parts of the sphenoid bone. Which part of the sphenoid bone was injured?
A | Pterigoid process |
B | Turkic sell |
C | Body |
D | Ala minor |
Question 12 |
A patient has a penetrating wound in the center of the cheek, which must be stitched. Which muscle must the surgeon stitch?
A | M. zygomaticus major |
B | M. masseter |
C | M. buccinator |
D | M. orbicularis oris |
E | M. depressor anguli oris |
Question 13 |
In a patient, the stabbed wound of the anterior chest wall (closer to the sternum) was found. The superficial muscles of the chest and membrana intercostalis externa are damaged. The continuation of what the muscles of the chest are this membrane?
A | Mm. intercostales interni |
B | Mm. levatores costarum. |
C | Mm. intercostales externi. |
D | Mm. transversi thoracis. |
E | Mm. subcostales. |
Question 14 |
A patient was diagnosed with the inflammation of part of eyeball, where the blood vessels are absent. What a structure is characterized by this feature?
A | ciliary body |
B | vascular coat |
C | cornea |
D | retina |
E | iris |
Question 15 |
What parts of the brain include a brain stem?
A | Medulla oblongata, pons, mesencephalon, cerebellum |
B | Medulla oblongata, pons, mesencephalon |
C | Mesencephalon, diencepalon |
D | Medulla oblongata, pons, mesencephalon, diencepalon |
E | Medulla oblongata, pons, diencepalon |
Question 16 |
In a patient, the fracture of a base of the skull has occurred. The line of fracture passes through foramen spinosum and foramen ovale. What cranial bone is injured?
A | etmoidal bone |
B | palatine |
C | occipital bone |
D | sphenoid bone |
E | temporal bone |
Question 17 |
The tumor of the patient's brain near the red nucleus was revealed on CT image. What part of the brain is damaged by the tumor?
A | Pons |
B | Midbrain |
C | Medulla |
D | Diencephalon |
E | Cerebellum |
Question 18 |
A surgeon, during the operation of a woman with a tumor of the hard palate, removed the tumor, with a part of the upper jaw, which takes part in the formation of a bone palate. Which part of palate bone was removed?
A | Processus zygomaticus |
B | Processus frontalis |
C | Processus alveollaris |
D | Processus palatinus |
E | Corpus |
Question 19 |
The 35-year-old man after meningoencephalitis had the sharp decline of hearing. The inspection has not exposed pathology of sound conducting and sound accepting organs of hearing. In what cortical gyrus have the pathological changes been found?
A | middle temporal |
B | superior frontal |
C | supramarginalis |
D | insula |
E | superior temporal |
Question 20 |
On patient's examination, a surgeon found injuries of the middle third of the left kidney. The integrity of which organ should be checked while taking into account syntopy of the left kidney?
A | Stomach |
B | Liver |
C | Descending colon |
D | Pancreas |
E | The small intestine |
Question 21 |
A 10 years old child with nasal inflammation complains about a pain in his left ear. The examination has found inflammation of the middle ear. Through which anatomical formation the infection passed in the middle ear?
A | Musculotubal canal |
B | Carotic canal |
C | Semicanal of auditory tube |
D | Semicanal of tensor tympany muscle |
E | Tympanic canal |
Question 22 |
A patient’s movement was limited after falling straight on his feet. The patient feels instability in the joint and (uncertainty and strangulation)? What structures of the knee joint were damaged?
A | anterior crucial ligament |
B | posterior crucial ligament |
C | lateral meniscus |
D | ligament of the head of a femur |
E | medial meniscus |
Question 23 |
After the injury of the occipital area, a crack in the region of transverse sinus was found. Which part of the occipital bone is damaged:
A | Squama |
B | Right lateral |
C | Left lateral |
D | Base |
E | Cerebellum |
Question 24 |
A child, 8 years old, was admitted to a clinic with an incised wound of the right leg sole. Debridement has shown a deep wound with tendon tear in the plantar region near the lateral border of the foot. Lifting of the lateral border of the foot is limited. The function of what muscle has been affected?
A | M. tibialis anterior |
B | M. extensor digitorum longus |
C | M. triceps surae |
D | M. quadriceps femoris |
E | M. peroneus longus |
Question 25 |
A 75 years old patient was diagnosed with the stroke in an area near the red nucleus. A red nucleus is an important part of:
A | extrapyramidal system |
B | pyramidal system |
C | medulla |
D | limbic system |
E | rhinencephalon |
Question 26 |
X-ray examination of a patient has shown a thoracic spine disk herniation. What kind of vertebrae conjugation has undergone pathological changes?
A | Diarthrosis |
B | Synchondrosis |
C | Synostosis |
D | Syndesmosis |
E | Articulation |
Question 27 |
A patient complains of pain in the left part of the neck while moving. The best painless position is bending the neck to the left with simultaneous raising of the chin and rotation of the face to the opposite side. What muscle is injured?
A | Right trapezius |
B | Left sternocleidomastoid |
C | Right sternocleidomastoid |
D | Left trapezius |
E | Sternohyoid |
Question 28 |
A patient was admitted to an intensive therapy department with heavy poisoning. To provide holiatry it is necessary to catheterize the patient and inject medicines into subclavian vein. In what topographical place is it localized?
A | Spatium anterscalenum |
B | Spatium retrosternocleidomastoideus |
C | Trigonum omotrapezoideum |
D | Spatium interscalenum |
E | Spatium interaponeuroticum suprasternale. |
Question 29 |
A 65 years old patient was diagnosed with the hemorrhage in the anterior horn of the spinal cord. What function do they have?
A | Motor |
B | Mixed |
C | Parasympathetic |
D | Sensory |
E | Sympathetic |
Question 30 |
At patient face the soft tissues sword-cut in the area of masseter muscle has occurred. What gland duct can be damaged?
A | Parotid |
B | Lesser sublingual |
C | Palatal |
D | Greater sublingual |
E | Submandibular |
Question 31 |
A 50 years old man was taken to hospital with acute pain in the abdomen. What part of colon may be damaged at the wound in the right half of abdomen?
A | colon transversum |
B | colon descendens |
C | rectum |
D | colon sigmoideum |
E | colon ascendens |
Question 32 |
During the accident, the driver received numerous head injuries, including a fracture of zygomatic arch. The function of which muscle, that attaches to the zygomatic arch, will be broken?
A | M. orbicularis |
B | M. risorius |
C | M. procerus. |
D | M. buccinator. |
E | M. masseter. |
Question 33 |
In a 37 years old patient after the ingress of foreign objects into the airways appeared a cough, and then asthma. The tracheotomy was made on the neck, in the area which is limited by m. omohyoideus venter superior, m. sternocleidomastoideus and median line of the neck. In which triangle of the neck was operation done?
A | Trigonum omotracheale. |
B | Trigonum caroticum. |
C | Trigonum omotrapezoideum. |
D | Trigonum submandibulare. |
E | Trigonum omoclaviculare. |
Question 34 |
During the examination of a 2 years old boy, the ophthalmologist found the breach of outflow of tears to meatus nasi inferior . Through which structure does communicate orbit with nasal cavity?
A | Anterior ethmoid foramen. |
B | Superiorr orbital fissure. |
C | Inferior orbital fissure. |
D | Optic canal. |
Question 35 |
A basketball-player complains of pain in the calcaneal region, which intensifies while walking. What muscle tendon is injured?
A | Triceps muscle of calf |
B | Short peroneal muscle |
C | Long peroneal muscle |
D | Posterior tibial muscle |
E | Long flexor muscle of toes |
Question 36 |
Give the charactiristic of the radio-carpal joint. This joint is:
A | Complex condylar |
B | Simple, ellipsoid |
C | Simple, cylindrical |
D | Complex, cylindrical |
E | Complex, ellipsoid |
Question 37 |
The patient has applied to traumatologist with the trauma of arm, which he got on sporting competition. A joint having two degrees of freedom is:
A | cup-shaped |
B | ellipsoidal |
C | hinge |
D | gliding |
E | pivot |
Question 38 |
An athlete felt pain along the sciatic nerve due to the compression of the muscle that goes through the incisura ischiadiaca major. Which muscle was injured during exercise? +Musculus piriformis
A | Musculus obturatorius internus |
B | Musculus quadratus lumborum |
C | Musculus obturatorius externus |
D | Musculus piriformis |
E | Musculus gluteus medius |
Question 39 |
Because of fall, a patient goes a fracture of upper part of the humerus. One of the back muscle is dysfunctional, this muscle is attached to the crista tuberculi minoris ossis humeri. What muscle is damaged?
A | M. latissimus dorsi. |
B | M. trapezius. |
C | M. serratus posterior superior. |
D | M. rhomboideus major. |
E | M. rhomboideus minor. |
Question 40 |
To the dentist appealed a woman complaining about loss of taste on the top of the tongue. The doctor found that due to continuous smoking cigarettes were killed taste buds, which papillae are damaged?
A | Fungiformes |
B | Filiformes |
C | Foliatae |
D | Conicae |
Question 41 |
Little finger felon was complicated by the phlegmon of hand and forearm. Purulent process has spread over:
A | Canalis carpalis |
B | Interfascial compartments |
C | Vagina communis tendinum musculorum flexorum |
D | Vagina tendinis musculi flexoris pollicis longi |
E | Vagina tendinis musculi flexoris carpi radialis |
Question 42 |
A joint that has one degree of freedom is:
A | ball-and-socket |
B | ellipsoidal |
C | pivot |
D | plane |
E | saddle |
Question 43 |
A child, 6 years old, has suppurative inflammation of the middle ear complicated with suppurative inflammation of mastoid cells. Mastoidotomy is necessary. About what venous sinus must a surgeon remember to avoid its traumatizing?
A | Cavernous |
B | Transverse |
C | Inferior sagittal |
D | Sigmoid |
E | Superior sagittal |
Question 44 |
An 8-year-old boy with purulent otitis has the infection spread from the tympanic cavity into the bulb of internal jugular vein. Such complication develops in case of one of the tympanic cavity walls thinning. What wall is it?
A | Lateral |
B | Medial |
C | Superior |
D | Inferior |
E | Anterior |
Question 45 |
During an examination of the patient's facial expressions was revealed that he can not put his lips in tube form, can’t whistle, the corners of the mouth do not rise up during laughing and the oral cleft is stretched sideways (transverse smile). The patient suffers from myopathy - degenerative hereditary disease with dystrophic muscle lesions. Atrophy of which muscle causes these symptoms?
A | Platizma |
B | Musculus risorius |
C | Musculus orbicularis oris |
D | Musculus masseter |
E | Musculus zygomaticus major |
Question 46 |
After an injury, a boy has a fracture of the patella. The function of which muscle will be broken?
A | M. sartorius. |
B | M. biceps femoris. |
C | M. quadriceps femoris. |
D | M. semitendinosus. |
E | M. semimembranosus. |
Question 47 |
What is name of the muscle that attaches tendon to calcaneus?
A | fibularis brevis |
B | triceps surae |
C | tibialis posterior |
D | popliteus |
E | fibularis longus |
Question 48 |
A patient has sublingual papilla inflammation. From which salivary glands will salivation be impaired?
A | Sublingual and parotid |
B | Sublingual and submandibular |
C | Sublingual and buccal |
D | Parotid and palatine |
E | Parotid and submandibular |
Question 49 |
The 49 years old patient has a damage of the white matter of the spinal cord within the posterior cord and clinic violation of one of the pathways of the spinal cord. From what parts consists the posterior cord of spinal cord?
A | fasc. spinocerebellaris anteior |
B | fasc. gracilis et fasc. cuneatus |
C | fasc. spinocerebellaris posterior |
D | fasc. gracilis |
E | fasc. cuneatus |
Question 50 |
In a patient, a pus is accumulated within infratemporal fossa. Which of the following openings it might be spread into orbit through?
A | foramen lacerum |
B | foramen supraorbital |
C | inferior orbital fissure |
D | superior orbital fissure |
E | foramen infraorbital |
Question 51 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a pain in a shoulder joint. When in anatomical position, the subscapular fossa faces:
A | medially |
B | superiory |
C | anteriorly |
D | posteriorly |
E | laterally |
Question 52 |
The patient was admitted into the hospital with complaints about the balance disturbance. In the erect position, a patient, when closing eyes, loses balance and almost falls. What part of brain may be damaged?
A | gyrus precentralis |
B | cerebellum |
C | fornix |
D | basal nuclei |
E | thalamus |
Question 53 |
A membrana interossea is characteristic of:
A | gomphosis |
B | synchondrosis |
C | suture |
D | syndesmosis |
E | symphysis |
Question 54 |
On the X-ray image of the pelvis of newborn, the three distinct bones are marked, which are separated by cartilage in the area of the acetabulum. These bones are:
A | Os ilii, os pubis, os ischia |
B | Os pubis os ischii, femur |
C | Os pubis, os femur, os sacrum |
D | Os sacrum, os pubis, os coccygis |
E | Os ilii, os sacrum, os coccygis |
Question 55 |
During the examination of a patient, 25 years old, was found a hematoma of the soft tissue of the medial wall of the axillary fossa. What the muscle of the chest forms the medial wall of the axillary fossa?
