For exam | English
Semester 3 - in English - exam 21
Congratulations - you have completed Semester 3 - in English - exam 21.
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Question 1 |
Patient has urea retention in the bladder. Pathology of which sexual gland can cause this condition?
A | Glandula bulbourethralis |
B | Testicle |
C | Prostate |
D | Seminal vesicle |
E | Epididymis |
Question 2 |
During appendectomy a patient had the a.appendicularis ligated. This vessel branches from the following artery:
A | a ileocolica. |
B | a.mesenterica inferior. |
C | a.colica media |
D | a.sigmoidea. |
E | a.colica dextra. |
Question 3 |
The dentist found that the patient of 23 years complains of a large amount of saliva. Stimulation of which autonomic node causes the formation of large amounts of serous saliva?
A | Ganglion sublinguale |
B | Ganglion ciliare |
C | Ganglion oticum |
D | Ganglion pterygopalatinum |
E | Ganglion submandibulare |
Question 4 |
A 5 years old child who is diagnosed with severe diphtheria was hospitalized in the infectious department. To prevent suffocation child had the tracheostomy. In which triangle of the neck the operation was performed?
A | Omotracheale |
B | Caroticum |
C | Submandibulare |
D | Omotrapezoideum |
E | Omoclaviculare |
Question 5 |
During the examination of the patient, a surgeon found hydrocele. Between the leaves of which testicular membranes can liquid accumulate?
A | Tunica albuginea |
B | External semen |
C | Serous (vaginal) |
D | Tunica dartos |
E | Inner semen. |
Question 6 |
As a result of trauma, patients injured the abducent nerve. Which symptoms are observed?
A | Paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle of the eyeball. |
B | Paralysis of the medial rectus muscle of the eyeball. |
C | Persistent mydriasis. |
D | Violation of tearing |
E | Disorder accommodation. |
Question 7 |
At the inspection of blood supply of foot, a physician feels a pulsation of a large artery, which passes behind malleolus medialis in the separate fibrous channel. Which artery is this?
A | a.tibialis posterior |
B | a.tarsea lateralis |
C | a.tarsea medialis |
D | a.fibularis |
E | a.tibialis anterior |
Question 8 |
After stab wound of left palm, a 44-year-old patient had a laceration of tendons and injury of superficial blood vessels. After operation and removal of necrotic tissues, the blood circulation was normalized. What vessels did help in the restoration of blood supply?
A | Aa. metacarpeae dorsalis |
B | Aa. digitales palmares communes |
C | Arcus palmaris superficialis |
D | Arcus palmaris profundus |
E | Aa. metacarpeae palmares |
Question 9 |
In a patient, the upper displacement is marked of acromial end of the clavicle. What ligaments are torn?
A | acromioclavicular, costoclavicular |
B | coracoclavicular, acromioclavicular |
C | costoslavicular, acromioclavicular |
D | anterior sternoclavicular, posterior sternoclavicular |
E | costoslavicular, interclavicular |
Question 10 |
Name the bone that has pharyngeal tubercle.
A | ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
B | frontal bone (os frontale) |
C | temporal bone (os temporale). |
D | occipital bone (os occipitale) |
E | parietal bone (os parietale).
Question 11 |
А patient had trepanation and curettage of temporal bone cells (due to) purulent inflammation which moved from the middle ear. On which process the surgery was done?
A | Processus mastoideus |
B | Processus jugularis |
C | Processus zygomaticus |
D | Processus styloideus |
E | Processus pterygoideus |
Question 12 |
What are the branches a.thoracica interna has?
A | A. intercostalis. a. epigastrica superior |
B | A. musculophrenica, a. epigastrica superior |
C | Aa. mediastinales et pericardiacae |
D | A. pericardiacophrenica, a.epigastrica inferior |
E | A. intercostalis, a. phrenica |
Question 13 |
The patient becomes tired very quickly when working. In a standing position with closed eyes he loses balance. Skeletal muscle tone is decreased. What brain structure is most likely injured in this man?
A | Precentral gyrus of hemispheres |
B | Thalamus |
C | Limbic system |
D | Basal ganglia |
E | Cerebellum |
Question 14 |
What are the veins drain the colon?
A | Inferior mesenteric veins |
B | Pancreatic veins |
C | Superior mesenteric veins |
D | Short gastric veins |
E | Left gastro-omental veins |
Question 15 |
How many vertebrae in the human spine aren’t fused?
A | 24 |
B | 7 |
C | 5 |
D | 9 |
E | 12 |
Question 16 |
In intra cerebral hemorrhage in a patient became slurred speech. The sound production of the larynx and movements of the mandible are preserved. Whose nerves nuclei affected in hemorrhage?
A | Nuclei n. accessorii |
B | Nuclei n. facialis |
C | Nuclei n. glossopharyngeus |
D | Nuclei n. Hypoglossi |
E | Nuclei n. vagi |
Question 17 |
An examination of the patient revealed ptosis divergent strabismus, mydriasis, limited mobility of the eyeball. What nerve is damaged?
A | N.oculomotorius |
B | N.ophthalmicus |
C | N. olfactorius |
D | N.trochlearis |
E | N.opticus |
Question 18 |
The patient has applied to traumatologist with trauma of leg, which he got on sporting competition. At examination it was set the damage of posterior muscle, tendon of which is attached to calcaneus. This is:
A | tibialis posterior |
B | fibularis longus |
C | fibularis brevis |
D | popliteus |
E | triceps surae |
Question 19 |
What is the name of first vertebra?
A | Vertebra prominens |
B | Axis |
C | Atlas |
D | Coccyx |
E | Epistropheus |
Question 20 |
A patient has a tumor in the area of the upper nasal meatus. Which cranial nerve's receptors may be affected by the tumor?
A | Optic |
B | Trochlear |
C | Facial |
D | Olfactory |
E | Adductor |
Question 21 |
In a men 40 years old after the maxillofacial trauma, disturbed the function of sublingual and submandibular glands on the left. Saliva from these glands secreted a little. The function of which nerve is disturbed?
A | XI pair |
B | X pair |
C | VI pair |
D | XII pair |
E | VII pair |
Question 22 |
A 54 years old man with an eyeball injury went to the hospital. Besides the damage to the eyeball, the doctor found a fracture in the orbital surface, orbital process and one of the parts of the sphenoid bone. Which part of the sphenoid bone was injured?
A | Turkic sell |
B | Pterygoid process |
C | Body |
D | Ala minor |
E | Ala major |
Question 23 |
Find the joint without ossa tarsis?
A | Articulatio calcaneocuboidea |
B | Articulatio subtalaris |
C | Articulatio cuneonavicularis |
D | Articulatio tibiofibularis |
E | Articulatio talocalcaneonavicularis |
Question 24 |
As a result of the fracture of the tibia the anterior group of muscles of the lower leg was damaged. The function of which muscle may be affected?
A | M.flexor digitorum longus. |
B | M.extensor digitorum brevis |
C | M.extensor hallucis longus. |
D | M. soleus |
E | M. fibularis longus. |
Question 25 |
During the examination of a patient, the doctor found the asymmetry of his face. The patient can not wrinkle his forehead, raise the eyebrows, whistle or completely close his eye. The function of what muscles is broken?
A | Chewing muscles |
B | Subcutaneous muscles |
C | Mimic muscles |
D | Suprahyoid muscles |
E | Infrahyoid muscles |
Question 26 |
A nurse injected a medication into the muscles of the back surface of the shoulder. Suddenly the patient felt pain in the muscles of the shoulder, which was distributed into the back surface of the forearm. Which nerve was damaged when administered drugs?
A | musculocutaneous nerve |
B | median nerve |
C | radial nerve |
D | ulnar nerve |
E | axillary nerve |
Question 27 |
What movements can we do in frontal axis?
