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Question 1 |
During a surgery for femoral hernia a surgeon operates within the boundaries of femoral trigone. What structure makes up its upper margin?
A | Arcus iliopectineus |
B | Lig. pectinale |
C | Lig. lacunare |
D | Lig. inguinale |
E | Fascia lata |
Question 1 Explanation:
The inguinal ligament (Poupart's ligament) or groin ligament, is a band running from the pubic tubercle to the anterior superior iliac spine. It forms the base of the inguinal canal through which an indirect inguinal hernia may develop.
Question 2 |
During examination of a patient a doctor should use anatomical division of anterior abdominal wall into regions for more precise diagnostics. How many such regions can abdomen be divided into?
A | 9 |
B | 7 |
C | 5 |
D | 6 |
E | 8 |
Question 2 Explanation:
The abdomen can also be divided into nine regions:
1) right hypochondriac/hypochondrium
2) epigastric/epigastrium
3) left hypochondriac/hypochondrium
4) right lateral
5) umbilical
6) left lateral
7) right inguinal
8) pubic
9) left inguinal
Question 3 |
A patient has been brought into a surgical ward with an incised wound of the anterior surface of the shoulder in its lower one-third. Flexing function was disturbed in the shoulder and elbow joints, which is caused by the damage to the:
A | Coracobrachial muscle |
B | Anconeus muscle |
C | Triceps muscle of the arm |
D | Biceps muscle of the arm |
E | Deltoid muscle |
Question 3 Explanation:
The biceps (musculus biceps brachii; biceps brachii) - large muscle that lies on the front of the upper arm between the shoulder and the elbow.
Question 4 |
An obstetrician-gynecologist measures pelvis size of a pregnant woman. A caliper was used to measure the distance between the two iliac crests. What measurement of large pelvis was made?
A | Conjugata anatomica |
B | Distantia throchanterica |
C | Conjugata vera |
D | Distantia cristarum |
E | Distantia spinarum |
Question 4 Explanation:
Distantia cristarum is the distance between the most distant points of the iliac crests; it makes 28 cm on average.
Question 5 |
A doctor asked a patient to make a deep exhalation after a normal inhalation. What muscles contract during such exhalation?
A | Pectoral muscles |
B | Diaphragm |
C | External intercostal muscles |
D | Abdominal muscles |
E | Trapezius muscles |
Question 5 Explanation:
Abdominal deep breathing is one form of abdominal breathing.
Question 6 |
A patient complains of acute pain attacks in the right lumbar region. During examination the nephrolithic obturation of the right ureter in the region between its abdominal and pelvic segments has been detected. What anatomical boundary exists between those two segments?
A | Linea semilunaris |
B | Linea arcuata |
C | Linea inguinalis |
D | Linea transversa |
E | Linea terminalis |
Question 6 Explanation:
The linea terminalis or innominate line consists of the pectineal line (pecten pubis), the arcuate line, the pubic crest, the sacral ala, and the sacral promontory.
Question 7 |
After a hand fracture the man has lost the ability to touch his little finger with the thumb on the affected hand. Examination of the palmar surface shows one of the palmar muscles to be atrophied. Name the affected muscle:
A | M. palmaris brevis |
B | Mm. interossei |
C | M. opponens policis |
D | Mm. lumbricales |
E | M. flexor digiti minimi |
Question 7 Explanation:
The opponens pollicis (opponens pollicis muscle, musculus opponens pollicis) is one of the four thenar muscles lying on the radial side of the palm. The opponens pollicis lies beneath the abductor pollicis brevis and lateral to the flexor pollicis brevis.
Origin: the opponens pollicis originates from the flexor retinaculum and from the trapezium bone.
Insertion: the opponens pollicis passes forwards and inserts onto the base of the first metacarpal bone.
Action: to oppose the thumb.
Innervation: median nerve.
Question 8 |
Paronychia of the patient’s little finger was complicated with phlegmon of the hand and forearm. In this case the suppuration had spread through the:
A | Canalis carpalis |
B | Vagina tendinis m. flexor carpi radialis |
C | Vagina synovialis communis mm. flexorum |
D | Vagina tendinis m. flexor pollicis longi |
E | Interfascial compartments |
Question 8 Explanation:
The common synovial sheath for the flexor tendons or the ulnar bursa is a synovial sheath in the carpal tunnel. It contains tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis and the flexor digitorum profundus, but not the flexor pollicis longus.
The sheath which surrounds the Flexores digitorum extends downward about half-way along the metacarpal bones, where it ends in blind diverticula around the tendons to the index, middle, and ring fingers. It is prolonged on the tendons to the little finger and usually communicates with the mucous sheath of these tendons.