A | M. serratus posterior superior |
B | M. serratus anterior |
C | M. pectoralis major |
D | M. serratus posterior inferior |
E | M. pectoralis minor |
Question 56 |
Synchondroses are a type of:
A | fibrous junction |
B | sutura |
C | cartilaginous junction |
D | gomphosis |
E | synovial junction |
Question 57 |
The patient of 35 years old was hospitalized with the lesion of the cervical spinal cord segments after the road accident. How many segments does this part of the spinal cord have?
A | 2 |
B | 5 |
C | 7 |
D | 12 |
E | 8 |
Question 58 |
Patient has urea retention in the bladder. Pathology of which sexual gland can cause this condition?
A | Seminal vesicle |
B | Prostate |
C | Glandula bulbourethralis |
D | Epididymis |
E | Testicle |
Question 59 |
Chronic rhinitis is complicated with the signs of maxillary sinus mucous tunic affection (maxillary sinusitis). Through what nasal cavity formation has the infection spread?
A | Maxillary hiatus |
B | Ethmoidal infundibulum |
C | Sphenopalatine foramen |
D | Sphenoethmoidal recess |
E | Ethmoid cells |
Question 60 |
A woman has the injury of the radio-carpal joint with the breach of ligaments and with damage of articular surfaces. To what joints does belong the radio-carpal joint by shape?
A | Articulatio condylaris |
B | Articulatio plana |
C | Articulatio cotylica |
D | Articulatio elipsoidea |
Question 61 |
In a patient was diagnosed the oblique inguinal hernia, which came out of the inguinal canal. What structure does form the inferior wall of the inguinal canal?
A | Ligamentum inguinale. |
B | Ligamentum lacunare. |
C | Fascia transversalis. |
D | M. transversus abdominis. |
E | Aponeurosis of m. obliqui externus abdominis. |
Question 62 |
In patient during examination of oral cavity established sharp redness of the mucous membrane of the tongue root. Determine what formation is involved in the inflammatory process.
A | Lingual tonsil |
B | Pharyngeal tonsil |
C | Palatine tonsils |
D | Tubal tonsils |
Question 63 |
During a football match a player injured a knee joint. A roentgenogram shows the fracture of the bone, which is in the thickness of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh tendon. To what group of bones does this bone refer?
A | Tubular bones |
B | Flat bones |
C | Pneumatic bones |
D | Sesamoid bones |
E | Mixed bones |
Question 64 |
Before the surgeon appealed a woman, 20 years old, with purulent inflammation of the skin in the region of infraorbital fossa. Doctor predicts extending inflammation in the orbit. Through which anatomic structure it possible for inflammation to spread in this case?
A | Fissura orbitalis inferior. |
B | Canalis pterygoideus. |
C | Canalis nasolacrimalis. |
D | Canalis incisivus. |
E | Canalis infraorbitalis. |
Question 65 |
What is name of the muscle that is connected to the patella?
A | M. sartorius |
B | M. biceps femoris |
C | M. semitendinosus |
D | M. quadriceps femoris |
E | M. semimembranosus |
Question 66 |
Patient aged 30 with inflammation of the 2nd upper molar pulp came to a doctor complaining of headaches and mucus from the nose. After examination he was diagnosed – pulpitis, complicated with sinusitis. Name the infected sinuse.
A | sphenoid |
B | frontal |
C | ethmoidal |
D | maxillary |
Question 67 |
A patient has complications of hand movements. Inflammation of common synovial sheath for flexor tendons has been diagnosed. According to anamnesis, a week before the patient got a punctured wound of a finger. Which finger is injured?
A | Ring finger |
B | Little finger |
C | Thumb |
D | Middle finger |
E | Index finger |
Question 68 |
A patient suffering from an intra-articular fracture of the femoral neck. Asymmetry of the head of the femur is observed. Which structure is damaged?
A | Arteria obturatoria |
B | Ligamentum capitis femoris |
C | Zona orbicullaris |
D | Nervus obturatorius |
E | Nervus femoralis |
Question 69 |
During the diagnosis the brain tumor in a patient was found in the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle and the area of calcarine gyrus. If the tumor will continue to grow rapidly what disturbance can occur?
A | Disturbance of vestibular analyzer |
B | Disturbance of visual function |
C | Disturbance of olfactory function |
D | Disturbance of acoustic function |
E | Disturbance of taste function |
Question 70 |
A man, 30 years old, appealed to adentist complaining of mastication disorder: painful backward movement of the mandible. The doctor detected the inflammation of a masticatory muscle. Which muscle exactly is it?
A | Temporal (anterior fibres) |
B | Masticatory |
C | Lateral pterygoid |
D | Medial pterygoid |
E | Temporal (posterior fibres) |
Question 71 |
A 30 years old woman fell and injured the sacrum. The radiological investigations revealed damage of the sacral crest which is formed by the transverse processes of the sacral vertebrae. Which sacral crest was damaged?
A | Left lateral and left medial crests. |
B | Right lateral and left lateral crests. |
C | Right lateral and right medial crests. |
D | Median and left medial crests. |
E | Middle and right medial crests. |
Question 72 |
As a result of fall, a 10 years old child received the dislocation of the sternum in sterno-clavicular joint. What muscle does strengthen this joint?
A | M. subclavius |
B | M. serratus anterior |
C | M. transversus thoracis |
D | M. pectoralis minor |
E | M. pectoralis major |
Question 73 |
Examination of the 27-year old male showed increase in the size of hand, foot and lower jaw, deformity of the joints and spine, hormonal disorders (impotence, testicular atrophy). What gland is damaged?
A | anterior pituitary |
B | adrenal glands |
C | thyroid gland |
D | pineal body |
E | parathyroid glands |
Question 74 |
A child, 5 years old, was admitted to an otolaryngologic department with suppurative inflammation of the middle ear. Disease began with nasopharynx inflammation. Through what temporal bone canal could the infection get to the tympanic cavity?
A | Carotid canal |
B | Tympanic canaliculus |
C | Canaliculus for chorda tympani |
D | Caroticotympanic canaliculi |
E | Musculotubal canal |
Question 75 |
After an injury, the branches of the carotid artery started bleeding. For temporary stoppage of bleeding, the carotid artery should be pressed to the tubercle of the transverse processes of one of the cervical vertebras. Which vertebrae exactly?
A | VI |
B | V |
C | IV |
D | II |
E | III |
Question 76 |
A 45 years old woman was taken to hospital with purulent inflammation of the tympanic cavity. Before that, there was inflammation of the nasal cavity and throat, which then spreaded to the tympanic cavity through the auditory tube. Via which topographical formation of the base of fornix of the skull the infectious process got into the tympanic cavity?
A | Canalis caroticus |
B | Canaliculus tympanicus |
C | Canaliculus chordae tympani |
D | Canalis facialis |
E | Canalis musculotubaris |
Question 77 |
A patient complains of impossible external rotation caused by a shoulder trauma in the great tubercle of humeri area. What muscles are injured?
A | Supraspinatus and teres major |
B | Teres major and teres minor |
C | Subscapular and coracobrachial |
D | Infraspinatus and teres minor |
E | Deltoid and supraspinatus |
Question 78 |
A patient is developed a tumor in the bottom of the bladder. What organ can be damaged based on syntopy of the bladder?
A | seminal vesicles |
B | ampulla of the deferent duct |
C | rectum |
D | spermatic cord |
E | prostate |
Question 79 |
At extirpation of the lateral lobes of thyroid gland great care must be taken to avoid removing the parathyroid glands, which are situated:
A | Between the lobes |
B | Laterally from lobes |
C | In front of lobes |
D | Medially from lobes |
E | Behind the lobes |
Question 80 |
In the surgical department was delivered a man, 22 years old, with gunshot wound of the head. It was established damage of the collum mandibulae. Which process of mandible is damaged?
A | Synostosis. |
B | Synchondrosis. |
C | Diartrosis. |
D | Syndesmosis. |
E | Hemiartrosis. |
Question 81 |
A man, 27 years old, after eye injury arose inflammation of the soft tissues of the orbit. Later the inflammation spread in the pterygopalatine fossa. Through which anatomic structure did purulent process spread into this fossa?
A | Through fissura orbitalis superior. |
B | Through fissura orbitalis inferior. |
C | Through sphenopalatine foramen. |
D | Through foramen zygomaticoorbitale. |
E | Throght oval foramen. |
Question 82 |
Very ofter a cubital fossa is used for injections of medicine and venous blood sampling, it is because of localization of ulnar vein directly under the skin. What structures do limit the cubital fossa?
A | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi ulnaris. |
B | M. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres, m. flexor carpi ulnaris. |
C | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi radialis. |
D | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres. |
Question 83 |
What is name of the bone with linea nuchae superior?
A | os occipitale |
B | os ethmoidale |
C | os temporale |
D | os frontale |
E | os parietale |
Question 84 |
Woman, 65 years old, came to the hospital with purulent inflammation of the mastoid cells. The inflammation spread to the cranial fossa, which has a common wall with the processus. In which fossa of the skull did inflammation of the mastoid process spread?
A | In middle cranial. |
B | In pterygopalatina. |
C | In the posterior cranial. |
D | In infratemporal. |
E | In frontal cranial. |
Question 85 |
A cruciate ligaments are characteristic of:
A | shoulder joint |
B | hip joint |
C | wrist joint |
D | knee joint |
E | elbow joint |
Question 86 |
A patient has a fissure of the shaft of humerus posterior surface diagnosed. Symptoms of the radial nerve injury in the region of canal is humeromuscularis are observed. What is this canal limited by?
A | Anterior surface of humerus and biceps muscle of arm |
B | Posterior surface of humerus and anconeus |
C | Anterior surface of humerus and coracobrachial |
D | Anterior surface of humerus and brachial |
E | Posterior surface of humerus and triceps muscle of arm |
Question 87 |
A 45-year old male was hospitalized with a diagnosis of glomerulonephritis. The urine analysis showed the presence of blood corpuscles. Which part of the nephron was damaged?
A | Distal straight tubule |
B | Proximal convoluted tubule |
C | Renal corpuscle |
D | Proximal straight tubule |
E | Distal convoluted tubule |
Question 88 |
A child fractured his humerus. The broken arm showed decreased growth (compared with his second arm). Which part of the bone was affected?
A | Epiphysis |
B | Diaphysis |
C | Apophysis |
D | Metaphysis |
E | Medullary canal |
Question 89 |
To access the surgical field, it is necessary to determine the cartilage that contains oblique line. Which cartilage of the larynx has the oblique line?
A | Thyroid |
B | Cuneiform |
C | Arytenoid |
D | Cricoids |
E | Corniculate |
Question 90 |
In a patient, a purulent maxillary sinusitis was diagnosed. A pus from maxillary sinus drains into:
A | lower nasal meatus |
B | upper nasal meatus |
C | lateral nasal meatus |
D | vestibule |
E | middle nasal meatus |
Question 91 |
A patient with a tumor in brainstem area has a difficulty with putting his tongue forward. What tongue muscle function has been affected?
A | Genioglossal |
B | Transversal |
C | Superior lingual |
D | Hyoglossal |
E | Stylohyoid |
Question 92 |
During the surgery on the removal of the appendix, a doctor found in its wall elements that belong to the peripheral organs of the immune system. What kinds of elements are these?
A | Appendix nodes |
B | Single lymphoid nodules |
C | Clusters of lymphoid nodules |
D | Nodi lymphatici paracolici |
E | Iliac nodes |
Question 93 |
Examining the boy, who is 2 years old, ophthalmologist established breach of the outcome of his tears into the lower nostril. Through which communication of orbit with lower nasal passage is this passage of tears complicated?
A | The upper orbital fissure. |
B | Anterior ethmoid foramen. |
C | Posterior ethmoid foramen. |
D | Nasolacrimal canal. |
E | The lower orbital fissure. |
Question 94 |
What canal leading from thigh to popliteal fossa?
A | lateral canal |
B | superior musculoperoneus canal |
C | adductor canal |
D | inferior musculoperoneus canal |
E | cruropopliteal canal |
Question 95 |
In patient removed tooth. The crown of the tooth has a rhomboid shape, on the chewing surface of the four tubercles, it has three roots. Determine which tooth removed.
A | upper second molar |
B | lower second molar |
C | upper first molar |
D | upper third molar |
E | first lower molar |
Question 96 |
During the operation (cesarean section), was made the section on in the pubic area, the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle was cut. What does consist the anterior wall of the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle?
A | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. pyramidalis. |
B | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus externus and internus abdominis. |
C | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis |
D | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis. |
E | Aponeurosis m. obliqui internus abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis. |
Question 97 |
During the examination of woman, 36 years, doctor diagnosed the inflammation of the maxillary sinus (sinus maxillaris). Thus it was discovered pus in one of the nasal passages, that came out right from the maxillary sinus. In which meatus did doctor see pus?