A | flexio, rotatio |
B | abductio, adductio |
C | flexio, extensio |
D | circumductio, flexio |
E | rotatio, circumductio |
Question 28 |
After injury a boy has a fracture of the patella. The function of which muscle will be broken?
A | M. sartorius |
B | M. biceps femoris. |
C | M. semitendinosus. |
D | M. semimembranosus. |
E | M. quadriceps femoris. |
Question 29 |
What is the location of the processus articularis vertebrae lumbales?
A | Sagittalis |
B | Horizontalis |
C | Inter frontalis et horizontalis |
D | Frontalis |
E | Inter sagittalis et frontalis |
Question 30 |
Choose valveless veins:
A | inferior vena cava |
B | portal vena Hint: + |
C | vv. hepaticae |
D | superior vena cava Hint: + |
E | v. iliaca communis Hint: + |
Question 31 |
During an examination of the patient's facial expressions was revealed that he can not put his lips in tube form, can’t whistle, the corners of the mouth do not rise up during laughing and the oral cleft is stretched sideways (transverse smile). The patient suffers from myopathy - degenerative hereditary disease with dystrophic muscle lesions. Atrophy of which muscle causes these symptoms?
A | Musculus risorius |
B | Musculus zygomaticus major |
C | Musculus masseter |
D | Platizma |
E | Musculus orbicularis oris |
Question 32 |
In a 37 years old patient after the ingress of foreign objects into the airways appeared a cough, and then asthma. The tracheotomy was made on the neck, in the area which is limited by m. omohyoideus venter superior, m. sternocleidomastoideus and median line of the neck. In which triangle of the neck was operation done?
A | Trigonum omotracheale. |
B | Trigonum omotrapezoideum. |
C | Trigonum submandibulare. |
D | Trigonum omoclaviculare. |
E | Trigonum caroticum. |
Question 33 |
At which vertebral level does the abdominal aorta terminate?
A | L4 |
B | T12 |
C | L2 |
D | S2 |
Question 34 |
The worker with sword cut on the anterior aspect of the arm and arterial bleeding has appealed to the physician. Which artery was most probably injured?
A | aa. metacarpeae dorsalis |
B | a.radialis |
C | a.brachialis |
D | a.subscapularis |
E | a.axillaries |
Question 35 |
A patient after the fracture of the upper third of the humerus developed paralysis of the muscles of the back shoulder and forearm. Which nerve is damaged?
A | N. cutaneus antebrachii medialis |
B | N. radialis |
C | N. medianus |
D | N. ulnaris |
E | N. musculocutaneus |
Question 36 |
After cranial trauma the patient has lost an ability to feel the taste and smell. What cortical centers were damaged?
A | Middle temporal gyrus |
B | Lower frontal gyrus |
C | Uncus |
D | Upper parietal lobule |
E | Insula |
Question 37 |
Articulatio carpometacarpeae is consist of?
A | proximal parts of carpus, caput ossa metacarpi |
B | distal parts of carpus, basis ossa metacarpi |
C | distal parts of carpus, basis ossa metacarpi |
D | proximal parts of carpus, caput ossa metacarpi |
E | os pisiforme, basis ossa metacarpi |
Question 38 |
What connection we don’t have between bones of pelvis?
A | Synostosis |
B | Articulatio synoviais |
C | Membrana interossea |
D | Symphysis |
E | Syndesmosis |
Question 39 |
The patient went to a neurologist who diagnosed a lesion of the facial nerve. Which of the following cranial nerves does not contain parasympathetic fibers?
A | XII |
B | III |
C | X |
D | IX |
E | VII |
Question 40 |
The surgeon, operating 56 years old woman with a tumor of the hard palate (palatum durum), removed along with the tumor one third of that upper jaw (maxilla) part, which is involved in the formation of bone palate (palatum osseum). One-third of which part of the upper jaw did surgeon remove?
A | Processus frontalis. |
B | Processus zygomaticus. |
C | Processus palatinus. |
D | Corpus maxillae. |
E | Processus alveolaris. |
Question 41 |
During the gynecological examination a patient was diagnosed with endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium) . Which part of the uterine wall is affected by inflammation?
A | Parametrium |
B | Adventitia |
C | Mucosa |
D | Muscular coat |
E | Serous membrane |
Question 42 |
Patient M., aged 43, has addressed to the neuropathologist with the complaints of shortness of breath and pain in the chest, difficulty of a movement cough, hiccups. What nerves are affected?
A | internal |
B | intercostals |
C | sympathetic trunk |
D | diaphragmatic |
E | vagus |
Question 43 |
What vertebra does have tuberculum caroticum?
A | I thoracicae |
B | VI cervicalis |
C | VII cervicalis |
D | V cervicalis |
E | II cervicalis |
Question 44 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with an acute pain in the region of joint of the forearm. Which of the following is not characteristic of all synovial joints?
A | meniscus |
B | articular cartilage |
C | joint capsule |
D | synovial fluid |
E | intracapsular ligament |
Question 45 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a pain in the region of the knee joint. A canal leading from thigh to popliteal fossa is:
A | musculoperoneus inferior |
B | adductorius |
C | lateral |
D | musculoperoneus superior |
E | cruropopliteal |
Question 46 |
Which of the following best describes veins?
A | thin walled, large lumens, low pressure, have valves |
B | thick walled, large lumens, high pressure, lack valves |
C | thick walled, small lumens, low pressure, lack valves
D | thin walled, small lumens, high pressure, have valves |
Question 47 |
Choose the bones form the orbit.
A | Occipital bone, Temporal bone, Sphenoid bone |
B | Ethmoid bone, Maxilla, Zygomatic bone |
C | Temporal bone, Parietal bone, Frontal bone |
D | Ethmoid bone, Occipital bone Temporal bone |
E | Temporal bone, Sphenoid bone, Lacrimal bone |
Question 48 |
How many bones are fused in adulthood to form the hip bone?
A | 6 |
B | 3 |
C | 5 |
D | 2 |
E | 4 |
Question 49 |
Branches of what artery provide blood supply of the pancreas?
A | A.lienalis, a. suprarenalis superior |
B | A. gastroduodenalis, a.lienalis, a.mesenterica superior |
C | Aa. phrenicae inferiors, a. renalis, a.mesenterica superior |
D | A.hepatica communis, a.colica media, a. suprarenalis inferior |
Question 50 |
What connections does Ossa pelvis have?
A | Articulatio sacrococcygea, Articulatio coxae |
B | Symphysis pubica, syndesmosis, synostosis |
C | Articulatio sacrococcygea, Articulatio zygapophysialis, synostosis |
D | Articulatio coxae, symphysis pubica |
E | Articulatio coxae, articulatio sacroiliaca |
Question 51 |
The hepatic portal system delivers blood from the digestive organs to the ________.
A | right atrium |
B | liver |
C | hypothalamus |
D | left atrium |
E | spleen |
Question 52 |
After injection into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal area in a patient appeared pain in the hip abduction. What nerve is damaged needle when injected in the gluteal area?
A | Inferior gluteal nerve |
B | Superior gluteal nerve |
C | Pudendal nerve |
D | Sciatic nerve |
E | Internal obturator nerve |
Question 53 |
Choose the bones that contain large cavities – sinuses.
A | Maxilla |
B | Parietal bone |
C | Palatine bone |
D | Vomer |
E | Occipital bone |
Question 54 |
At the inspection of the heart in patient with myocardial ischemia, a physician has marked a worsening of the blood flow in the vein, which passes in sulcus interventricularis anterior of heart. This vein is:
A | vena cordis media |
B | venae cordis anteriores |
C | vena cordis parva |
D | vena obliqua atrii sinistri |
E | vena cordis magna |
Question 55 |
Name the bone that has the ramus. What bone injured?