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Congratulations - you have completed STEP-1 - ANATOMY - ENG - 2s.
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Question 1 |
Doctors make mostly radial incisions during mammary gland surgery. What particulars of anatomical organization make such surgical technique preferable?
A | Transversal position of gland lobes |
B | Lobe apexes converge towards nipples |
C | Lobe bases radiate from nipples |
D | Vertical position of gland lobes |
Question 2 |
A surgeon has to find the common hepatic duct during operative intervention for treatment of concrements in the gall ducts. The common hepatic duct is located between the leaves of:
A | Hepatorenal ligament |
B | Hepatogastric ligament |
C | Hepatoduodenal ligament |
D | Venous ligament |
E | Round ligament of liver |
Question 3 |
A laboratory experiment on a dog was used to study central parts of auditory system. One of the mesencephalon structures was destroyed. The dog has lost the orienting response to auditory signals. What structure was destroyed?
A | Reticular formation nuclei |
B | Red nucleus |
C | Substantia nigra |
D | Superior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina |
E | Inferior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina |
Question 4 |
A specimen of a parenchymal organ shows poorly delineated hexagonal lobules surrounding a central vein, and the interlobular connective tissue contains embedded triads (an artery, a vein and anexcretory duct). What organ is it?
A | Spleen |
B | Thyroid |
C | Pancreas |
D | Liver |
E | Thymus |
Question 4 Explanation:
The "classic" liver lobule is the sixsided polyhedral prism with portal triads (hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile duct) at each of the corners.
Question 5 |
The patient’s pyramids of the medulla oblongata are damaged by tumor growth. As a result the conduction of nervous impulses will be impaired in the following pathway:
A | Tr. dentatorubralis |
B | Tr. spinocerebellaris |
C | Tr. corticonuclearis |
D | Tr. corticospinalis |
E | Tr. corticopontinus |
Question 6 |
A patient with periodontitis of the lower molar came to the doctor. It was determined that the inflammatory process spread to the lymph nodes. What lymph nodes were the first to be affected by the inflammatory process?
A | Anterior cervical nodes |
B | Lateral cervical nodes |
C | Submental nodes |
D | Facial nodes |
E | Submandibular nodes |
Question 7 |
A 35-year-old man has been delivered into a surgical ward with a suppurating wound in the neck, anterior to the trachea (previsceral space). If a surgical operation is not performed urgently, there is a risk of infection spreading to the:
A | Thoracic cavity - anterior mediastinum |
B | Thoracic cavity - middle mediastinum |
C | Retrovisceral space |
D | Interaponeurotic suprasternal space |
E | Thoracic cavity - posterior mediastinum |
Question 8 |
After an X-ray examination of the tuberculosis clinic patient, he was diagnosed with tumor of the right lung. During operation the surgeon removed the middle lobe of the patient’s right lung. This lobe includes:
A | Segmentum anterius et segmentum apicale |
B | Segmentum lingualare superius et inferius |
C | Segmentum basale anterius et posterius |
D | Segmentum laterale et segmentum mediale |
E | Segmentum apicale (superius) et segmentum basale mediale |
Question 9 |
When playing a child received a hit to the presternum region. As a result of this trauma an organ located behind the presternum was damaged. Name this organ:
A | Pericardium |
B | Larynx |
C | Thyroid gland |
D | Thymus |
E | Heart |
Question 10 |
A man has an inguinal hernia. The hernial sac exits through the following opening:
A | Anulus superficialis canalis inguinalis |
B | Anulus profundus canalis inguinalis |
C | Foramen suprapiriforme |
D | Linea alba |
E | Anulus femoralis |
Question 11 |
A patient complains of pain in the upper umbilical region. On palpation there is a mobile painful intestine. What intestine is being palpated by the doctor?
A | Sigmoid colon |
B | Transverse colon |
C | Ileum |
D | Duodenum |
E | Jejunum |
Question 12 |
A patient complains of pain in the right lateral abdomen. Palpation revealed adense, immobile, tumor-like formation. Thetumor is likely to be found in the followingpart of the digestive tube:
A | Colon sigmoideum |
B | Colon transversum |
C | Colon descendens |
D | Caecum |
E | Colon ascendens |
Question 13 |
A child diagnosed with purulent inflammation of the middle ear was brought to the otolaryngology department. The disease started with the inflammation of the nasopharynx. It was determined that the infection had reached the tympanic cavity through the eustachian tube that is located in the:
A | Canalis musculotubarius |
Question 14 |
During surgery performed in abdominal cavity a surgeon located the ligament of liver stretching from the anterior abdominal wall (navel) to the inferior surface of liver. What ligament is it?