A | Meatus nasopharyngeus. |
B | Meatus nasi communis. |
C | Meatus nasi interior. |
D | Meatus nasi medius. |
E | Meatus nasi superior. |
Question 98 |
A purulent process was spread from fossa canina to the soft tissues of orbit. Through which anatomical structure did the purulence get into orbit?
A | Canalis nasolacrimalis |
B | Foramen zygomaticotemporal |
C | Foramen zygomaticoorbitale |
D | Canalis infraorbitale |
E | Foramen zygomaticofaciale |
Question 99 |
A man came to the hospital with the trauma of the head. After the examination, the doctor found the fracture of the facial bone of the skull. The fracture line passes through the condilar process. What bone was injured?
A | Maxilla |
B | Os palatinum |
C | Os lacrimale |
D | Mandibula |
E | Os zygomaticus |
Question 100 |
After cranial trauma the patient has lost an ability to feel the taste and smell. What cortical centers were damaged?
A | Insula |
B | Upper parietal lobule |
C | Uncus |
D | Middle temporal gyrus |
E | Lower frontal gyrus |
Question 101 |
What part of colon may be damaged at the wound in the left half of abdomen?
A | Colon Descendens |
B | Colon Sigmoideum |
C | Colon Transversum |
D | Rectum |
E | Colon Ascendens |
Question 102 |
What is name of the ligament of the hip joint that is connected to the femoral bone?
A | Ligamentum pubo-femoralis |
B | Zona orbicullaris |
C | Ligamentum ischio-femoralis |
D | Ligamentum ilio-femoralis |
E | Ligamentum capitis femoris |
Question 103 |
A patient was diagnosed with dislocation of the clavicle acromial end. A gap between ligaments of the acromial-clavicular joint was found. Which ligaments were damaged? Ligg.collaterale tibiale et fibulare
A | Ligg.sacrotuberale et sacrospinale |
B | Ligg.collaterale ulnare et radiale |
C | Ligg.coracoclaviculare et acromioclaviculare |
D | Ligg.cruciatum anterius et posterius |
Question 104 |
A patient has purulent inflammation of the nasal cavity. The inflammation spread in the anterior cranial fossa. Through which anatomic structure spread the inflammation?
A | Foramina cribrosa |
B | Foramen sphenopalatinum |
C | Foramen ovale |
D | Foramen rotundum |
E | Foramen ethmoidalae posterius |
Question 105 |
What joint having two degrees of freedom?
A | cup-shaped |
B | ellipsoidal |
C | pivot |
D | hinge |
E | gliding |
Question 106 |
The patient has applied to traumatologist with trauma of leg, which he got on sporting competition. At examination it was set the damage of posterior muscle, tendon of which is attached to calcaneus. This is:
A | fibularis brevis |
B | fibularis longus |
C | triceps surae |
D | popliteus |
E | tibialis posterior |
Question 107 |
What structure is responsible for the stabilisation of the head of the femur is the joint?
A | Ligamentum capitis femoris |
B | Nervus femoralis |
C | Zona orbicullaris |
D | Arteria obturatoria |
E | Nervus obturatorius |
Question 108 |
A patient has purulent inflammation of the nasal cavity. The inflammation spread in the anterior cranial fossa. Through which anatomic structure spread the inflammation?
A | Foramen sphenopalatinum. |
B | lamina cribrosa. |
C | Foramen rotundum |
D | Foramen ovale. |
E | Foramen ethmoidalae posterius. |
Question 109 |
During the examination of the oral cavity of the patient decay of the tooth crown is found. The decay of the tooth crown is addressed to proper oral cavity. What is the name of the tooth crown surface?
A | Facies mesialis |
B | Facies vestibularis |
C | Facies distalis |
D | Facies contactus |
E | Facies lingualis |
Question 110 |
To the hospital applied a man with the fracture of the upper third of the humerus with the displacement of fragments, as a result blood vessels and nerves that pass through foramen quadrilaterum of the posterior wall of the axillary cavity, were damaged. What structures do limit foramen quadrilaterum?
A | M. teres major, m. teres minor, caput longum m. triceps brachii, os humeri. |
B | M. teres major, m teres minor, m. triceps brachii, m. brachialis. |
C | M. teres major, m. biceps brachii, os humeri, m. brachialis. |
D | M. latissimus dorsi, m. infraspinatus, m. coracobrachialis, m. brachialis. |
Question 111 |
A lesion of anterior horns of the spinal cord by the tumor was revealed in the patient. Define what kind of neurons are affected?
A | Mixed |
B | Sympathetic |
C | Parasympathetic |
D | Motor |
E | Sensory |
Question 112 |
The patient has applied to traumatologist with the trauma of upper limb, which he got on sporting competition. A joint that has but one degree of freedom is:
A | plane |
B | ellipsoidal |
C | pivot |
D | saddle |
E | ball-and-socket |
Question 113 |
The pneumonia was complicated by the exudative pleurisy. Choose the structure where fluid usually colected?
A | sinus costodiaphragmaticus pleurae |
B | sinus transversus pericardii |
C | sinus obliquus pericardii |
D | sinus phrenicomediastinalis pleurae |
E | sinus costomediastinalis pleurae |
Question 114 |
A patient was developed acute anuria (lack of urine) after hysterectomy. What anatomical structure was most likely damaged during the operation?
A | internal sphincter of the urethra |
B | urethra |
C | external sphincter of the urethra |
D | bulbospongiosus muscle |
E | ureter |
Question 115 |
A 62 years old man got an injured of the lumbar part of the vertebral column. The X-ray revealed a fracture of processes of the III lumbar vertebra which are located in the sagittal plane. What processes of this vertebrae are the located in the sagittal plane?
A | Spinous and costal processes. |
B | Mastoid and spinous processes. |
C | Spinous and inferior articular processes. |
D | Superior articular and mastoid process. |
E | Superior inferior articular and spinous processes. |
Question 116 |
In a patient, a doctor diagnosed brain damage after strike head on the ground. The median atlantoaxial joint is classified as:
A | Hinge |
B | Ball-and-socket |
C | Condyloid |
D | Pivot |
E | Gliding |
Question 117 |
At the oral cavity examination, it was found hypoglossal papilla increasing to the right of the tongue frenulum. Specify glands whose excretory function is affected.
A | parotid and submandibular |
B | sublingual and parotid |
C | parotid and thyroid |
D | thyroid and parathyroid |
E | submandibular and sublingual |
Question 118 |
In a patient, a purulent maxillary sinusitis was diagnosed. A pus from maxillary sinus drains into:
A | Lateral nasal meatus |
B | Middle nasal meatus |
C | Lower nasal meatus |
D | Upper nasal meatus |
E | Vestibule |
Question 119 |
What is name of the muscle responsible for flexion in the shoulder and elbow joints?
A | m. coracobrachialis |
B | m. biceps brachii |
C | m. brachialis |
D | m. anconeus |
E | m. triceps brachii |
Question 120 |
As a result of the fracture of the tibia, the anterior group of muscles of the lower leg was damaged. The function of which muscle may be affected?
A | M.flexor digitorum longus. |
B | M.extensor hallucis longus. |
C | M.extensor digitorum brevis |
D | M. soleus. |
E | M. fibularis longus. |
Question 121 |
A child 5-year-old suffers on deformation of the neck. At clinical inspection, it is set: inclination of the head to the left, turn of face to the right, the passive motion of the head to the right is limited. Of what muscle does shortening take place?
A | sternocleidomastoideus |
B | longus colli |
C | splenius capitis |
D | trapezius |
E | splenius cervicis |
Question 122 |
Woman 35 years old came to the otolaryngologist with complaints of headache and runny nose. The doctor set the maxillary sinus inflammation (sinusitis). What bone is inflammated?
A | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale). |
B | Maxilla. |
C | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
D | Frontal bone (os frontale). |
E | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
Question 123 |
From the sports man, 24 years old, was taken to hospital with face injury. The doctor of the receiving department established fracture of the facial skull bone. Fracture line passes through the infraorbital edge (margo infraorbitalis). What bone is injured?
A | Mandibula. |
B | Maxilla. |
C | Palatinum bone (os palatinum).
D | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
E | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
Question 124 |
Anterior wall of the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle consists of (above the linea arcuata) ?
A | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. pyramidalis |
B | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis |
C | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis |
D | Aponeurosis m. obliqui internus abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis |
E | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis |
Question 125 |
A boy, 8 years old, cannot put lips round,the angles of the mouth are pulled out and up, and oral fissure is stretched aside. What muscle is injured?
A | Greater zygomatic |
B | Buccinator |
C | Masticatory |
D | Risorius |
E | Orbicular muscle of mouth |
Question 126 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a acute pain in the region of the forearm. Which of the following muscles does operate on two joint?
A | Brachialis |
B | Anconeus |
C | Brachioradialis |
D | Coracobrachialis |
E | Biceps brachii |
Question 127 |
Patient M., 41 years old, got into an infectious department of the hospital with high fever. He has been showing meningeal symptoms. A spinal puncture was performed. Which anatomical formation has been punctured?
A | spatium subarachnoideum |
B | spatium epidurale |
C | cavum trigeminale |
D | cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior |
E | spatium subdurale |
Question 128 |
A man at work received a cut wound in the lateral margin of the palmar surface of the hand. The doctor discovered limitation of the thumb abduction. The function of which muscle is damaged?
A | Musculus palmaris brevis |
B | Musculus abductor policis |
C | Musculus abductor policis brevis |
D | Musculus opponens |
E | Musculi lubricales |
Question 129 |
Anterior wall of the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle consists of (below the linea arcuata):
A | Aponeurosis m. obliqui internus abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis |
B | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus externus and m. internus abdominis |
C | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. pyramidalis |
D | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis |
E | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis. |
Question 130 |
What is name of the anatomical structure between fossa canina and orbit?
A | Foramen zygomaticofaciale |
B | Foramen zygomaticoorbitale |
C | Canalis infraorbitale |
D | Foramen zygomaticotemporale |
E | Canalis nasolacrimalis |
Question 131 |
Examination of a patient's facial expression has shown that he can not put his lips, round, whistle, the oral fissure is stretched to sides. What muscle's atrophy do these symptoms indicate?
A | Cheek muscle |
B | Masticatory |
C | Risorius muscles |
D | Orbicular muscle of mouth |
E | Greater zygomatic |
Question 132 |
A patient suffered from an acute inflammation of the nasolacrimal canal. It is known that after suffering from flu, the patient had long discharges from the nose. From which meatus of the nasal cavity discharges could lead to the infection in the nasolacrimal canal?
A | From meatus nasi inferior |
B | From meatus nasi media |
C | From meatus nasi communis |
D | From foramen sphenopalatinum |
E | From meatus nasi superior |
Question 133 |
During the difficult delivery, pubic symphysis broke. Which organ is likely to be injured?
A | Fallopian tubes |
B | Rectum |
C | Uterus |
D | Bladder |
E | Ovaries |
Question 134 |
After the plastic surgery of the palatinum of boy, 12 years old, there was complication as inflammation of the bone, located in the area of Lesser palatine foramina (foramina palatina minora). What bone was inflammated?
A | Frontal bone (os frontale). |
B | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale). |
C | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
D | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
E | Maxilla. |
Question 135 |
The patient, 38 years old, was admitted to the neurological department with hemorrhage in the area near the red nucleus, substantia nigra and corpora quadrigemina. In which region of the brain are corpora quadrigemina, nucleus ruber and substantia nigra located?
A | mesencephalon |
B | metencephalon |
C | diencephalon |
D | cerebellum |
E | myelencephalon |
Question 136 |
The patient was admitted to the hospital with haematoma suspected in the brain area. After the tomographic examination the lemniscus lateralis damage was revealed. Which of the pathways is this structure belong to?
A | Tr. frontopontinus |
B | Tr. reticulospinalis |
C | Tr. tectospinalis |
D | Tr. pyramidalis |
E | Tr. acusticus |
Question 137 |
What muscle is attached to cristae tuberculi majoris humeri?
A | M. pectoralis minor |
B | M. pectoralis major |
C | M. subclavius |
D | M. transversus thoracis |
E | M. serratus anterior |
Question 138 |
The patient 59 years old has problem with voluntary movement of right hand because of the tumor of spinal cord. Nerve impulses that cause voluntary muscle contractions are transmitted through:
A | Both b and c |
B | Funiculus posterior |
C | Funiculus lateralis |
D | Funiculus anterior |
E | Both a and b |
Question 139 |
The interior of the urinary bladder can be seen with cystoscope that is introduced through urethra. At what part of urinary bladder may be the trigonum vesicae identified?
A | Fundus |
B | Radix |
C | Corpus |
D | Cervix |
E | Apex |
Question 140 |
A patient was diagnosed with abscess of the neck (purulent inflammation), which is located above manubrium sterni. Which interfascial space the surgeon must cut and drain?