A | The mandible (mandible) |
B | The occipital bone (os occipital) |
C | The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale) |
D | The maxilla (maxilla) |
E | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
Question 56 |
The patient complains of a violation of the sensitivity of the skin in the medial dorsal and palmar surface of the hand. Which nerve is damaged?
A | N. cutaneus antebrachii medialis |
B | N. ulnaris |
C | N. musculocutaneus |
D | N. medianus |
E | N. radialis |
Question 57 |
What is the name of uninterrupted joints of bones with cartilage?
A | synchondrosis |
B | amphyartrosis |
C | articulatio |
D | symphysis |
E | syndesmosis |
Question 58 |
In patient during examination of oral cavity established sharp redness of the mucous membrane of the tongue root. Determine what formation is involved in the inflammatory process.
A | Lingual tonsil |
B | Pharyngeal tonsil |
C | Palatine veil |
D | Palatine tonsils |
E | Tubal tonsils |
Question 59 |
At inspection in a patient found defeat in the dorsal part of the pons, impaired chewing function. The nucleus of which nerve is affected?
A | Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve |
B | Ambiquus nucleus of the vagus nerve |
C | Motor nucleus of the facial nerve |
D | Nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve |
E | Principal trigeminal nucleus |
Question 60 |
How many vertebrae in the human spine are fused to form sacrum and coccyx?
A | 12 |
B | 5 |
C | 24 |
D | 9 |
E | 7 |
Question 61 |
Choose arteries for blood supply of caecum, colon ascendens.
A | A.iliolica, a.colica dextra |
B | A.colica media, aa. pancreatoduodenales inferiors |
C | Aa. interstinales, aa. sigmoideae |
D | A.colica sinistra |
E | A.iliolica, a.colica sinistra |
Question 62 |
What kind of movement can we do in articulatio atlantooccipitalis?
A | Flexio, Extensio,supinatio |
B | Flexio, Extensio, Abductio, Adductio |
C | Flexio, Extensio,rotatio |
D | Abductio, Adductio, pronation |
E | Abductio, Adductio, rotatio |
Question 63 |
The patient has applied to traumatologist with the trauma of upper limb, which he got on sporting competition. A joint that has but one degree of freedom is:
A | plane |
B | pivot |
C | ball-and-socket |
D | ellipsoidal |
E | saddle |
Question 64 |
With the opening of deep abscess of cheeks, a vertical incision was made, after which there is paresis (dysfunction) of the muscles on the side of the operation. The branches which were cut nerve?
A | Vagus |
B | Maxillary |
C | Trigeminal |
D | Mandibular |
E | Facial |
Question 65 |
What are the organ right colic vein drained?
A | pancreas and duodenum |
B | transverse colon |
C | jejunum and ileum
D | ascending colon |
E | greater curvature of the stomach |
Question 66 |
What auxiliary apparatus of joint do you know?
A | Ligamenta, plicae, facies articularis |
B | Cartilago intraarticularis, plicae, capsula articularis |
C | Cartilago intraarticularis, ligament, facies articularis |
D | Ligamenta intracapsulare, capsula synovialis, bursa synovialis |
E | Cartilago intraarticularis, ligamenta, plicae, bursa synovialis |
Question 67 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a acute pain in the region of the forearm. Which of the following muscles does operate on two joint?
A | coracobrachialis |
B | anconeus |
C | brachioradialis |
D | biceps brachii |
E | brachialis |
Question 68 |
What does the artery pass along the costal sulcus?
A | Dorsal branch of posterior intercostal artery |
B | Posterior intercostal artery |
C | Intercostal artery proper |
D | Internal thoracic artery |
E | Superior phrenic artery |
Question 69 |
A 35 years old patient has been delivered into the surgical ward with a suppurating wound in the neck, anterior to trachea (previsceral space). If a surgical operation is not performed urgently, there is a risk of infection spreading to:
A | Interaponeuritic suprasternal space |
B | Thoracic cavity and middle mediastinum |
C | Thoracic cavity posterior mediastinum |
D | Retrovisceral space |
E | Thoracic cavity anterior mediastinum |
Question 70 |
What the structure is located between two vertebrae?
A | Lamina |
B | Arcus vertebrae |
C | Discus intervertebrales |
D | Processus spinosus |
E | Corpus |
Question 71 |
A woman was diagnosed with ovarian tumors. She needs operation. Which ligament should a surgeon cut to separate the uterus from the ovary?
A | lateral umbilical ligament |
B | suspensory ligament |
C | round ligament of the uterus |
D | ovary ligament |
E | broad ligament |
Question 72 |
On cystoscopy under normal conditions, bladder mucosa forms folds except one triangular area where the mucosa is smooth. Where is the triangular area situated?
A | Isthmus of the bladder |
B | Body of the bladder |
C | Bladder neck |
D | Top bladder |
E | Bottom of the bladder |
Question 73 |
The victim injured his face and the outer surface of the temporal region, this injury caused the fracture of the zygomatic arch. Which processes of skull bones were broken?
A | Temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the frontal bone |
B | Temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
C | Zygomatic process of the maxilla and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
D | Zygomatic process of the maxilla and zygomatic process of the frontal bone |
E | Temporal process of the frontal bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
Question 74 |
Dentist during tooth extraction destroys cement connections between tooth root and dental alveolus. What this structure?
A | Pulpa dentis |
B | Gingiva |
C | Dentinum |
D | Periodontium |
E | Cementum |
Question 75 |
How many vertebrae lumbales in human collumna vertebralis are present?
A | 24 |
B | 12 |
C | 5 |
D | 7 |
E | 5 |
Question 76 |
What intraarticulate ligaments does Articulatio coxae have:
A | Lig. Iliofemorale |
B | lig. Capitis femoris, Lig. Transversum acetabuli |
C | Collaterale, denticulatum |
D | Zona orhicularis, lig. Transversum acetabuli |
E | Lig. cruciatum |
Question 77 |
When checking pupillary reflex in a patient observed slow reaction to light left eye .The function of which nucleus is broken?
A | Nuclei superior colliculi |
B | Nucleus of the of the oculomotor nerve |
C | Accesory nucleus of the oculomotor nerve |
D | Nucleus of the abducent nerve |
E | Nucleus of the of the trochlear nerve |
Question 78 |
At patient presents with a stab wound to the chest. A open thoracotomy is performed. In which of the following spaces can the superior vena cava be located?
A | Posterior mediastinum |
B | Anterior mediastinum |
C | Superior mediastinum |
D | Diaphragmatic caval hiatus |
E | Transverse pericardial sinus |
Question 79 |
The patient came to the clinic with a wound in the area of the neck. At inspection found damaged nerve, located in front of the anterior scaleni muscle. Which nerve is damaged?
A | diaphragmatic |
B | Glossopharyngeal |
C | cervical sympathetic trunk |
D | Vagus |
E | hypoglossus |
Question 80 |
After the fall a woman received a fracture of olecranon of the ulna, as a result she can’t straighten the upper limb in the elbow and shoulder joints. The function of which muscle is broken?
A | M. triceps brachii. |
B | M coracobrachialis. |
C | M. brachialis. |
D | M. biceps brachii. |
E | M. anconeus. |
Question 81 |
Which is the lateral-most carpal bone of the proximal row?
A | trapezium |
B | hamate |
C | pisiform |
D | scaphoid |
Question 82 |
During the examination of a patient, 25 years old, was found a hematoma of the soft tissue of the medial wall of the axillary fossa. What the muscle of the chest does form the medial wall of the axillary fossa?
A | M. serratus posterior superior. |
B | M. serratus posterior inferior. |
C | M. serratus anterior |
D | M. pectoralis minor. |
E | M. pectoralis major. |
Question 83 |
At a patient, there was a trauma of elbow with tearing off of medial epicondyle of the humerus. Define, what nerve might be damaged?