A | Falciform ligament of the liver |
B | Round ligament of the liver |
C | Venous ligament of the liver |
D | Triangular ligament of the liver |
E | Coronary ligament of the liver |
Question 15 |
A patient has damaged spinal cord white matter in the middle area of the posterior white column, disrupted proprioceptive sensibility of the lower limb joints andmuscles. What fibers are affected?
A | Fasciculus cuneatus |
B | Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior |
C | Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis |
D | Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior |
E | Fasciculus gracilis |
Question 16 |
As a result of a continuous chronic encephalopathy a patient has developed spontaneous motions and disorder of torsomuscle tone. These are the symptoms of the disorder of the following conduction tract:
A | Tractus corticonuclearis |
B | Tractus spinothalamicus |
C | Tractus corticospinalis |
D | Tractus tectospinalis |
E | Tractus rubrospinalis |
Question 17 |
A 64-year-old woman presents with disturbed fine motor function of her fingers, marked muscle rigidity, and tremor. The neurologist diagnosed her with Parkinson’s disease. What brain structures are damaged resulting in this disease?
A | Red nuclei |
B | Reticular formation |
C | Substantia nigra |
D | Thalamus |
E | Cerebellum |
Question 18 |
In the course of an experiment thalamocortical tracts of an animal were cut. What type of sensory perception remained intact?
A | Olfactory |
B | Nociceptive |
C | Auditory |
D | Exteroreceptive |
E | Visual |
Question 19 |
A soldier with explosion-caused trauma was delivered to a hospital. Examination revealed his tympanic membrane to be intact. What defense reflex prevented the tympanic membrane from rupturing?
A | Relaxation of m. stapedins |
B | Contraction ofm. tensor tympani |
C | Contraction of m. auricularis arterior |
D | Relaxation of m. auricularis arterior |
E | Relaxation of m. tensor tympani |
Question 20 |
A patient has a tumor of the eyesocket tissues behind the eyeball. Disruption of accomodation and pupil constriction is observed. What anatomical structure is damaged?
A | N. nasociliaris |
B | Ganglion ciliare |
C | N. trochlearis |
D | N. opticus |
E | N. lacrimalis |
Question 21 |
Histological specimen shows organ parenchyma to consist of lymphoid tissue that forms lymph nodules; the nodules are located diffusely and have a central artery. What anatomical structure has such morphological characteristics?
A | Thymus |
B | Red bone marrow |
C | Spleen |
D | Tonsil |
E | Lymph node |
Question 22 |
During experiment a part of the brain was extracted, which resulted in asynergy and dysmetria development in the test animal. What part of the brain was extracted in the animal?
A | Parietal lobe |
B | Reticulum |
C | Cerebellum |
D | Frontal lobe |
E | Mesencephalon |
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Congratulations - you have completed STEP-1 - ANATOMY - ENG - 3s.
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Question 1 |
During appendectomy a patient had the a. appendicularis ligated. This vessel branches from the following artery:
A | A. colica media |
B | A. mesenterica inferior |
C | A. sigmoidea |
D | A. colica dextra |
E | A. Ileocolica |
Question 2 |
Due to trauma the patient presents with disturbed function of the parotid gland. What nerve ensures its secretion function?
A | N. petrosus profundus |
B | N. petrosus major |
C | N. auricularis minor |
D | N. auricularis major |
E | N. petrosus minor |
Question 3 |
A patient presents with dilated blood vessels of the anterior medial surface of the lower leg. This condition resulted from the dilation of the following blood vessel:
A | V. poplitea |
B | V. saphena magna |
C | V. saphena parva |
Question 4 |
A patient with suspected necrosis of the upper abdominal cavity organs was delivered to a surgical department. This condition is associated with acute circulatory disturbance of the following vessel:
A | A. mesenterica inferior |
B | Truncus coeliacus |
C | A. renalis |
D | A. mesenterica superior |
E | A. iliaca communis |
Question 5 |
A patient has disturbed blood supply to the anterior papillary muscle of the left ventricle. What cardiac artery supplies this muscle with blood?