A | Spatium pretracheale |
B | Spatium prepharyngeale |
C | Spatium previscerale |
D | Spatium interaponeuroticum suprasternale |
E | Spatium retropharyngeale |
Question 141 |
In a patient at appendectomy a surgeon dissects the muscular fibers of anterior abdominal wall successively as follow:
A | external oblique, internal oblique, rectus abdomini |
B | rectus abdominis, external oblique |
C | rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique |
D | transversus, internal oblique |
E | external oblique, internal oblique, transversus |
Question 142 |
During a meal milk gets into the nasal cavity of a newborn child. What is the probable cause of this pathology?
A | Basal skull fracture |
B | Cleft clip |
C | Cleft palate |
D | Nasal septum deviation to the right |
E | Nasal septum deviation to the left |
Question 143 |
As a result of an injury, a 34 years old patient is suffering from limited flexion of middle phalanges of fingers 2-5 –of all fingers actually-. The function of which muscles is most likely to be broken?
A | m. opponens policis, m. adductor policis |
B | m. flexor digitorum profundus |
C | m. palmaris longus |
D | m. flexor digitorum superficialis |
E | m. palmaris brevis, m. abductor digiti minimi |
Question 144 |
At patient 28-year-old is diagnosed acute inflammation of nasolacrimal duct. From what department of nasal cavity could an infection spread in the nasolacrimal duct?
A | Common nasal meatus |
B | Middle nasal meatus |
C | Vestibulum of nasal cavity |
D | Superior nasal meatus |
E | Inferior nasal meatus |
Question 145 |
An examination of the patient revealed a lack of vision in medial halves of the visual fields of both eyes. What part of the optic path more likely is damaged?
A | Chiasma opticus |
B | Corpus geniculatum laterale |
C | N. opticus |
D | Tractus opticus |
E | Sulcus calcarinus |
Question 146 |
Through which structure does communicate orbit with nasal cavity?
A | Anterior ethmoid foramen |
B | Optic canal |
C | Superiorr orbital fissure |
D | Inferior orbital fissure |
E | Nasolacrimal canal |
Question 147 |
Little finger felon was complicated by the phlegmon of hand and forearm. Purulent process has spread over:
A | Vagina tendinis musculi flexoris carpi radialis |
B | Interfascial compartments |
C | Vagina tendinis musculi flexoris pollicis longi |
D | Vagina communis tendinum musculorum flexorum |
E | Canalis carpalis |
Question 148 |
A 30 years old woman complained of pain in the lower part of the forearm. Traumatologist diagnosed damage of radio-carpal joint. This joint is:
A | Simple, ellipsoid |
B | Simple, cylindrical |
C | Complex condylar |
D | Complex, cylindrical |
E | Complex, ellipsoid |
Question 149 |
At the soccer match, a player has got a trauma of the joint. Which of the following statements related to ligamentum capitis femoris are false?
A | it is extracapsular ligament |
B | it is intracapsular ligament |
C | it supports the coxal joint |
D | it contains arterial vessel supplying the head of femur |
E | it extends from fossa acetabuli to fovea capitis femoris |
Question 150 |
The patient was hospitalized with a closed head trauma in the area of the occipital bone. The balance disorder and hands tremor were found during examination. What part of the brain could be damaged?
A | Diencephalon |
B | Pons |
C | Medulla oblongata |
D | Cerebellum |
E | Spinal cord |
Question 151 |
After the patient's brain computer tomography doctor has found a tumor that is localized in the area of inferior salivatory nucleus. In what part of the brain is salivatory nucleus located?
A | Midbrain |
B | Pons |
C | Cerebellum |
D | Medulla oblongata |
E | Diencephalon |
Question 152 |
At the soccer match, a player has got a trauma of the knee joint. At sciagram a fracture of bone located within the tendon of quadriceps muscle is marked. What group does this bone belong to?
A | sesamoid |
B | flat |
C | tubular |
D | irregular |
E | round |
Question 153 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with acute head pain. Which is not a paranasal sinus?
A | Right Maxillary Sinus |
B | Palatine Sinus |
C | Sphenoidal Sinus |
D | Left Maxillary Sinus |
E | Ethmoidal Sinus |
Question 154 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with an acute pain in the region of joint of the forearm. Which of the following is not characteristic of all synovial joints?
A | meniscus |
B | articular cartilage |
C | joint capsule |
D | synovial fluid |
E | intracapsular ligament |
Question 155 |
What is name of the muscle that abducts the thumb?
A | m. flexor pollicis brevis |
B | m. adductor pollicis |
C | m. opponens pollicis |
D | m. abductor pollicis brevis |
E | m. palmaris brevis |
Question 156 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a acute pain in the region of the forearm. Which of the following muscles does operate on two joint?
A | brachialis |
B | brachioradialis |
C | coracobrachialis |
D | anconeus |
E | biceps brachii |
Question 157 |
What is name of the muscule of the back that is connected to the humerus?
A | trapezius |
B | erector spine |
C | levator scapulae |
D | latissimus dorsi |
E | rhomboideus major |
Question 158 |
A patient cannot lift up the dropped lower jaw. What muscles don`t execute their function?
A | orbicularis oris |
B | muscles of facial expression |
C | muscles of mastication |
D | depressor anguli oris |
E | levator anguli oris |
Question 159 |
The patient 55 years old was admitted to the emergency department in unconscious condition. After MRI examination the hemorrhage in the area near posterior crus of internal capsule was found. The posterior crus of internal capsule is located between:
A | Insula and capsula externa |
B | Putamen and globus pallidus |
C | Thalamus and globus pallidus |
D | Globus pallidus and nucleus caudatus |
E | Nucleus caudatus and thalamus |
Question 160 |
Due to the tumor in the third ventricle of the brain the patient developed the autonomic disorders such as sleep disorders, thermoregulation, all types of metabolism disorders, diabetes insipidus. Irritating of nuclei of which areas of the brain caused these symptoms?
A | Tegmentum of the midbrain |
B | Medulla |
C | Hypothalamus |
D | Pons |
E | Peduncles of the brain |
Question 161 |
A man came to the hospital with the trauma of the head. After the examination, the doctor found the fracture of the facial bone of the skull. The fracture line passes through the condilar process. What bone was injured?
A | Maxilla |
B | Mandibula |
C | Os zygomaticus |
D | Os palatinum |
E | Os lacrimale |
Question 162 |
A 10 years old child has nasopharyngitis that is complicated by acute otitis. The middle ear is separated from the inner ear by:
A | oval window |
B | tympanic membrane |
C | round window |
Question 163 |
Examination of the brain using special X-ray has revealed that the 47 years old patient with a brain tumor has the expansion of I-st, II-nd and III-d ventricles. Indicate the most probable location of the tumor.
A | Medulla |
B | Pons |
C | Midbrain |
D | Cerebellum |
E | Telencephalon |
Question 164 |
What is the muscle responsible for bending of the foot?
A | Musculus triceps surae (Achilles' tendon) |
B | Musculus extensor policis longus |
C | Musculus tibialis anterior |
D | Musculus biceps femoris |
E | Musculus gracilis |
Question 165 |
A 40 years old man was taken to hospital with a sliver of the lower third of the front of the shoulder area. He has a limitation of flexion in the shoulder and elbow joints. Damage of which muscle led to these disorders?
A | M. coracobrachialis |
B | M. brachialis |
C | M. triceps brachii |
D | M. biceps brachii |
E | M. anconeus |
Question 166 |
On examination of the oral cavity, a dentist found the appearance of a child's first large lower molar teeth. What is the child's age?
A | 10-11 years |
B | 4-5 years |
C | 6-7 years |
D | 12-13 years |
E | 8-9 years |
Question 167 |
Dislocation of the mandible was established for the man, 35 years old. Where are caput mandibulae located in case of dislocation?
A | On the left from the tuberculum articulare. |
B | On the back from the tuberculum articulare. |
C | On the right from the tuberculum articulare. |
D | On top of the tuberculum articulare. |
E | In front of the tuberculum articulare. |
Question 168 |
An ambulance brought a 8 months old baby with the injury of the head in the anterior fontanel region. The X-ray found the damage of bone which limits this fontanel in front. What bone was damaged?
A | Os lacrimale |
B | Os zygomaticus |
C | Os frontale |
D | Os palatinum |
E | Maxilla |
Question 169 |
A patient with a tumor of the left main bronchus has complaints difficulties in the passage of food. Which does the organ may be involved in the malignant process?
A | The main bronchi |
B | Esophagus |
C | Retrosternal gland |
D | Heart |
E | Trachea |
Question 170 |
A footballer visited the doctor complaining of sudden pain in the right knee during the game. The examination showed displacement of the lateral meniscus. Which of the following structures is most likely to be damaged?
A | Posterior cruciate ligament and oblique ligament |
B | Anterior cruciate ligament and oblique ligament |
C | Cruciate ligament and collateral ligaments |
D | The transverse ligament |
E | Cruciate ligaments and ligament of the patella |
Question 171 |
On examination of the oral cavity, doctor found swelling, redness of the palate between arches. Which anatomical formation inflamed?
A | Tonsilla Lingualis |
B | Tonsilla Tubaria |
C | Tonsilla Pharyngea |
D | Tonsilla Palatine |
E | Tonsilla Adenoidea |
Question 172 |
After the injury the patient 22 years old was admitted to the neurological department. An increase pupil diameter and violations of pupillary reflex was found by the doctor during the examination. The function of what muscle was blocked?
A | Musculus rectus inferior |
B | Musculus sphincter pupillae |
C | Musculus dilatator pupillae |
D | Musculus rectus superior |
E | Musculus ciliaris |
Question 173 |
An X-ray examination has shown a comminuted fracture of the infraglenoid tubercle of a patient with a trauma in the shoulder joint area. Tendon of what muscle head beginning in this place has been damaged?
A | A long head of m. tricepitis brachii |
B | A short head of m. bicepitis brachii |
C | A medial head of m. tricepitis brachii |
D | A long head of m. bicepitis brachii |
E | A lateral head of m. tricepitis brachii |
Question 174 |
In the dental practice, there are incidents with the breach of outflow of secret of the parotid salivary gland through its excretory duct. Through what the muscle does run this duct?
A | M. zygomaticus minor |
B | M. orbicularis oris |
C | M. masseter |
D | M. buccinator |
E | M. zygomaticus major |
Question 175 |
What structures do limit the cubital fossa?
A | m. brachialis, m. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres. |
B | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres. |
C | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi radialis. |
D | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi ulnaris. |
E | M. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres, m. flexor carpi ulnaris. |
Question 176 |
The patient complains about the headache, dizziness, and balance disturbance. The obstruction of connection between the third and fourth ventricles was found. The fourth ventricle is located within:
A | rhombencephalon |
B | diencephalons |
C | spinal cord |
D | cerebrum |
E | mesencephalon |
Question 177 |
The patient does not understand the meaning of the words, as well as his own speech. What gyrus of the cerebral hemispheres is affected?
A | Inferior frontal gyrus |
B | Postcentral gyrus |
C | Superior parietal gyrus |
D | Superior temporal gyrus |
E | Inferior parietal gyrus |
Question 178 |
What is name of muscle that attaches to the zygomatic arch?
A | m. procerus |
B | m. risorius |
C | m. buccinator |
D | m. masseter |
E | m. orbicularis |
Question 179 |
A patient was hospitalized for the correction of the curvature of the nasal septum. Which bones must be corrected in this case?
A | Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and vomer |
B | Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone and vomer |
C | Horizontal plate of the palatine bone and vomer |
D | Nasal bone and vertical plate of the palatine bone |
E | Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and inferior nasal concha |
Question 180 |
X-ray showed the intraarticular fracture of the proximal epiphysis of the humerus. What the structure of the humerus is damaged?
A | Collum chirurgicum |
B | Tuberculum minor |
C | Caput humeri |
D | Crista tuberculi minor |
E | Crista tuberculi major |
Question 181 |
A patient was hospitalized for the correction of the curvature of the nasal septum. Which bones must be corrected in this case?
A | Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and vomer |
B | Nasal bone and vertical plate of the palatine bone |
C | Horizontal plate of the palatine bone and vomer |
D | Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone and vomer |
E | Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and inferior nasal concha |
Question 182 |
A casualty has a trauma of soft tissues and parietal bones in the saggital suture area with profuse bleeding. What formation is probably injured?
A | Sinus sagittalis inferior |
B | Sinus transverses |
C | Sinus sagittalis superior |
D | Sinus petrosus superior |
E | Sinus rectus |
Question 183 |
A 28-year old woman was diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy which was complicated by rupture of the fallopian tube. In what space of the peritoneum can blood appear?
A | Vesicouterine |
B | Rectouterine |
C | Right mesenteric sinus |
D | Left mesenteric sinus |
E | Intersigmoidal sinus |
Question 184 |
Patient with impaired respiratory function must undergo tracheostomy. We should remember that the isthmus of the thyroid gland is often located at the level of the following cartilaginous rings of the trachea:
A | III-IV |
B | IV-V |
C | V-VI |
D | I-II |
E | II-IV |
Question 185 |
What is name of the bones that are foremed the zygomatic arch?
A | Temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
B | Temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the frontal bone |
C | Temporal process of the frontal bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
D | Zygomatic process of the maxilla and zygomatic process of the frontal bone |
E | Zygomatic process of the maxilla and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
Question 186 |
The patient of 63 years old adverted to the neurologist with a complaint that he had not had a possibility to perform carpentry for 3 monthes, because his right hand has many inaccurate movements. The doctor found that the patient has lesion in:
A | Gyrus angularis |
B | Gyrus temporalis superior |
C | Gyrus precentralis |
D | Gyrus postcentralis |
E | Gyrus supramarginalis |
Question 187 |
A sportsman has got a trauma of the joint of the lower limb and was admitted to the hospital. The articulatio tarsi transversa is composed of:
A | art.calcaneocuboidea and art.talonavicularis |
B | art.talonavicularis and art.cuneonavicularis |
C | art.talonavicularis and art.talonavicularis |
D | art.calcaneocuboidea and art.subtalaris |
E | art.talonavicularis and art.talocruralis |
Question 188 |
The patient, 22 years old, was admitted to the neurosurgical department after a car accident with a brain injury. The lesion of the posterior part of the left inferior frontal gyrus was defined. Thus, the function of which analyzer center is disturbed?
A | Motor center |
B | Motor center of oral speech |
C | Somatosensory center |
D | Motor center of writing speech |
E | Sound analyzer |
Question 189 |
Reiter's disease is a simultaneous destruction of eyeballs, urinary tract and joints. The most often defined by lesion in vascular layer. Which are parts of vascular layer?
A | Iris, corpus ciliare, sclera |
B | Corpus vitreum, iris, corpus ciliare |
C | Iris, lens, corpus ciliare |
D | Iris, corpus ciliare, choroidea |
E | Cornea, iris, corpus ciliare |
Question 190 |
A man was brought in a surgical department with a wound on the medial border of the forearm. The examination showed that the patient damaged the process which borders with incisura trochlearis . What the process was damaged?
A | Tuberositas ulnae |
B | Procesus coronoideus. |
C | Margo interosseus |
D | Olecranon |
E | Processus styloideus |
Question 191 |
The patient has applied to traumatologist with the trauma of shoulder. What wall of the axillary cavity has trilaterum and quadrilaterum openings?
A | posterior |
B | medial |
C | intermediana |
D | lateral |
E | anterior |
Question 192 |
A patient has an inflammation of sphenoid sinus. Where does the aperture of this sinus open?
A | Inferior nasal meatus |
B | Middle nasal meatus |
C | Infundibulum |
D | Common nasal meatus |
E | Sphenoethmoidal recess |
Question 193 |
The mother appealed for help to the pediatrician. Sick 14 months girl with fever, crying, taking toys into the mouth. Which tooth erupt at this age?
A | First upper molar |
B | Premolar |
C | Canine |
D | Medial lower incisor |
E | Power second molar |
Question 194 |
The patient after traumatic brain injury has reduced skin sensitivity. What is the area of the cerebral cortex that could be affected?
A | Occipital area |
B | Frontal area of the cortex |
C | Cingular gyrus |
D | Precentral gyrus |
E | Postcentral gyrus |
Question 195 |
During a game a basketball-player injured his right leg in consequence of which he couldn't bend the right foot. A doctor detected that tendons were injured. The tendon of what muscle was injured?
A | Sartorius |
B | Triceps surae |
C | Tibialis anterior |
D | Extensor hallucis longus |
E | Biceps femoris |
Question 196 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a pain in a joint. A fracture across the intertrochanteric line would involve which bone?
A | fibula |
B | patella |
C | tibia |
D | ilium |
E | femur |
Question 197 |
After the injury of the hip joint in the patient has a limitation of movements. What is the hip joint by shape and number of axes?
A | Art. sellaris. |
B | Art. ginglymus. |
C | Art. spheroidea. |
D | Art. cotylica. |
E | Art. trochoidea. |
Question 198 |
Patient had trepanation and curettage of temporal bone cells (due to) purulent inflammation which moved from the middle ear. On which process the surgery was done?
A | Processus pterygoideus |
B | Processus jugularis |
C | Processus zygomaticus |
D | Processus mastoideus |
E | Processus styloideus |
Question 199 |
After a fall from a height a casualty is diagnosed a compression fracture of lumbar vertebra. The curvature of lumbar lordosis has sharply increased. Injury of what ligaments can cause such change of vertebral column curvature?
A | Yellow |
B | Supraspinal |
C | Intertraverse |
D | Anterior longitudinal |
E | Posterior longitudinal |
Question 200 |
Cervical vertebrae are distinguished by the presence of:
A | auricular surfaces |
B | fovea |
C | transverse foramina |
D | bifid process |
E | round vertebral foramen |
Question 201 |
Woman 58 years old was addressed to the doctor with complaints of loss of taste sensitivity of the tongue. An examination by NMR a hemorrhage in the area of the medulla oblongata was discovered. Damage of which nucleus of the medulla oblongata could lead to loss of taste in the patient?
A | Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi |
B | Nucleus ambiguus |
C | Nucleus nervi hypoglossi |
D | Nucleus salivatorius inferior |
E | Nucleus tractus solitarii |
Question 202 |
After a craniocerebral injury a patient has lost the ability to recognize shapes of object by touch (stereognosis). What area of cerebral cortex does normally contain relevant centers?
A | Angular gyrus |
B | Supramarginal gyrus |
C | Superior parietal lobule |
D | Inferior parietal lobule |
E | Postcentral gyrus |
Question 203 |
The patient has the limitation of elevation of the lateral edge of the foot. The function of which muscle is broken?
A | M. triceps surae |
B | M. extensor digitorum longus |
C | M. tibialis anterior |
D | M. peroneus |
E | M. quadriceps femoris |
Question 204 |
The Parkinson disease was revealed in woman of 49 years old. In MRI image the degradation of substantia nigra was found. The substantia nigra is a source:
A | of acetylcholine |
B | of serotonine |
C | of adrenaline |
D | of melatonin |
E | of dopamine |
Question 205 |
After the brain injury the patient has lost the ability to perform complex coordinated movements that had been well-known to him before the injury. In which area of the cerebral cortex could be the injury?
A | Gyrus lingualis |
B | Gyrus supramarginalis |
C | Gyrus angularis |
D | Gyrus parahipocampalis |
E | Gyrus precentralis |
Question 206 |
During the examination of a patient of 54 years old the tumor of internal structure of the pons at the formation of corpus trapezoideum was revealed. What pathways of the brain do belong to corpus trapezoideum?
A | Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior |
B | Tractus spinothalamicus anterior |
C | Tractus Acusticus |
D | Tractus spinothalamicus lateralis |
E | Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior |
Question 207 |
The boy, who is 13 years old, with long-term inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity has symptoms of inflammanation of frontal sinus (sinusitis). Through which formation of the nasal cavity was it possible for the infection to spread in this sinus?
A | Semilunar hiatus. |
B | Sphenopalatine foramen. |
C | Sphenoethmoidal recess. |
D | Infundibulum ethmoidale. |
E | Cellulae ethmoidales. |
Question 208 |
What is name of the muscle responsible for thumb abduction?
A | Musculi lubricales |
B | Musculus opponens |
C | Musculus abductor policis brevis |
D | Musculus palmaris brevis |
E | Musculus abductor policis |
Question 209 |
During an operation on crural hernia the lateral wall of the internal crural ring was touched. What anatomic formation was damaged?
A | Inguinal ligament |
B | Pectineal ligament |
C | Femoral artery |
D | Iliopectineal arch |
E | Femoral vein |
Question 210 |
In the emergency hospital was delivered a woman, 57 years old, with a brain injury. After the examination it was necessary to perform surgical intervention of the cranial cavity. During the operation neurosurgeon cut the bone just before coronal suture (sutura coronalis). What bone did surgeon cut?
A | Frontal bone. |
B | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
C | Temporal bone (os temporale). |
D | Occipital (os occipitale). |
E | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale). |
Question 211 |
From the sports man, 24 years old, was taken to hospital with face injury. The doctor of the receiving department established fracture of the facial skull bone. Fracture line passes through the infraorbital edge (margo infraorbitalis). What bone is injured?
A | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
B | Maxilla. |
C | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
D | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
E | Mandibula. |
Question 212 |
Male 56 years came to the dentist, doctor for the purpose of anesthesia of large molars made anesthetic injection (painkillers) to formation of the upper jaw, which is the entry point of the nerves of the infratemporal fossa through foramina alveolaria to the alveolae dentales. Where did the doctor inject the anesthetic?
A | Processus palatinus. |
B | Processus alveolaris. |
C | Tuber maxillae. |
D | Sinus maxillaris. |
E | Processus frontalis. |
Question 213 |
The man, 34 years old, with inflammation of sphenoid sinus, and doctor observed outflow of turbid fluid from the opening of the sinus. In which part of the nasal cavity does fluid enter first from sphenoid sinus?
A | Meatus nasi medius. |
B | Recessus sphenoethmoidalis. |
C | Meatus nasi communis. |
D | Infundibulum. |
E | Meatus nasi inferior. |
Question 214 |
What is name of the structure between the nasal cavity and sphenoid sinus?
A | Foramen ovale |
B | Foramen rotundum |
C | Recessus sphenoethmoidalis |
D | Foramen sphenopalatinum |
E | Foramen sinus sphenoidalis |
Question 215 |
What is name of the anterior group of muscles of the lower leg?
A | M. soleus |
B | M. extensor hallucis longus |
C | M. extensor digitorum brevis |
D | M. flexor digitorum longus |
E | M. fibularis longus |
Question 216 |
What is the name the ligament of the hip joint in the area of spina iliaca anterior inferior?
A | Lig. ischiofemorale |
B | Lig. iliofemorale |
C | Lig.transversum acetabuli |
D | Zona orbicularis |
E | Lig. capitis femoris |
Question 217 |
Doctor removed the little 5 years old girl tooth which had two roots. What was a tooth?
A | Molar of the upper jaw |
B | Canine of the upper jaw |
C | Molar of the lower jaw |
D | Premolar of the upper jaw |
E | Premolar of the lower jaw |
Question 218 |
To the hospital applied a man with the sliced wound of the lower third of the anterior surface of the forearm. As a result, he can not bend the wrist and proximal phalanx II-V fingers. What muscle is damaged?
A | M. flexor carpi radialis |
B | Flexor digitorum superficialis |
C | M. pronator quadratus |
D | Flexor carpi ulnaris |
E | M. brachioradialis |
Question 219 |
A patient was admitted to hospital with some tubular digestive organs injury. The tunica muscularis of this tubular organs consists of two layers, except:
A | duodenum |
B | ileum |
C | esophagus |
D | jejunum |
E | stomach |
Question 220 |
A 50 years old man was taken to hospital with acute pain in the abdomen. The patient needs emergency surgery, during which the abdominal cavity must be widely open. In which place have to do surgeon the section to avoid a large blood loss?
A | Through the rectus abdominis |
B | On the lateral border of the rectus abdominis on the right site |
C | Above the inguinal ligament on the left site |
D | Through the linea alba |
E | Above the inguinal ligament on the right site |
Question 221 |
A 40 years old man was taken to hospital with a sliver of the lower third of the front of the shoulder area. He has a limitation of flexion in the shoulder and elbow joints. Damage of which muscle led to these disorders?
A | M. brachialis. |
B | M. coracobrachialis. |
C | M. biceps brachii |
D | M. anconeus. |
E | M. triceps brachii. |
Question 222 |
A patient was the trauma of hip region and the fracture of os ilium in the area of spina iliaca anterior inferior. Also were injured fibers of ligament of the hip joint. Fibres of which ligament were damaged?
A | Lig. capitis femoris |
B | Lig. ischiofemorale |
C | Lig.transversum acetabuli |
D | Lig. iliofemorale |
E | Zona orbicularis |
Question 223 |
The subarachnoidal posttraumatic hematoma was revealed in the parietal region of the patient. The patient had lost sensitivity of the body. What gyrus could be compressed by the hematoma?
A | Angular |
B | Superior parietal |
C | Precentral |
D | Postcentral |
E | Superior temporal |
Question 224 |
After the trauma the patient 45 years old has loss of sensitivity on specific areas of the right part of the body. What gyrus of the cerebral hemispheres is affected?
A | Superior temporal gyrus |
B | Middle temporal gyrus |
C | Inferior temporal gyrus |
D | Postcentral gyrus |
E | Precentral gyrus |
Question 225 |
The carotid artery should be pressed to the tubercle of the transverse processes of one of the cervical vertebras. What is name this vertebra?
A | V |
B | IV |
C | III |
D | VI |
E | II |
Question 226 |
To the hospital applied a man with the fracture of the upper third of the humerus with a displacement of fragments, as a result blood vessels and nerves that pass through foramen quadrilaterum of the posterior wall of the axillary cavity, were damaged. What structure limits the foramen quadrilaterum?
A | M. latissimus dorsi, m. infraspinatus, m. coracobrachialis, m. brachialis |
B | M. teres major, m. biceps brachii, os humeri, m. brachialis |
C | M. teres major, m teres minor, m. triceps brachii, m. brachialis |
D | M. teres major, m. teres minor, m. triceps brachii, os humeri |
Question 227 |
X-ray of a patient showed the destruction and increase of Turkish saddle because of pituitary tumors. Which bone cavity was destroyed?