A | axilaris |
B | ulnaris |
C | musculocutaneus |
D | radialis |
E | medianus |
Question 84 |
The patient 59 years old has problem with voluntary movement of right hand because of the tumor of spinal cord. Nerve impulses that cause voluntary muscle contractions are transmitted through:
A | Both Funiculus lateralis and Funiculus posterior |
B | Both Funiculus anterior and Funiculus lateralis |
C | Funiculus posterior |
D | Funiculus lateralis |
E | Funiculus anterior |
Question 85 |
The patient appealed to the dentist complaining of a dry area under the tongue right. The doctor found that the strangulated chorda tympani at its output to the right infratemporal fossa through fissure.
A | Petrotympanica |
B | Petroocipitalis |
C | Sphenopetrosa |
D | Tympanomastoidea |
E | Petrosguamosa |
Question 86 |
Because of fall, a patient goes a fracture of upper part of the humerus. One of the back muscle is dysfunctional, this muscle is attached to the crista tuberculi minoris ossis humeri. What muscle is damaged?
A | M. serratus posterior superior. |
B | M. rhomboideus major. |
C | M. latissimus dorsi. |
D | M. rhomboideus minor. |
E | M. trapezius. |
Question 87 |
What ligaments connect Articulatio coxae:
A | lig. Transversum acetabuli, lig. Capitis femoris |
B | lig. Ischiofemorale, Zona orhicularis, lig.capitis femoris |
C | Zona orhicularis, iliofemorale, ischiofemorale, pubofemorale |
D | iliofemorale, lig.capitis femoris |
E | Zona orhicularis, lig.capitis femoris |
Question 88 |
What are the parried visceral branches of the aorta abdominalis?
A | Aa. suprarenales inferiores, aa. colicae, aa. renales |
B | Aa. suprarenales superiores, renales, phrenici inferiores |
C | Aa. renales, suprarenales mediae, testiculares (ovaricae) |
D | Aa. suprarenales mediae, iliacae internae, uterinae |
E | Aa. testiculares (ovaricae), lumbales, mesenterici inferiors |
Question 89 |
In the hospital was a man with a knife at the nose. After the examination, doctor also found damage in the cribriform plate. What bone was damaged?
A | Parietal bone (os parietale) |
B | Frontal bone (os frontale) |
C | Occipital bone (os occipitale) |
D | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale) |
E | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale) |
Question 90 |
A patient 40 years old appealed to the doctor complaining that the skin on the medial surface of the right legs less sensitive and colder than on the left leg. At inspection found damaged:
A | tibial nerve |
B | common peroneal nerve |
C | saphenous nerve |
D | superficial branch of the peroneal nerve |
E | sural nerve |
Question 91 |
What are the branches of the thoracic aorta supply the lung as an organ?
A | Rami bronchiales |
B | Aa. intercostales posteriors III-XI |
C | Rami pericardiaci |
D | Rami mediastinales |
E | Rami oesophagei |
Question 92 |
A man went to the hospital with a brain injury. The doctor found a fracture in the skull. The line of fracture passes through linea nuchae superior. Which bone was injured?
A | os temporale |
B | os ethmoidale |
C | os parietale |
D | os occipitale |
E | os frontale |
Question 93 |
Patient A. was admitted to the neurological department with complaints of pain in the right half of the face. The examination revealed decreased the sensitivity of the skin in this area, pain with pressure in supra - and infraorbital points, chin. What nerve is affected?
A | Facial |
B | Trigeminal |
C | Accessorius |
D | Cutaneous branches of brachial plexus |
E | Hypoglossal |
Question 94 |
Male 56 years came to the dentist, doctor for the purpose of anesthesia of large molars made anesthetic injection (painkillers) to formation of the upper jaw, which is the entry point of the nerves of the infratemporal fossa through foramina alveolaria to the alveolae dentales. Where did the doctor inject the anesthetic?
A | Sinus maxillaris. |
B | Processus palatinus. |
C | Processus frontalis. |
D | Tuber maxillae. |
E | Processus alveolaris. |
Question 95 |
Sick woman 62 years old addressed to the doctor with complaints of pain in the hip joint during movement, and pain in the muscles of the medial surface of the thigh. Damage of which nerve could cause this?
A | Ilioinguinal nerve |
B | Sciatic nerve |
C | Genitofemoral nerve |
D | Obturator nerve |
E | Femoral nerve |
Question 96 |
The patient is disturbed the motor function of the tongue. With pathology of which nerve it is connected?
A | Hypoglossus |
B | Vagus |
C | Glossopharyngeal |
D | Accessorius |
E | Facial |
Question 97 |
X-ray showed the intraarticular fracture of the proximal epiphysis of the humerus. What the structure of the humerus is damaged?
A | Crista tuberculi minor |
B | Caput humeri |
C | Crista tuberculi major |
D | Tuberculum minor |
E | Collum chirurgicum |
Question 98 |
What is the bone that does not form the orbit?
A | Maxilla |
B | The ethmoid bone |
C | Palatine bone |
D | The temporal bone |
E | The frontal bone |
Question 99 |
Articulatio coxae has:
A | Discus articularis |
B | Discus triangulare |
C | Labrum articulare |
D | Discus intervertebralis |
E | Meniscus articularis |
Question 100 |
At patient 56-year-old, suffering on chronic hepatitis, at the inspection the rise was exposed of pressure in the system of vena porta. The considerable expansion is determined of the subcutaneous venous net near the navel. What veins provides the outflow of blood from the system of vena porta into this net in norm?
A | v.lienalis |
B | vv.paraumbilicales |
C | v.epigastrica superior |
D | v.gastrica sinistra |
E | v.epigastrica inferior |
Question 101 |
Into the clinic, a patient was admitted with diagnosis “sinus tahicardia” (150 heart beats per minute). How known, such pathology arises up at the increased excitability of sinuatrial node, which is located:
A | within interventricular septum |
B | in wall of right atrium |
C | in wall of left atrium |
D | in wall of coronary sinus |
E | within interatrial septum |
Question 102 |
Horizontal (transverse) plane divides the body:
A | Proximalis and distalis |
B | Cranialis (superior) and caudalis (inferior) parts |
C | Profundus and superficialis |
D | Dexter and sinister |
E | Anterior (ventralis) and posterior (dorsalis) parts |
Question 103 |
After the injury of the hip joint in the patient has a limitation of movements. What is the hip joint by shape and number of axes?
A | Art. ginglymus. |
B | Art. cotylica. |
C | Art. sellaris. |
D | Art. trochoidea. |
E | Art. spheroidea |
Question 104 |
There is a need for bladder catheterization. In which urethral part or structure can resistance occur?
A | Spongy. |
B | Prostate. |
C | Internal urethral opening. |
D | Membranaceus. |
E | External urethral opening. |
Question 105 |
Name the vertebra with foramen processus transversus?
A | Cervicalis |
B | Cervicalis, (exept 1st) |
C | Cervicalis, (exept 7th) |
D | Thoracicaes |
E | Lumbalis |
Question 106 |
During writing the medical history of a patient, the doctor noted that the trauma is located in the submandibular triangle. Which of the following anatomical structures border this area?
A | Middle oh hyoid bone |
B | Midline of the trackea |
C | Inferior border of the mandible |
D | Midline of the neck |
Question 107 |
Where are middle suprarenal arteries arising from the aorta?
A | either side posteriorly at the level of L1 |
B | laterally of the aorta, at the level of L2 |
C | posterior aspect of the aorta, at the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm (T12 level) |
D | posteriorly at the level of L4 |
E | anterior aspect of the aorta, at the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm (T12 level) |
Question 108 |
The man turned to the doctor for a sore throat. An examination of the patient revealed hypertrophy of lymphoid organ, located in Fosse tonsillaris. What is this organ?
A | Tonsilla pharingea |
B | Tonsilla lingualis |
C | Tonsilla tubaria |
D | Tonsilla adenoidea |
E | Tonsilla palatina |
Question 109 |
Upon examination, the patient was installed defeat the dorsal part of the pons, disturbed chewing function. The nucleus of which nerve is affected?