A | Ramus marginalis |
B | Ramus interventricularis anterior |
C | A. coronaria dextra |
D | Ramus circumflexus |
E | Ramus interventricularis posterior |
Question 6 |
After a case of cold the patient developed a lacrimation disorder. This disorder was caused by functional disturbance of the following autonomic ganglion:
A | Otic ganglion |
B | Ciliary ganglion |
C | Pterygopalatine ganglion |
D | Sublingual ganglion |
E | Submandibular ganglion |
Question 7 |
The brain trauma unit received a patient with damaged greater wing of the sphenoid bone. The fracture line crosses the spinous foramen of the sphenoid. What vessel was damaged?
A | Middle meningeal artery |
B | Anterior deep temporal artery |
C | Superficial temporal artery |
D | Lateral pterygoid artery |
E | Posterior deep temporal artery |
Question 8 |
A specimen shows an organ covered with connective tissue capsule with trabeculae radiating inward the organ. The organ’s cortex contains lymph nodules; there are medullary cords made of lymphoid cells. What organ is under study?
A | Spleen |
B | Lymph node |
C | Tonsils |
D | Red bone marrow |
E | Thymus |
Question 9 |
A boxer had sustained a blow to the left parotid area, after which he developed paralysis of the facial muscles on this side. What nerve had been damaged?
A | Facial |
B | Maxillary |
C | Mandibular |
D | Lesser petrosal |
E | Ophthalmic |
Question 10 |
Investigation of an isolated cardiac myocyte determined that it does not generate excitation impulses automatically, which means this cardiac myocyte was obtained from the following cardiac structure:
A | Atrioventricular node |
B | Sinoatrial node |
C | Ventricles |
Question 11 |
A traumatology unit has received a patient with a wrist trauma and a clinical presentation of the damage to the nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel. Name this nerve:
A | N. axillaris |
B | N. medianus |
C | N. ulnaris |
D | N. musculocutaneus |
E | N. radialis |
Question 12 |
A patient has been found to have a marked dilatation of the saphenous veins in the region of anterior abdominal wall around the navel. This is symptomatic of pressure increase in the following vessel:
A | V. mesenterica superior |
B | V. portae hepatis |
C | V. cava inferior |
D | V. mesenterica inferior |
E | V. cava superior |
Question 13 |
After a trauma the man has lost skin sensitivity on the lateral surface of his forearm. What nerve of the brachial plexus provides sensitivity of the affected area?
A | N. axillaris |
B | N. musculocutaneus |
C | N. ulnaris |
D | N. radialis |
E | N. medianus |
Question 14 |
After a case of common cold the patient developed numbness of the right side of theface. Examination revealed disturbed pain and thermal sensitivity in the right half of the face. What nerve was damaged?
A | Glossopharyngeal |
B | Trigeminal |
C | Vagus |
D | Facial |
E | Hypoglossal |
Question 15 |
An injured person with wound of the anterior cervical region presents with hemorrhage. The outflowing blood is dark. What vessel is damaged?
A | A. carotis externa |
B | V. jugularis anterior |
C | A. thyroidea superior |
D | V. jugularis interna |
E | V. jugularis externa |
Question 16 |
An oncology patient is to undergo a surgery on the descending colon. Name the main source of blood supply to this organ:
A | Celiac trunk |
B | Superior mesenteric artery |
C | Middle colic artery |
D | Inferior mesenteric artery |
E | Splenic artery |
Question 17 |
Angiocardiography of a 60-year old man revealed constriction of the vessel located in the left coronary sulcus of his heart. Name this pathological vessel:
A | A. coronaria dextra |
B | Ramus circumflexus |
C | V. cordis parva |
D | Ramus interventricularis posterior |
E | Ramus interventricularis anterior |
Question 18 |
Parenchyma of an organ is composed of pseudounipolar neurons localized under the capsule of connective tissue. Central place belongs to nerve fibers. Name this organ:
A | Intramural ganglion |
B | Sympathetic ganglion |
C | Nerve trunk |
D | Spinal ganglion |
E | Spinal cord |
Question 19 |
During cholecystectomy besides a. cystyca another artery was pulled into the ligature. Ligation of this artery resulted in right-sided necrosis of the liver which led to the death of the patient. What artery was mistakenly ligated along with a. cystyca?
A | A. pancreato-duodenalis superior |
B | Ramus sinister a. hepatica propria |
C | Ramus dexter a. hepatica propria |
D | A. hepatica communis |
Question 20 |
A woman suffers from tonsillitis complicated with retropharyngeal abscess that is localized in the spatium retroviscerale. In this case the suppurative process can spread to the:
A | Spatium interscalenum |
B | Mediastinum posterius |
C | Spatium interaponeuroticum suprasternale |
D | Mediastinum anterius |
E | Spatium pretracheale |
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