A | Canalis opticus |
B | Canalis caroticus |
C | Canalis facialis |
D | Tympanic cavity |
E | Sinus of sphenoid bone |
Question 228 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with muscles of facial expression disorder. The facial nerve passes through the foramen
A | stylomastoid |
B | rotundum |
C | ovale |
D | spinosum |
E | lacerum |
Question 229 |
After an injury a patient can not raise his hand to the horizontal level. Which muscle is injured?
A | Biceps muscle of arm |
B | Deltoid |
C | Trapezius |
D | Triceps muscle of arm |
E | Broadest muscle of back |
Question 230 |
In a patient, liquid food enters the nasal cavity through the upper wall of the mouth due to damage of the bone formation. Which anatomic formation is damaged?
A | circular muscle of mouth |
B | root of the tongue |
C | palate |
D | pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube (eustachian cushion) |
Question 231 |
A patient is performed left-sided pulmonectomy due to lung cancer. A surgeon should recall the order of the anatomical structures of the right lung root (top down).
A | vein, artery, bronchus |
B | veins, bronchus, artery |
C | artery, bronchus, veins |
D | artery, vein, bronchus |
E | bronchus, artery, vein |
Question 232 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a joint pain. A cruciate ligaments are characteristic of:
A | wrist joint |
B | knee joint |
C | hip joint |
D | elbow joint |
E | shoulder joint |
Question 233 |
Right palpebral fissure of a patient is noticeably bigger than the left one. Which facial muscle function is damaged?
A | Corrugator |
B | Occipitofrontal (frontal belly) |
C | Procerus |
D | Orbicular muscle of eye |
E | Greater zygomatic |
Question 234 |
A patient suffers from urination delay from urinary bladder. What genital gland is involved in pathological process?
A | Vesicula seminalis |
B | Testis |
C | Prostata |
D | Epididimis |
E | Bulbourethral gland |
Question 235 |
During writing the medical history of a patient, the doctor noted that the trauma is located in the submandibular triangle. Which of the following anatomical structures border this area?
A | M. sternocleidomastoideus |
B | Midline of the neck |
C | M. omohyoideus |
D | M. trapezius |
E | Inferior border of the mandible |
Question 236 |
The patient 26 years old lost the ability to read letters, words and phrases after the surgery. In what area of the cortex this function was not restored?
A | Gyrus temporalis superior |
B | Gyrus supramarginalis |
C | Cuneus |
D | Sulcus calcarinus |
E | Gyrus angularis |
Question 237 |
In the young man, the humerus is broken in the area of crista tuberculi majoris. Movements are limited. What muscle is attached to cristae tuberculi majoris humeri?
A | M. serratus anterior. |
B | M. transversus thoracis. |
C | M. subclavius. |
D | M. pectoralis major |
Question 238 |
Name the anterior group of muscles of the tibia:
A | M. soleus |
B | M. flexor digitorum longus |
C | M. extensor hallucis longus |
D | M. extensor digitorum brevis |
E | M. fibularis longus |
Question 239 |
A woman was brought by an ambulance to the emergency department with a trauma of the cervical region of the vertebral column. The radiologist diagnosed the fracture of nonbifid spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae. The spinous process of which cervical vertebra is fractured?
A | III |
B | IV |
C | VI |
D | V |
E | VII |
Question 240 |
Inefficiency of orthodontic treatment of child caused by sustained mouth breathing, because nasal breathing is difficult. Which of the tonsils are hypertrophied?
A | Palate and tubal |
B | Palate |
C | Pharyngeal |
D | Tubal |
E | Lingual |
Question 241 |
In the hospital came a 57 years old man with the injury of the head. After the examination, the doctor found that the crack runs along the inferior surface of the temporal bone. What structure are located on the inferior surface?
A | hiatus canalis nervi petrosi minoris |
B | foramen caroticum internum |
C | foramen jugulare |
D | foramen spinosum |
Question 242 |
What is name the muscle that attached to the crista tuberculi minoris ossis humeri?
A | M. rhomboideus major |
B | M. rhomboideus minor |
C | M. serratus posterior superior |
D | M. latissimus dorsi |
E | M. trapezius |
Question 243 |
In a case of the cerebrospinal fluid pathways blockade at the median and lateral apertures of IV ventricle the occlusive syndrome develops. In what sctructure cerebrospinal fluid outflows from IV ventricle normally through these apertures?
A | III ventricle |
B | Cerebral aqueduct |
C | Central canal |
D | Subarachnoid space |
E | Lateral ventricles |
Question 244 |
After the fall a woman received a fracture of olecranon of the ulna, as a result she can’t straighten the upper limb in the elbow and shoulder joints. The function of which muscle is broken?
A | M coracobrachialis. |
B | M. triceps brachii. |
C | M. biceps brachii. |
D | M. brachialis. |
E | M. anconeus. |
Question 245 |
After injury a boy has a fracture of the patella. The function of which muscle will be broken?
A | M. sartorius. |
B | M. quadriceps femoris. |
C | M. semimembranosus. |
D | M. biceps femoris. |
E | M. semitendinosus. |
Question 246 |
What ligament must be cut by surgeon to separate an ovary from uterus?
A | Lig.teres uteri |
B | Lig.suspensorium ovarii |
C | Lig.umbilicale mediale |
D | Lig.ovarii proprium |
E | Lig.umbilicale mediale |
Question 247 |
It is known, that fractures of bones both at youths and elder men happen in the area of the surgical neck. Indicate, on which of the following bones is this landmark present?
A | radius |
B | humerus |
C | humerus |
D | fibula |
E | femur |
Question 248 |
During the right-sided lobectomy surgery, a surgeon approached the root of the right lung for the purpose of separation and processing its components. Specify the order of the elements of the root of the right lung which the doctor sees in the separation and processing from top to bottom?
A | bronchus, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein |
B | Phrenic nerve, bronchus, bronchial artery and vein |
C | Pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, bronchus |
D | Bronchus, pulmonary artery, phrenic nerve |
E | Pulmonary artery, bronchus, pulmonary veins |
Question 249 |
X-ray of a patient showed the destruction and increase of Turkish saddle because of pituitary tumors. Which bone cavity was destroyed?
A | Tympanic cavity |
B | Canalis opticus |
C | Sinus of sphenoid bone |
D | Canalis facialis |
E | Canalis caroticus |
Question 250 |
What structures do limit lacuna musculorum?
A | Lig. inquinale, lig lacunare, os pubis. |
B | Lig. inquinale, os ilium, lig. pectineale. |
C | Lig. inquinale, lig. lacunare, lig. pectineale. |
D | Lig. inquinale, os ilium, arcus ileopectineus. |
E | Lig. inquinale, arcus ileopectineus, os pubis. |
Question 251 |
During the examination of 45 years old woman, the traumatologist found that musculus teres minor was damaged. which function of the shoulder joint is lost?
A | Pronation |
B | Adduction |
C | Abduction |
D | Extension |
E | Flexion |
Question 252 |
Dentist during tooth extraction destroys cement connections between tooth root and dental alveolus. What this structure?
A | Dentinum |
B | Pulpa dentis |
C | Gingiva |
D | Cementum |
E | Periodontium |
Question 253 |
A 39-year-old man has been taken to a traumatology center with a left hand trauma. Examination has shown an incised wound in the region of the left hand thumb eminence; the proximal phalanx of the I finger does not bend. What muscle has been damaged?
A | Opposer muscle of thumb |
B | Short flexor of thumb |
C | Adductor of thumb |
D | Short abductor muscle of thumb |
E | Long flexor of thumb |
Question 254 |
A 38-year-old man with a right hand trauma has been taken to a traumatology center. Examination has shown an incised wound in the region of the right hand thumb eminence; the distal phalanx of the I finger does not bend. What muscle has been damaged?
A | Opposer muscle of thumb |
B | A. Long flexor of thumb |
C | Adductor of thumb |
D | Short abductor muscle of thumb |
E | Short flexor of thumb |
Question 255 |
What is the name the nonbifid spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae?
A | V |
B | VI |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | VII |
Question 256 |
After the circulatory disorder of the brain the patient has lost the ability to write letters and numbers. In what part of the brain did this pathology occurr?
A | Lobus frontalis |
B | Lobus temporalis |
C | Lobus parietalis |
D | Insula |
E | Lobus occipitalis |
Question 257 |
What is topographical formation of the base of fornix of the skull that conects tympanic cavity and nasal cavity?
A | Canalis facialis |
B | Canalis caroticus |
C | Canaliculus tympanicus |
D | Canalis musculotubaris |
E | Canaliculus chordae tympani |
Question 258 |
What is name of the muscle that is connected to the patella?
A | M. quadriceps femoris |
B | M. sartorius |
C | M. semimembranosus |
D | M. semitendinosus |
E | M. biceps femoris |
Question 259 |
In a boy 12 years old inflammation of the inner ear was complicated by diffuse meningitis. The doctor suggested that the process spread through communication between the subarachnoid space of the brain and the perilymphatic space of the inner ear. Through which anatomical formation this inflammation could pass?
A | Hiatus canalis n. petrosi majoris |
B | Aqueductus vestibuli |
C | Fossa subarcuata |
D | Fissura petrosquamosa |
E | Hiatus canalis n. petrosi minoris |
Question 260 |
A doctor during the examination of nasal cavity of woman, 54 years, established the narrowing of the set due to nasal benign tumor in the area of projection of canalis incisivus. Which nasal passage is narrowed in this scenario?
A | Meatus nasopharyngeus. |
B | Meatus nasi medius. |
C | Meatus nasi communis. |
D | Meatus nasi superior. |
E | Meatus nasi interior. |
Question 261 |
In a patient, a doctor diagnosed brain damage after strike head on the ground. The median atlantoaxial joint is classified as:
A | gliding |
B | pivot |
C | condyloid |
D | ball-and-socket |
E | hinge |
Question 262 |
To the hospital applied a woman which has a problem with genital organs. Which of the following structures does derive from ductus paramesonephricus?
A | Ductus excretorius |
B | Ductus deferens |
C | Ductus epididymidis |
D | Ductus ejaculatorius |
E | Tuba uterina |
Question 263 |
Because of fall, a patient got a fracture of upper part of the humerus. One of the back muscle is dysfunctional, this muscle is attached to the crista tuberculi minoris ossis humeri. What muscle is damaged?
A | M. serratus posterior superior |
B | M. rhomboideus major |
C | M. latissimus dorsi |
D | M. rhomboideus minor |
E | M. trapezius |
Question 264 |
As a result of fall, a 10 years old child received the dislocation of the sternum in sterno-clavicular joint. What muscle does strengthen this joint?
A | M. pectoralis minor |
B | M. pectoralis major |
C | M. serratus anterior |
D | transversus thoracis |
E | M. subclavius |
Question 265 |
During the examination of a patient, the doctor found the asymmetry of his face. The patient can not wrinkle his forehead, raise the eyebrows, whistle or completely close his eye. The function of what muscles is broken?
A | Infrahyoid muscles |
B | Chewing muscles |
C | Mimic muscles |
D | Subcutaneous muscles |
E | Suprahyoid muscles |
Question 266 |
After the trauma of the head, the patient 49 years old lost an ability to recognize the surface and the shape of things by touching (stereognosis). In which areas of the cerebral cortex normally the center of stereognosis is localized?
A | Inferior parietal lobes |
B | Superior parietal lobes |
C | Parietal gyrus |
D | Supramarginal gyrus |
E | Angular gyrus |
Question 267 |
What muscle goes through the incisura ischiadiaca major?
A | Musculus gluteus medius |
B | Musculus obturatorius externus |
C | Musculus quadratus lumborum |
D | Musculus piriformis |
E | Musculus obturatorius internus |
Question 268 |
A patient came to the hospital with a complaint of pain, limitation of movement in the radio-carpal joint. What movements are limited in the joint?
A | Abductio, adductio, ircumductio |
B | Flexio, extensio, abductio, adductio, circumductio |
C | Flexio, extensio, rotatio |
D | Flexio, extensio, ircumductio |
E | Abductio, adductio, rotatio |
Question 269 |
After the fall a woman received a fracture of olecranon of the ulna, as a result she can’t straighten the upper limb in the elbow and shoulder joints. The function of which muscle is broken?
A | M. biceps brachii. |
B | M. triceps brachii. |
C | M. anconeus. |
D | M coracobrachialis. |
E | M. brachialis. |
Question 270 |
The articulatio tarsi transversa is composed of:
A | art. talonavicularis and art. talocruralis |
B | art. calcaneocuboidea and art. subtalaris |
C | art. talonavicularis and art. talonavicularis |
D | art. calcaneocuboidea and art. talonavicularis |
E | art. talonavicularis and art. cuneonavicularis |
Question 271 |
After a chest trauma in a patient appears a pain during the breathing, especially during expiration. What muscle does depress ribs and take part in expiration?