A | Ambiquus nucleus of the vagus nerve |
B | Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve |
C | Motor nucleus of the facial nerve |
D | The nucleus of hypoglossal nerve |
E | Pontine nucleus of trigeminal nerve |
Question 110 |
In what joints of head of the ribs we don’t have intraarticulare ligaments?
A | I, XI, XII |
B | I, II, XII |
C | X, XI, XII |
E | I, V,XII |
Question 111 |
The patient does not feel the a touch to the skin in the medial surface of the shoulder to the elbow after injury. Inflammation of which of the nerve is observed in the patient?
A | axillary nerve |
B | medial cutaneous nerve of arm |
C | radial nerve |
D | medial cutaneous nerve of forearm |
E | A.ulnar nerve |
Question 112 |
At the soccer match, a player has got a trauma of the knee joint. At sciagram a fracture of bone located within the tendon of quadriceps muscle is marked. What group does this bone belong to?
A | flat |
B | tubular |
C | round |
D | irregular |
E | sesamoid |
Question 113 |
“ Ossification” is terminal stage of the development:
A | combinate joint |
B | simplex joint |
C | synchondrosis permanent |
D | synchondrosis temporary |
E | symphysis |
Question 114 |
Reiter's disease is a simultaneous destruction of eyeballs, urinary tract and joints. The most often defined by lesion in vascular layer. Which are parts of vascular layer?
A | Corpus vitreum, iris, corpus ciliare |
B | Iris, lens, corpus ciliare |
C | Iris, corpus ciliare, choroidea |
D | Iris, corpus ciliare, sclera |
E | Cornea, iris, corpus ciliare |
Question 115 |
What types of joints do we have between bodies of vertebra?
A | synchondrosis,synostosis, symphysis |
B | synchondrosis, symphysis, diartrosis |
C | symphysis, diartrosis |
D | syndesmosis, diartrosis |
E | diartrosis, synostosis |
Question 116 |
Choose the bones that contain large cavities – sinuses.
A | Palatine bone |
B | Occipital bone |
C | Mandible |
D | Parietal bone |
E | Frontal bone |
Question 117 |
What types of movements can we do in Articulatio interphalangea?
A | Abductio, adductio |
B | Flexio, extensio |
C | Rotatio, circumductio |
D | Rotatio |
E | Flexio, rotatio |
Question 118 |
The mother appealed for help to the pediatrician. Sick 14 months girl with fever, crying, taking toys into the mouth. Which tooth erupt at this age?
A | Canine |
B | Power second molar |
C | First upper molar |
D | Medial lower incisor |
E | Premolar |
Question 119 |
Which chamber of the heart does the superior vena cava empty into?
A | Right atrium |
B | Left ventricle |
C | Right venticle |
D | Venous sinus |
E | Left atrium |
Question 120 |
In the hospital was delivered a man, 34 years old, with stab wounds on the anterior cervical area. The cornu majus of bone, which is located under the mandibulla, was damaged due to injury. What bone is damaged?
A | Hyoid bone (os hyoideum). |
B | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
C | Maxilla. |
D | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
E | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
Question 121 |
During the rightsided lobectomy surgery, a surgeon approached the root of the right lung for the purpose of separation and processing its components. Specify the order of the elements of the root of the right lung which the doctor sees in the separation and processing from top to bottom?
A | Bronchus, pulmonary artery, phrenic nerve |
B | Phrenic nerve, bronchus, bronchial artery and vein |
C | Pulmonary artery, bronchus, pulmonary veins |
D | Bronchus, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein |
E | Pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, bronchus |
Question 122 |
Angiocardiography of a 60-years-old man revealed constriction of a vessel located in the left coronary sulcus of the heart. Name this pathological vessel:
A | Ramus interventricularis anterior. |
B | Ramus circumflexus. |
C | Ramus interventricularis posterior |
D | V.cordis parva. |
E | A.coronaria dextra. |
Question 123 |
A woman 40 years old appealed to the doctor with complaints about the inability to unbend the foot and toes, which creates difficulties in walking. OBJECTIVE: foot hanging, facing slightly inward, her fingers bent ("horse's foot"), sensitivity is lost on the outside surface of the leg and dorsal surface of the foot. Which nerve is affected?
A | sciatic nerve |
B | tibial nerve |
C | common peroneal nerve |
D | femoral nerve |
E | subcutaneous nerve |
Question 124 |
ІІ-V articulatio metacarpeaphalangea pollicis is?
A | Elipsoidea |
B | Condylaris |
C | Trochlearis |
D | Plana |
E | Sellaris |
Question 125 |
To the hospital applied a man with the sliced wound of the upper third of the lateral side of the forearm. Which muscle was damaged, if the patient can not bend the upper limb in the elbow joint?
A | M. brachioradialis. |
B | M. extensor digitorum. |
C | M. extensor carpi ulnaris. |
Question 126 |
The patient, 38 years old, was admitted to the neurological department with hemorrhage in the area near the red nucleus, substantia nigra and corpora quadrigemina. In which region of the brain are corpora quadrigemina, nucleus ruber and substantia nigra located?
A | metencephalon |
B | diencephalon |
C | myelencephalon |
D | mesencephalon |
E | cerebellum |
Question 127 |
In surgical delivered was taken a man with a deep sliver of the I intercarpal space. It is discovered a damage of m. adductor pollicis. Which function is broken?
A | Extensio |
B | Adductio |
C | Flexio |
D | Rotatio |
E | Abductio |
Question 128 |
A sportsman has got a trauma of the joint of forearm region and was admitted to the hospital. A membrana interossea is characteristic of:
A | suture |
B | synchondrosis |
C | symphysis |
D | syndesmosis |
E | gomphosis |
Question 129 |
A patient is performed leftsided pulmonectomy due to lung cancer. A surgeon should recall the order of the anatomical structures of the right lung root (top down).
A | veins, bronchus, artery
B | bronchus, artery, vein |
C | artery, vein, bronchus |
D | vein, artery, bronchus |
E | artery, vein, bronchus |
Question 130 |
As a result of head injuries, localized a hematoma in the middle cranial fossa on the left. As a result, on the affected side dilation of the pupil. What nerve is affected?
A | N.trigeminus |
B | N.trochlearis |
C | N.opticus |
D | N.abduceus |
E | N.oculomotorius |
Question 131 |
After the circulatory disorder of the brain the patient has lost the ability to write letters and numbers. In what part of the brain did this pathology occur?
A | Insula |
B | Lobus temporalis |
C | Lobus frontalis |
D | Lobus parietalis |
E | Lobus occipitalis |
Question 132 |
The patient has paralysis of the right upper and lower limbs. The center of what hemisphere of the brain is damaged?
A | Center of stereognosis of the left hemisphere |
B | Motor center of right hemisphere |
C | Center of simultaneous rotation of the head and eyes to the opposite side of the right hemisphere |
D | Motor center of left hemisphere |
E | Center of precise movement of the left hemisphere |
Question 133 |
In a patient, a pus is accumulated within infratemporal fossa. Which of the following openings it might be spread into orbit through?
A | foramen lacerum |
B | inferior orbital fissure |
C | foramen supraorbital |
D | foramen infraorbital |
E | superior orbital fissure |
Question 134 |
At the soccer match, a player has got a trauma of the joint. Which of the following statements related to ligamentum capitis femoris are false?
A |
it extends from fossa acetabuli to fovea capitis femoris
B | it is intracapsular ligament |
C | it contains arterial vessel supplying the head of femur |
D | it supports the coxal joint |
E | it is extracapsular ligament |
Question 135 |
Examining a patient a neuropathologist detected the following symptom complex: cremasteric reflex extinction (reduction of m. cremaster), disorder of skin sensitivity on the anterior and internal surface of the superior third of the thigh and scrotum. Which nerve was injured?
A | Femoral |
B | Genitofemoral |
C | Obturator |
D | Sciatic |
E | Ilioinguinal |
Question 136 |
What kind of joint do we have between ІІ-VII ribs and sternum?
A | synhondrosis temporary |
B | synelastosis |
C | synostosis |
D | synhondrosis permanent |
E | articulatio plana |
Question 137 |
In the surgical department was brought a man with an injury of the brain. A doctor established the bone injury, which takes part in the formation of the lateral walls of the right orbit. Which bone was damaged?
A | Right frontal bone. |
B | Right ethmoid bone. |
C | Right maxilla. |
D | Right zygomatic bone. |
E | Right temporal bone. |
Question 138 |
A 28year old woman was diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy which was complicated by rupture of the fallopian tube. In what space of the peritoneum can blood appear?
A | Left mesenteric sinus |
B | Intersigmoidal sinus |
C | Right mesenteric sinus |
D | Vesicouterine |
E | Rectouterine |
Question 139 |
Articulatio coxae is consist of:
A | Caput ossis femoris, Facies lunata acetabuli |
B | Caput ossis femoris et Facies auricularis sacri |
C | Facies auricularis sacri et Facies lunata acetabuli |
D | ovea capitis ossis femoris et acetabulum |
E | facies tuber ischiadicum et Caput ossis femoris |
Question 140 |
In a patient, a purulent maxillary sinusitis was diagnosed. A pus from maxillary sinus drains into:
A | vestibule |
B | middle nasal meatus |
C | lower nasal meatus |
D | lateral nasal meatus |
E | upper nasal meatus |
Question 141 |
The patient does not understand the meaning of the words, as well as his own speech. What gyrus of the cerebral hemispheres is affected?
A | Superior temporal gyrus |
B | Inferior frontal gyrus |
C | Superior parietal gyrus |
D | Postcentral gyrus |
E | Inferior parietal gyrus |
Question 142 |
The patient disrupt the masticatory muscles. What nerve is damaged?
A | maxillary nerve |
B | auriculo-temporal nerve |
C | mandibular nerve |
D | lingual nerve |
E | buccal nerve |
Question 143 |
What are the branches a. thoracica interna has?
A | A. musculophrenica, a. epigastrica superior |
B | A. intercostalis, a. phrenica |
C | A. pericardiacophrenica, a. epigastrica inferior |
D | A. intercostalis. a. epigastrica superior |
E | Aa.mediastinales et pericardiacae |
Question 144 |
A man 40 years after maxillofacial trauma disrupted the function of the sublingual and submandibular gland from the left. Saliva from these glands secreted a little. The function of which nerve is broken?
A | XI |
B | VI |
C | VII |
Question 145 |
Where the inferior vena cava leaves the abdomen?
A | at the level of L5 |
B | at the level of T12 |
C | at the level of T8 |
D | at the level of T10 |
E | at the level of L4 |
Question 146 |
After a cold a patient had disorder of pain and temperature sensitivity of anterior 2/3 of the tongue. Which nerve was injured?
A | Chorda tympani |
B | N. phrenic |
C | N. vagus |
D | N. trigeminal |
E | N. sublingual |
Question 147 |
In a patient, observed decrease of tactile and taste sensation of mucosa posterior third of the back of the tongue. Which nerve is damaged?
A | the second branch of the trigeminal nerve |
B | hypoglossus |
C | facial |
D | the third branch of the trigeminal nerve |
E | glossopharyngeal |
Question 148 |
Where is the superior vena cava located in the mediastinum?
A | in the inferior mediastinum |
B | in the posterior mediastinum |
C | in the anterior mediastinum |
D | in the middle and superior mediastinum |
E | in the superior and anterior mediastinum |
Question 149 |
After a cranial trauma with the damage of the superior wall of the right eyesocket a patient lost the possibility to lift up the upper eyelid of the right eye and look up. Which nerve was damaged?
A | N. ophtalmicus |
B | R. superior n. oculomotorius |
C | N. abducens |
D | N. trochlearis |
E | R. inferior n. oculomotorius |
Question 150 |
Chronic lung disease was complicated be stone release from the kidney. At which level of the ureter it most likely be stopped
A | In the abdominal part |
B | In the place of renal pelvis transition into the ureter |
C | 2 cm above the confluence of the bladder |
D | At the border of abdominal and pelvic parts |
E | 5 cm above the pelvic part |
Question 151 |
The patient has paralysis of the left upper and lower limbs. The center of what hemisphere of the brain could be damaged?
A | Center of simultaneous rotation of the head and eyes to the opposite side of the right hemisphere |
B | Center of precise movement of the right hemisphere |
C | Motor center of left hemisphere |
D | Center of stereognosis of the left hemisphere |
E | Motor center of right hemisphere |
Question 152 |
Choose all statements describing superior vena cava position:
A | It descends vertically through the superior mediastinum.
Hint: + |
B | It descends behind the intercostal spaces.
Hint: + |
C | It is located to the right of the aorta and trachea. Hint: + |
D | It terminates at the level of the second costal cartilage. |
E | It is located to the left of the aorta and trachea. |
Question 153 |
What types of joints do we have between processus spinosus vertebrae?
A | Syndesmosis |
B | Synostosis |
C | Diartrosis |
D | Symphysis |
E | Synchondrosis |
Question 154 |
In a patient, observed tearing, increased salivation. This condition, combined with other symptoms of irritation is regarded as one of the fibers of cranial nerves. What is it and what nerve fibers?
A | somatic motor fibers of the facial nerve |
B | parasympathetic fibers of the oculomotor nerve |
C | parasympathetic fibers of the facial nerve |
D | parasympathetic fibers of the vagus nerve |
E | somatic motor fibers of the oculomotor nerve
Question 155 |
Examination of a patient with a cut wound in the interior third of the right leg anterior area has shown the absence of extension movements in the right ankle joint. Muscles are not injured. Which nerve integrity has been affected?
A | Common peroneal |
B | Saphenous |
C | Deep fibular |
D | Superficial fibular |
E | Femoral |
Question 156 |
What types of movements can we do in Articulatio genus?
A | Abductio, extensio, rotatio |
B | Flexio, adductio, rotatio |
C | Flexio, abductio, adductio |
D | Flexio, extensio, rotatio |
E | Extensio, abductio, adductio |
Question 157 |
The patient appealed to the doctor with a complaint of difficulty in chewing. The examination revealed atrophy of the right temporal and masseter muscles. When opening the mouth, the jaw deviates to the left. What nerve is affected?
A | The motor part of mandibular |
B | Maxillary |
C | Inferior alveolar |
D | Mylohyoid |
E | Facial |
Question 158 |
What is the specific feature of the seventh cervical vertebra?
A | Massive transverse process connects with the whole lateral aspect of its pedicle |
B | It bears the dens (odontoid process) on the superior aspect of its body |
C | It has long and easily felt non-bifid spine |
D | It has no body |
E | It comes into relationship with the descending aorta and is a little flattened by it on its left flank |
Question 159 |
What level does the aorta pass through the diaphragm and the coeliac trunk arise?
A | L2 |
B | L1 |
C | T11 |
D | T10 |
E | T12 |
Question 160 |
What bone does form the roof of the orbit?
A | The frontal bone |
B | The zygomatic bone |
C | The maxilla |
D | The ethmoid bone |
E | The palatine bone |
Question 161 |
The man, 34 years old, with inflammation of sphenoid sinus, and doctor observed outflow of turbid fluid from the opening of the sinus. In which part of the nasal cavity does fluid enter first from sphenoid sinus?
A | Meatus nasi inferior. |
B | Infundibulum. |
C | Meatus nasi medius. |
D | Meatus nasi communis. |
E | Recessus sphenoethmoidalis. |
Question 162 |
Name the layer of capsula articularis (L.) that produces synovial liquid?