A | M. serratus posterior superior. |
B | M. trapezius. |
C | M. serratus posterior inferior. |
D | M. rhomboideus major. |
E | M latissimus dorsi. |
Question 272 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with acute pain in the gluteal area. A muscle dividing the foramen ischiadicum majus into upper and lower parts is:
A | gemelli |
B | obturatorius internus |
C | piriformis |
D | obturatorius externus |
E | quadratus femoris |
Question 273 |
During physical training a 15-year-old pupil felt pain in the hip joint area after the lower extremity internal rotation. Traumatologist detected an injury of a muscle tendon. What muscle is it?
A | M. obturatorius internus |
B | M. piriformis |
C | M. obturatorius externus |
D | M. gluteus medius |
E | M. quadratus femoris |
Question 274 |
The patient after the stroke has the hemorrhage in the area of the medial surface of the occipital lobe of the brain. The function of which analyzer is likely to be broken?
A | Somatosensory |
B | Visual |
C | Auditory |
D | Gustatory |
E | Olfactory |
Question 275 |
A mother appealed to a pediatrician complaining of her 1-year-old child's neck always turned to the left. What neck muscle is underdeveloped?
A | Long muscle of neck |
B | Sternocleidomastoid |
C | Platysma |
D | Thyrohyoid |
E | Digastric |
Question 276 |
A surgeon must amputate a gangrenous part of the foot at Chopart joint in a patient. Which of the following ligaments is a key for this operation?
A | lig.mediale (deltoideum) |
B | lig.collaterale |
C | lig.laterale |
D | lig.bifurcatum |
E | lig.plantare longum |
Question 277 |
Through what muscle does run the parotid salivary gland duct?
A | M. masseter |
B | M. zygomaticus minor |
C | M. orbicularis oris |
D | M. buccinator |
E | M. zygomaticus major |
Question 278 |
In surgical delivered was taken a man with a deep sliver of the I intercarpal space. It is discovered a damage of m. adductor pollicis. Which function is broken?
A | Extensio |
B | Flexio
C | Adductio |
D | Rotatio |
E | Abductio |
Question 279 |
After the fracture of bones in a distal part of the forearm and long-term immobilization in a patient the limitation of movements at wrist joint came into being. What movements, peculiar to this joint, must be renewed by persistent training?
A | Flexion-extension, abduction-adduction, rotation |
B | Rotation, flexion-extension |
C | Abduction-adduction |
D | Flexion-extension, abduction-adduction |
E | Flexion-extension |
Question 280 |
What is name of the muscle which tendon leaves the pelvis cavity through foramen ischiadicus major?
A | M. obturatorius internus. |
B | M. piriformis. |
C | M. quadratus femoris. |
D | M. gluteus medius. |
E | M. obturatorius externus. |
Question 281 |
To establish the border between cervical and thoracic spines a doctor must palpate the process of C VII. What process is this?
A | Spinous |
B | Mastoid |
C | Inferior articular |
D | Superior articular |
E | Transverse |
Question 282 |
A patient came to the doctor with complaints of tremor of the fingers and the whole body, muscle weakness, palpitations, sleep disorders, weight loss with increased appetite. Symptoms of which gland's disorder are observed in the patient?
A | Thyroid |
B | Epiphysis |
C | Adrenal |
D | Pituitary |
E | Pancreatic |
Question 283 |
What is name of the muscle that is conected to the mandible on the right side?
A | M. pterygoideus lateralis sinister |
B | M. zygomaticus major |
C | M. temporalis dexter |
D | M. pterygoideus lateralis dexter |
E | M. masseter sinister |
Question 284 |
A 5 years old child who is diagnosed with severe diphtheria was hospitalized in the infectious department. To prevent suffocation child had the tracheostomy. In which triangle of the neck the operation was performed?
A | Submandibulare |
B | Omotrapezoideum |
C | Caroticum |
D | Omotracheale |
E | Omoclaviculare |
Question 285 |
A 30-year-old patient with a second upper molar pulp inflammation appealed to a doctor with complaints of headache and nose rheum. After examination pulpitis complicated with sinusitis was diagnosed. Which sinus did the infection enter from this tooth root canal?
A | Ethmoid cells |
B | Frontal sinus |
C | Sphenoidal sinus |
D | Maxillary sinus |
E | Mastoid cells |
Question 286 |
A 25-year-old man appealed to a doctor with complaints of movements damage in the knee joint - anteroposterior displacement of the crus about the femur (so-called drawer sign) – that appeared after a trauma. What ligaments of the knee joint are injured?
A | Cruciate |
B | Arcuate popliteal |
C | Interosseous membrane of leg |
D | Oblique popliteal |
E | Collateral |
Question 287 |
Patient, 49 years old, was appealed to the doctor with complaints about the appearance of dark spots before his eyes. After ophthalmoscopy the swelling of retina in the area that is most sensitive to light was revealed. What was the area of the retina that was affected?
A | Pars caeca retinae |
B | Macula lutea |
C | Ora serata |
D | Fovea centralis |
E | Discus nervi optici |
Question 288 |
A patient was diagnosed with dislocation of the clavicle acromial end. A gap between ligaments of the acromial-clavicular joint was found. Which ligaments were damaged?
A | Ligg. coracoclaviculare et acromioclaviculare |
B | Ligg. collaterale tibiale et fibulare |
C | Ligg. collaterale ulnare et radiale |
D | Ligg. cruciatum anterius et posterius |
E | Ligg. sacrotuberale et sacrospinale |
Question 289 |
In surgical delivered was taken a man with a deep sliver of the I intercarpal space. It is discovered a damage of m. adductor pollicis. Which function is broken?
A | Adductio |
B | Extensio |
C | Flexio |
D | Rotatio |
E | Abductio |
Question 290 |
In the cystoscope field, flat mucosa has no folds. Which part of the bladder is in the field?
A | bottom |
B | body |
C | neck |
D | top |
E | cystic triangle |
Question 291 |
A 35-years-old patient has been delivered into the surgical ward with a suppurating wound in the neck, anterior to trachea (previsceral space). If a surgical operation is not performed urgently, there is a risk of infection spreading to:
A | Retrovisceral space |
B | Thoracic cavity - posterior mediastinum. |
C | Interaponeuritic suprasternal space |
D | Thoracic cavity-middle mediastinum |
E | Thoracic cavity-anterior mediastinum |
Question 292 |
A woman, 67 years old, with a brain injury, after X-ray doctor discovered the fracture of the facial skull bones. Fracture line is located along linea mylohyoidea. What bone is injured?
A | Maxilla. |
B | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
C | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
D | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
E | Mandibula. |
Question 293 |
During a traffic accident a driver got multiple injuries of the lateral face area including jugal bridge fracture. Which muscle function is affected?
A | Buccinator |
B | Risorius |
C | Procerus |
D | Orbicular muscle of mouth |
E | Masseter |
Question 294 |
A child fractured his humerus. The broken arm showed decreased growth (compared with his second arm). Which part of the bone was affected?
A | apophysis |
B | medullary canal |
C | metaphysis |
D | diaphysis |
E | epiphysis |
Question 295 |
A patient has inflammation of the sphenoid sinus. Where does its aperture open?
A | Meatus nasi communis |
B | Infundibulum |
C | Recessus sphenoethmoidalis |
D | Meatus nasi medius |
E | Meatus nasi inferior |
Question 296 |
А patient had trepanation and curettage of temporal bone cells (due to) purulent inflammation which moved from the middle ear. On which process the surgery was done?
A | Processus jugularis |
B | Processus styloideus |
C | Processus pterygoideus |
D | Processus mastoideus |
E | Processus zygomaticus |
Question 297 |
In the surgical department was brought a man with an injury of the brain. A doctor established the bone injury, which takes part in the formation of the lateral walls of the right orbit. Which bone was damaged?
A | Right zygomatic bone. |
B | Right temporal bone. |
C | Right maxilla. |
D | Right frontal bone. |
E | Right ethmoid bone. |
Question 298 |
A patient complains of pain in the left part of the neck, which intensifies with head movements. The best position is bending the neck to the left and rotating the face to the right. Which muscle is injured?
A | Right sternocleidomastoid |
B | Left platysma |
C | Left sternocleidomastoid |
D | Long muscle of neck |
E | Right platysma |
Question 299 |
What is the ribs that don’t have articular surface on the tuberculum costae?
A | VII |
B | X |
C | XII |
D | III |
E | V |
Question 300 |
What is name the muscle that depresses ribs and takes part in expiration?
A | M. latissimus dorsi |
B | M. trapezius |
C | M. serratus posterior inferior |
D | M. serratus posterior superior |
E | M. rhomboideus major |
Question 301 |
A man went to the hospital with a brain injury. The doctor found a fracture in the skull. The line of fracture passes through linea nuchae superior. Which bone was injured?
A | os frontale |
B | os temporale |
C | os occipitale |
D | os parietale |
E | os ethmoidale |
Question 302 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a pain in the region of the knee joint. A canal leading from thigh to popliteal fossa is:
A | adductorius |
B | cruropopliteal |
C | musculoperoneus superior |
D | musculoperoneus inferior |
E | lateral |
Question 303 |
In a case of the cerebrospinal fluid pathways blockade at the median and lateral apertures of IV ventricle the occlusive syndrome develops. In what sctructure cerebrospinal fluid outflows from IV ventricle normally through these apertures?
A | Lateral ventricles |
B | Cerebral aqueduct |
C | Subarachnoid space |
D | III ventricle |
E | Central canal |
Question 304 |
The patient needs the catheterization and injection of medicine into the subclavian vein. The catheter is situated in the area of trigonum clavipectorale. What structures do limit it?
A | Clavicula and superior border of musculus pectoralis minor. |
B | Clavicula and inferior border of musculus pectoralis minor. |
C | Inferior border of musculus pectoralis major and inferior border of musculus pectoralis minor |
D | Inferior and superior borders of musculus pectoralis minor. |
E | Clavicula and superior border of musculus pectoralis major. |
Question 305 |
In a patient at appendectomy a surgeon dissects the muscular fibers of anterior abdominal wall successively as follow:
A | Transversus, internal oblique |
B | External oblique, internal oblique, transversus |
C | Rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique |
D | Rectus abdominis, external oblique |
E | External oblique, internal oblique, rectus abdomini |
Question 306 |
After haemorrhage the patient lost an ability to pronounce words. In what gyrus this hemorrhage could be localized?
A | Superior frontal |
B | Middle frontal |
C | Superior temporal |
D | Middle temporal |
E | Inferior frontal |
Question 307 |
The man 35-year-old with the trauma of left palm has applied to traumatology. It is set at inspection: sword-cut of left palm, middle phalanges of 2-5 fingers cannot flex. Which structures were injured?
A | palmar interosseal muscles |
B | tendons of superficial flexor digitorum |
C | lumbricales muscles |
D | tendons of deep flexor digitorum |
Question 308 |
Very ofter a cubital fossa is used for injections of medicine and venous blood sampling, it is because of localization of ulnar vein directly under the skin. What structures do limit the cubital fossa?
A | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi ulnaris. |
B | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres. |
C | M. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres, m. flexor carpi ulnaris. |
D | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi radialis. |
Question 309 |
A patient has a penetrating wound in the center of the cheek, which must be stitched. Which muscle must the surgeon stitch?
A | M. zygomaticus major |
B | M. buccinator |
C | M. masseter |
D | M. depressor anguli oris |
E | M. orbicularis oris |
Question 310 |
In a patient, the fracture of a base of the skull has occurred. The line of fracture passes through foramen spinosum and foramen ovale. What cranial bone is injured?
A | Palatine |
B | Temporal bone |
C | Occipital bone |
D | Ethmoidal bone |
E | Sphenoid bone |
Question 311 |
A 35 years old man, in working conditions, received a cut wound in the area of thumb on the palmar surface. It is discovered the limitation of abduction of the thumb. The function of which muscle is damaged?
A | M. palmaris brevis. |
B | M. flexor pollicis brevis. |
C | M. opponens pollicis. |
D | M. abductor pollicis brevis |
E | M. adductor pollicis. |
Question 312 |
According to statistics, bones fractures of young and elderly people most often happen in the surgical neck area. What bone has this formation?
A | Radius |
B | Talus |
C | Fibula |
D | Tibia |
E | Humerus |
Question 313 |
In the surgical department was delivered a man, 22 years old, with gunshot wound of the head. It was established damage of the collum mandibulae. Which process of mandible is damaged?
A | Condylar process (processus condylaris). |
B | Coronoid process (processus coronoideus). |
C | Lingula of mandible (lingula mandibulae). |
D | Superior mental spine (spina mentalis superior). |
E | Inferior mental (spina mentalis inferior). |
Question 314 |
What muscle is attached to the crista tuberculi minoris ossis humeri?
A | M. rhomboideus minor |
B | M. trapezius |
C | M. rhomboideus major |
D | M. latissimus dorsi |
E | M. serratus posterior superior |
Question 315 |
In the case of injury of the pelvic region, the patient’s X-ray revealed necrosis of the head of the femoral bone. Which ligament of the hip joint was damaged during the injury?