A | external epithelial membrane |
B | fat membrane |
C | fiber membrane |
D | synovial membrane |
Question 163 |
Due to the fall, the boy, 1 year old, received injury of anterior fontanel. What type of skull bones connection were damaged?
A | Syndesmosis. |
B | Synostosis. |
C | Diartrosis. |
D | Synchondrosis. |
E | Hemiartrosis. |
Question 164 |
What are the veins drain the greater curvature of the stomach?
A | Pancreatic veins |
B | Inferior mesenteric veins |
C | Left gastro-omental veins |
D | Short gastric veins |
E | Superior mesenteric veins |
Question 165 |
Find the features of articulations interphalangaeae manus:
A | Composita, plana |
B | Composita, ellipsoidea |
C | Simplex, hinge |
D | Simplex, cotilica |
E | Composita, pivot |
Question 166 |
On patient's examination, a surgeon found injuries of the middle third of the left kidney. The integrity of which organ should be checked while taking into account syntopy of the left kidney?
A | The small intestine |
B | Liver |
C | Pancreas |
D | Descending colon |
E | Stomach |
Question 167 |
What department of vertebra column does have vertebrae with split processus spinosus?
A | Lumbaris |
B | Thoracicae, except first |
C | Sacralis et V lumbalis |
D | Cervicalis, except first and seventh |
E | IV, V lumbalis |
Question 168 |
What are the branches of the thoracic aorta supply the lung as an organ?
A | Rami pericardiaci |
B | Rami bronchiales |
C | Rami oesophagei |
D | Rami mediastinales |
Question 169 |
A man came to the hospital with the trauma of the head. After the examination, the doctor found the fracture of the facial bone of the skull. The fracture line passes through the condilar process. What bone was injured?
A | Maxilla |
B | Os lacrimale |
C | Os palatinum |
D | Mandibula |
E | Os zygomaticus |
Question 170 |
Patient appealed to the doctor with complaints about the impossibility of abduction of his right hand after the earlier trauma. In surveys, passive movements are not restricted. Revealed atrophy of the deltoid muscle. Which nerve is damaged?
A | Suprascapular nerve |
B | Axillary nerve |
C | Radial nerve |
D | Ulnar nerve |
E | Median nerve |
Question 171 |
How many vertebrae does columna vertebralis contain?
A | 30-32 |
B | 34-36 |
C | 33-34 |
D | 35-38 |
E | 31-40 |
Question 172 |
As a result of the dislocation of the mandible, in the patient has no sense of taste front of the tongue and tearing. Which nerve causes this?
A | hypoglossus |
B | Facial |
C | vagus |
D | tympanic |
E | mandibular |
Question 173 |
Because of fall, a patient got a fracture of upper part of the humerus. One of the back muscle is dysfunctional, this muscle is attached to the crista tuberculi minoris ossis humeri. What muscle is damaged?
A | M. serratus posterior superior. |
B | M. rhomboideus major. |
C | M. rhomboideus minor. |
D | M. trapezius. |
E | M. latissimus dorsi. |
Question 174 |
A man at work received a cut wound in the lateral margin of the palmar surface of the hand. The doctor discovered limitation of the thumb abduction. The function of which muscle is damaged?
A | Musculus abductor policis brevis |
B | Musculus opponens |
C | Musculus palmaris brevis |
D | Musculi lubricales |
E | Musculus abductor policis |
Question 175 |
The patient needs the catheterization and injection of medicine into the subclavian vein. The catheter is situated in the area of trigonum clavipectorale. What structures do limit it?
A | Clavicula and superior border of musculus pectoralis major |
B | .
Inferior and superior borders of musculus pectoralis minor.
C | Clavicula and inferior border of musculus pectoralis minor. |
D | Inferior border of musculus pectoralis major and inferior border of musculus pectoralis minor |
E | Clavicula and superior border of musculus pectoralis minor. |
Question 176 |
Where is the superior vena cava receive the azygous vein?
A | at the level of T4 |
B | at the level of the lower edge of the right first costal cartilage |
C | at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum |
D | at the level of the lower edge of the right third costal cartilage |
E | at the level of T12 |
Question 177 |
What are the arteries branched from the aa. intercostales posteriors III-XI of the thoracic aorta?
A | Aa. thoracica interna |
B | Rami mediastinales |
C | Rami dorsalis |
D | Aa. phrenicae superiores |
E | Aa. intercostales posteriors I-XI |
Question 178 |
The patient appealed to the doctor complaining of increased pain sensitivity of the skin of auricle and ear canal. Palpation behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle hurt. Irritation of the which nerves can give the clinical picture?
A | N. occipitalis minor |
B | N. auricularis magnus |
C | N. transversus colli |
D | N. vagus |
E | N. Supraclaviculares |
Question 179 |
Name the auxiliary apparatus of Articulatio genus?
A | ligament, discus, plicae alares, bursae synovialis |
B | Ligg. Intracapsularia, labrum articulare, bursa synovialis |
C | Ligamentum, vaginae synovialis, plicae alares |
D | Ligamentum, meniscus, vagina synovialis, bursae synovialis |
E | Ligamentum, meniscus, plicae alares, bursae synovialis |
Question 180 |
Very ofter a cubital fossa is used for injections of medicine and venous blood sampling, it is because of localization of ulnar vein directly under the skin. What structures do limit the cubital fossa?
A | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi ulnaris. |
B | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi radialis. |
C | M. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres, m. flexor carpi ulnaris. |
D | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres. |
E | M. brachialis, m. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres |
Question 181 |
At extirpation of the lateral lobes of thyroid gland great care must be taken to avoid removing the parathyroid glands, which are situated:
A | Behind the lobes |
B | Laterally from lobes |
C | Medially from lobes |
D | Between the lobes |
E | In front of lobes |
Question 182 |
A patient after fracture of radius developed traumatic neuritis, which has steady swelling of hand, limitation of movement in the fingers (bending), paresthesia, increased sweating. A defeat of which nerve is observed in this condition?
A | ulnar nerve |
B | interosseus nerve |
C | axillary nerve |
D | median nerve |
E | radial nerve |
Question 183 |
Where is the caval hiatus located?
A | at the level of L5 |
B | at the level of T10 |
C | at the level of L4 |
D | at the level of T12 |
E | at the level of T8 |
Question 184 |
Name the bone that has crista galli.
A | The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale) |
B | The sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale) |
C | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
D | The parietal bone (os parietale) |
E | The occipital bone (os occipitale) |
Question 185 |
A sportsman has got a trauma of the joint of the lower limb and was admitted to the hospital. The articulatio tarsi transversa is composed of:
A | art.talonavicularis and art.cuneonavicularis |
B | art.calcaneocuboidea and art.talonavicularis |
C | art.talonavicularis and art.talocruralis |
D | art.calcaneocuboidea and art.subtalaris |
E | art.talonavicularis and art.talonavicularis |
Question 186 |
A patient has inflammation of the sphenoid sinus. Where does its aperture open?
A | Infundibulum |
B | Recessus sphenoethmoidalis |
C | Meatus nasi communis |
D | Meatus nasi medius |
E | Meatus nasi inferior |
Question 187 |
Name the body parts located close to the trunk?
A | Superficialis. |
B | Distalis |
C | Profundus |
D | Proximalis |
E | Sinister |
Question 188 |
Find the features of Articulatio coxae:
A | Composita , spheroidea |
B | Composita |
C | Simplex, ellipsoidea |
D | Composita, plana |
E | Simplex, spheroidea (ball and socket) |
Question 189 |
Name the body parts located far from the head?