A | Ligamentum capitis femoris |
B | Ligamentum ilio-femoralis |
C | Ligamentum ischio-femoralis |
D | Zona orbicullaris |
E | Ligamentum pubo-femoralis |
Question 316 |
During the accident, the driver received numerous head injuries, including a fracture of the zygomatic arch. The function of which muscle, that attaches to the zygomatic arch, will be broken?
A | M. orbicularis |
B | M. buccinator. |
C | M. masseter. |
D | M. procerus. |
E | M. risorius |
Question 317 |
At a patient a trauma of the calvaria has happened due to a road accident. The patient was admitted into the hospital with severe bleeding and fracture of the calvaria bones. Which of the sinuses of dura mater might be injured?
A | Sigmoideus |
B | Sagittalis superior |
C | Straight |
D | Petrosus superior |
E | Transverse |
Question 318 |
18 years old patient and after suffering from a sore throat appealed to the doctor after the deterioration of his situation. The examination revealed retropharyngeal abscess. In what space of the neck surgeon must penetrate during the autopsy abscess?
A | Pretracheal |
B | Suprasternal |
C | Retrovisceral (retropharyngeal) |
D | Inrtacervical |
E | Previsceral |
Question 319 |
19-year old boy was diagnosed with the prolapse of the kidney. At which level of the vertebrae are kidneys usually located?
A | 4-5 lumbar |
B | 11 thoracic and 3 lumbar |
C | 9-12 thoracic |
D | 12 thoracic and 1lumbar |
E | 9-10 thoracic |
Question 320 |
What is the function of the m. adductor pollicis?
A | Rotatio |
B | Flexio |
C | Extensio |
D | Abductio |
E | Adductio |
Question 321 |
A 40 years old patient felt a pain after a fall. The doctor found a broken rib, which doesn’t have articular surface on tuberculum costae. What rib was damaged?
A | V |
B | X |
C | VII |
D | XII |
E | III |
Question 322 |
After an accident a patient has severe painfullness and anterior leg surface edema, dorsal flexion of the foot is difficult. Which muscle functions are damaged?
A | Short peroneal muscle |
B | Long flexor muscle of toes |
C | Anterior tibial |
D | Long flexor muscle of great toe |
E | Long peroneal muscle |
Question 323 |
At patient, there was an obturative icterus as a result of malignant tumor. Deleting a tumor, a surgeon takes into account that on the papilla major of duodenum is opened:
A | ductus cysticus |
B | left hepatic duct |
C | common hepatic duct |
D | hepato-pancreatic ampule |
E | right hepatic duct |
Question 324 |
Woman, 35 years old, came to the doctor complaining about complications of nasal breathing. After the examination, the doctor found a distortion of the bone that almost forms the posterior inferior part of the nasal septum. What bone is distorted?
A | Mandibula. |
B | Vomer. |
C | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
D | Maxilla. |
E | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
Question 325 |
In the patient of 35 years old after the meningoencephalitis the acute hearing loss was revealed. The examination of the patient excluded a pathology of the sensory and conductive hearing apparatus. What gyrus of the cerebral cortex involved in pathological phenomenon?
A | Superior frontal |
B | Middle temporal |
C | Superior temporal |
D | Supramarginal |
E | Angular |
Question 326 |
A casualty has a trauma of soft tissues and parietal bones in the place of synostosis accompanied by profuse bleeding. What vessel formation has been injured?
A | Sinus sagittalis inferior |
B | Sinus sagittalis superior |
C | Sinus rectus |
D | Sinus petrosus superior |
Question 327 |
A man, in working conditions, got an injury of the femoral nerve, which runs in the lacuna musculorum. What structures do limit lacuna musculorum?
A | Lig. inquinale, arcus ileopectineus, os pubis. |
B | Lig. inquinale, lig lacunare, os pubis. |
C | Lig. inquinale, os ilium, lig. pectineale. |
D | Lig. inquinale, lig. lacunare, lig. Pectineale |
E | Lig. inquinale, os ilium, arcus ileopectineus. |
Question 328 |
As a result of tibia fracture the anterior muscle of leg was injured. The function of what muscle is affected?
A | Soleus |
B | Flexor digitorum longus |
C | Extensor digitorum brevis |
D | Extensor hallucis longus |
E | Peroneus longus |
Question 329 |
What is the name the ligament of the hip joint in the area of spina iliaca anterior inferior?
A | Lig. iliofemorale |
B | Lig.transversum acetabuli |
C | Zona orbicularis |
D | Lig. capitis femoris |
E | Lig. ischiofemorale |
Question 330 |
The victim injured his face and the outer surface of the temporal region, this injury caused the fracture of the zygomatic arch. Which processes of skull bones were broken?
A | Temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the frontal bone |
B | Temporal process of the frontal bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
C | Temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
D | Zygomatic process of the maxilla and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
E | Zygomatic process of the maxilla and zygomatic process of the frontal bone |
Question 331 |
During the final game a basketball player injured his right leg, after this injury it was impossible to bend the right foot. The team’s doctor found that the tendon was damaged. The tendon of which muscle is damaged?
A | Musculus gracilis |
B | Musculus biceps femoris |
C | Musculus extensor policis longus |
D | Musculus triceps surae (Achilles' tendon) |
E | Musculus tibialis anterior |
Question 332 |
After the fall a woman received a fracture of olecranon of the ulna, as a result she can’t straighten the upper limb in the elbow and shoulder joints. The function of which muscle is broken?
A | M. anconeus |
B | M. triceps brachii |
C | M. biceps brachii |
D | M. brachialis |
E | M. coracobrachialis |
Question 333 |
During the examination of the patient, a surgeon found hydrocele. Between the leaves of which testicular membranes can liquid accumulate?
A | External semen |
B | Inner semen |
C | Serous (vaginal) |
D | Tunica albuginea |
E | Tunica dartos |
Question 334 |
The girl, 12 years, with long-term inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity has symptoms of sphenoid sinus inflammation. Through which anatomic structure did inflammation spread into this sinus?
A | Oval foramen. |
B | Sphenopalatine foramen. |
C | Foramen of sphenoid bone. |
D | Hiatus semilunaris. |
E | Round foramen. |
Question 335 |
The patient 34 years old was admitted to the hospital with compression fracture at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra. At the level of which spinal cord segment will be disturbance?
A | ThVII |
B | ThII |
D | LI |
E | ThV |
Question 336 |
A patient with cheek injury was admitted to hospital. Duct of which salivary gland may be damaged?
A | Molar |
B | Sublingual |
C | Submandibular |
D | Buccal |
E | Parotid |
Question 337 |
The patient was hospitalized due to the penetrating trauma of the mouth’s floor. Which muscle is injured?
A | M. mylohyoideus |
B | M. geniohyoideus |
C | M. stylohyoideus |
D | M. digastricus |
E | M. hypoglossus |
Question 338 |
A sick has an acute inflammation of nasolacrimal duct mucous membrane. It is known that after influenza nasal discharges had been observed for a long time. From what part of the nasal cavity could the infection get to the nasolacrimal duct?
A | Middle nasal meatus |
B | Common nasal meatus |
C | Superior nasal meatus |
D | Inferior nasal meatus |
E | Sphenoethmoidal recess |
Question 339 |
A 45-year-old man was admitted to a traumatology center after a shoulder home accident. Examination has shown the absence of extension, adduction and pronation functions of the shoulder. What muscle has been injured?
A | Teres major |
B | Supraspinatus |
C | Subscapularis |
D | Teres minor |
E | Infraspinatus |
Question 340 |
In the victim was found stabbed muscles of the anterior wall of the axillary fossa. Which muscles forms this wall?
A | M. pectoralis minor, m. subclavius |
B | M. pectoralis minor, m. pectoralis major. |
C | M. serratus anterior, m. pectoralis major |
D | M. serratus anterior, m. subclavius |
E | M. serratus anterior, m. pectoralis minor |
Question 341 |
The pointer tip introduced into space between lig. hepatorenale and lig. hepatoduodenale enters:
A | Bursa pregastrica |
B | Bursa hepatica |
C | Superior duodenojejunal recess |
D | Inferior duodenojejunal recess |
E | Bursa omentalis |
Question 342 |
In a patient 65 years old the dysfunction of motor centers that regulate the activity of the muscles of the head was observed after the household trauma. In which areas of the cerebral cortex the corresponding center is localized?
A | Marginal gyrus |
B | Superior parietal lobe |
C | Angular gyrus |
D | Lower part of the precentral gyrus |
E | Upper part of the precentral gyrus |
Question 343 |
A man can not bend his arm in the elbow joint because of a wound of anterior shoulder surface. Which muscle is injured?
A | Triceps brachial |
B | Biceps brachial |
C | Anconeus |
D | Deltoid |
E | Pectoral major |
Question 344 |
Due to orchitis (inflammation of the testicles) a 43-year old patient has problems with sperm production. In which parts of the testicle did the pathological change take place?
A | Ductus epididimidis |
B | Ductuli seminiferi contorti |
C | Ductuli seminiferi recti |
D | Rete testis |
E | Ductuli eferentes testis |
Question 345 |
What is name of the muscle that adducts the right scapula to the vertebral column?
A | M. serratus posterior superior |
B | M. latissimus dorsi |
C | M. levator scapulae |
D | M. serratus posterior inferior |
E | M. rhomboideus major |
Question 346 |
After an accident, a woman was hospitalized due to the fracture of the temporal bone, which was accompanied by bleeding from the sinus of dura mater of the brain. The gap of sinus emerged in the place where it is adjacent to the groove on the inner surface of the mastoid process. In what part was damaged the sinus of dura mater of the brain?
A | Sulcus sinus transversi |
B | Sulcus sinus sagitalis superioris |
C | Sulcus sinus petrosi superioris |
D | Sulcus sinus pertosi inferioris |
E | Sulcus sinus sigmoidei |
Question 347 |
In the hospital was delivered a man, 34 years old, with stab wounds on the anterior cervical area. The cornu majus of bone, which is located under the mandibulla, was damaged due to injury. What bone is damaged?
A | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
B | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
C | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
D | Hyoid bone (os hyoideum). |
E | Maxilla. |
Question 348 |
16-year old girl was diagnosed with the dysfunction of the immune system organ which also belongs to the endocrine system. Choose its name.
A | pituitary |
B | palatine tonsils |
C | spleen |
D | lymph nodes |
E | thymus |
Question 349 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with problem in abdomen. The double layer of peritoneum that supports the intestinal tract is called:
A | lesser omentum |
B | excavation |
C | visceral peritoneum |
D | mesentery |
E | greater omentum |
Question 350 |
During physical exercise a 15 years old student suddenly developed pain in the area of the hip joint while inward rotating of the lower limb. Which muscle is damaged?
A | Musculus gluteus medius |
B | Musculus obturatorius internus |
C | Musculus piriformis |
D | Musculus quadratus lumborum |
E | Musculus obturatorius externus |
Question 351 |
The car ambulance delivred a man, who is 35 years old, to the hospital with a brain injury. After the X-ray doctor establish the fractured skull. The line of the fracture passes through coronal process. What bone is injured?
A | Mandibula. |
B | Maxilla. |
C | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
D | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
E | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
Question 352 |
A patient (man 68-years-old) was admitted to the hospital with a problem in the abdomen. Posterior wall of rectus sheath below linea arcuata is formed by:
A | aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle |
B | aponeurosis of transverses muscle |
C | aponeurosis of external oblique muscle |
D | fascia transversalis |
E | fascia thoracodorsalis |
Question 353 |
Because of a fall a 70-year-old man had a femur fracture. In what part of femur do fractures happen the most often?
A | The upper third |
B | Condylus |
C | Neck |
D | Middle |
E | The lower third |
Question 354 |
On cystoscopy under normal conditions, bladder mucosa forms folds except one triangular area where the mucosa is smooth. Where is the triangular area situated?
A | Top bladder |
B | Bladder neck |
C | Isthmus of the bladder |
D | Bottom of the bladder |
E | Body of the bladder |
Question 355 |
During the examination of a patient, 25 years old, was found a hematoma of the soft tissue of the medial wall of the axillary fossa. What the muscle of the chest does form the medial wall of the axillary fossa?
A | M. pectoralis major. |
B | M. serratus posterior inferior. |
C | M. serratus anterior |
D | M. pectoralis minor. |
E | M. serratus posterior superior. |
Question 356 |
In a patient was found stabbed in the anterior chest wall (closer to the sternum). The superficial muscles of the chest and membrana intercostalis externa are damaged. The continuation of what the muscles of the chest is this membrane?
A | Mm. transversi thoracis. |
B | Mm. levatores costarum. |
C | Mm. subcostales. |
D | Mm. intercostales externi. |
E | Mm. intercostales interni |
Question 357 |
A patient was diagnosed with bartholinitis (inflammation of the large vestibule glands) . In which organ of the genitourinary system are these glands situated?
A | Uterus |
B | Clitoris |
C | Vagina |
D | Large lips |
E | Small lips |
Question 358 |
After removing the tooth of the patient, the dentist saw that it has two roots. What is the tooth?
A |