A | Superficialis. |
B | Dexter |
C | Profundus |
D | Cranialis (superior) |
E | Sinister |
Question 190 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with acute pain in the gluteal area. A muscle dividing the foramen ischiadicum majus into upper and lower parts is:
A | piriformis |
B | gemelli |
C | quadratus femoris |
D | obturatorius internus |
E | obturatorius externus |
Question 191 |
A patient was diagnosed with abscess of the neck (purulent inflammation), which is located above manubrium sterni. Which interfascial space the surgeon must cut and drain?
A | Spatium retropharyngeale |
B | Spatium prepharyngeale
C | Spatium previscerale |
D | Spatium pretracheale |
E | Spatium interaponeuroticum suprasternale |
Question 192 |
What part of colon may be damaged at the wound in the left half of abdomen?
A | Colon sigmoideum |
B | Rectum |
C | Colon descendens |
D | Colon transversum |
E | Colon ascendens |
Question 193 |
Name the vertebra with no corpus?
A | I cervicalis |
B | I thoracicae |
C | V lumbalis |
D | II cervicalis |
E | VI cervicalis |
Question 194 |
Find the features of Articulatio sacroiliaca:
A | Simplex, complexa, ellipsoidea |
B | Composita, complexa, spheroidea |
C | Simplex, plana, amphiarthrosis |
D | Composita , complexa, plana |
E | Composita, trochlearis |
Question 195 |
A man, in working conditions, got an injury of the femoral nerve, which runs in the lacuna musculorum. What structures do limit lacuna musculorum?
A | Lig. inquinale, os ilium, lig. pectineale. |
B | Lig. inquinale, arcus ileopectineus, os pubis. |
C | Lig. inquinale, lig lacunare, os pubis. |
D | Lig. inquinale, lig. lacunare, lig. Pectineale |
E | Lig. inquinale, os ilium, arcus ileopectineus. |
Question 196 |
During the final game a basketball player injured his right leg, after this injury it was impossible to bend the right foot. The team’s doctor found that the tendon was damaged. The tendon of which muscle is damaged?
A | Musculus biceps femoris |
B | Musculus gracilis |
C | Musculus triceps surae (Achilles' tendon) |
D | Musculus tibialis anterior |
E | Musculus extensor policis longus |
Question 197 |
In the young man, the humerus is broken in the area of crista tuberculi majoris. Movements are limited. What muscle is attached to cristae tuberculi majoris humeri?
A | M. subclavius. |
B | M. serratus anterior |
C | M. pectoralis major |
D | M. transversus thoracis. |
Question 198 |
In adult, calcium is frequently deposited in the epiphysis cerebri and then serves as a landmark on an xray investigation of brain. Epiphysis cerebri (pineal body) belongs to:
A | Myelencephalon |
B | Mesencephalon |
C | Diencephalon |
D | Metencephalon |
E | Telencephalon |
Question 199 |
A patient (man 68-years-old) was admitted to the hospital with a problem in the abdomen. Posterior wall of rectus sheath below linea arcuata is formed by:
A | aponeurosis of external oblique muscle |
B | aponeurosis of transverses muscle |
C | fascia transversalis |
D | aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle |
E | fascia thoracodorsalis |
Question 200 |
What is the name of seventh vertebra?
A | Atlas |
B | Epistropheus |
C | Coccyx |
D | Axis |
E | Vertebra prominens |
Question 201 |
At a patient, there is a disturbance of skin sensitivity at medial surface of the forearm. What nerve is damaged?
A | axillary nerve |
B | radial nerve |
C | forearm |
D | medial cutaneous nerve of arm |
E | ulnar nerve |
Question 202 |
Continue the sentence: Articular tubercle of the temporal bone …
A | serves as a muscle attachment site. |
B | forms temporomandibular joint, which allows for movements of the mandible during opening and closing of the mouth. |
C | houses the structures of the middle and inner ears. |
D | serves as an attachment site for several small muscles and for a ligament that supports the hyoid bone of the neck. |
E | forms the posterior portion of the zygomatic arch. |
Question 203 |
The pneumonia was complicated by the exudative pleurisy. Choose the structure where fluid usually colected?
A | sinus phrenicomediastinalis pleurae |
B | sinus transversus pericardii |
C | sinus costodiaphragmaticus pleurae |
D | sinus costomediastinalis pleurae |
E | sinus obliquus pericardii |
Question 204 |
In a men 40 years old as a blow to the head appeared disorders hearing impairment and paresis of facial muscles. The doctor diagnosed him with a hematoma of the cerebellopontine angle. What nerves when it is damaged?
A | VII, VIII pairs of cranial nerves |
B | IX, X, pairs of cranial nerves |
C | V, VI, pairs of cranial nerves |
D | XI, XII pair of cranial nerves |
E | VIII, IX pairs of cranial nerves |
Question 205 |
At inspection, a patient with a sliced wound in the popliteal fossa area detected a lack of sensitivity on the medial surface of the skin of the back leg. Which nerve is damaged?
A | Lateral cutaneous nerve of the shin |
B | Sural nerve |
C | Tibial nerve |
D | Peroneal nerve |
E | Medial cutaneous nerve of the shin |
Question 206 |
Find the features of the atlantooccipital joint?
A | composita |
B | composita |
C | composite, combinata |
D | combinata, simplex |
E | simplex, complex |
Question 207 |
Under certain complaints the patient 70 years old, the doctor decided to explore pulse on foot. Which artery is best to do this?
A | A. tibialis anterior |
B | A. plantaris medialis |
C | A. plantaris medialis |
D | A. dorsalis pedis |
E | A . tibialis posterior |
Question 208 |
What are the inferior vena cava tributaries?
A | Hepatic veins
Hint: + |
B | Common iliac veins
Hint: + |
C | Lumbar veins Hint: + |
D | Left testicular/ovarian vein |
E | Right testicular/ovarian vein Hint: + |
Question 209 |
What structures are located on the arcus posterior atlantis?
A | Massa lateralis, fovea articularis inferior |
B | Sulcus a. vertebralis, tuberculum posterius |
C | Fovea dentis, sulcus a.vertebralis |
D | Fovea articularis superior, tuberculum posterius |
E | Fovea articularis inferior, tuberculum posterius |
Question 210 |
A patient suffered from an acute inflammation of the nasolacrimal canal. It is known that after suffering from flu, the patient had long discharges from the nose. From which meatus of the nasal cavity discharges could lead to the infection in the nasolacrimal canal?
A | From meatus nasi superior |
B | From foramen sphenopalatinum |
C | From meatus nasi inferior |
D | From meatus nasi media |
E | From meatus nasi communis |
Question 211 |
A 75 years old patient was diagnosed with the stroke in an area near the red nucleus. A red nucleus is an important part of:
A | extrapyramidal system |
B | rhinencephalon |
C | medulla |
D | pyramidal system |
E | limbic system |
Question 212 |
A 10 years old child has nasopharyngitis that is complicated by acute otitis. The middle ear is separated from the inner ear by:
A | Oval window |
B | Round window |
C | Both round window and tympanic membrane |
D | Tympanic membrane |
E | Both round window and oval window |
Question 213 |
The hepatic portal system delivers blood from the digestive organs to the ________.
A | liver |
B | hypothalamus |
C | left atrium |
D | spleen |
Question 214 |
Blood pressure rise in aorta increased the load of the cardiac muscle. The muscular wall of which region of the heart reacts to irritation?
A | Left atrium |
B | Right atrium |
C | Right ventricle |
D | Left ventricle |
E | Venous sinus |
Question 215 |
In a patient of 36 years old has a disturbance of a motor function of the tongue after a viral infection. With pathology of what nerve this state is connected?
A | Glossopharyngeal |
B | Hypoglossal |
C | Vagus |
D | Lingual |
E | Facial |
Question 216 |
What kind of joint do we have between І st rib and sternum?
A | synhondrosis temporary |
B | Diartrosis |
C | synhondrosis permanent |
D | symphysis |
E | synostosis |
Question 217 |
The superior vena cava receives tributaries from which vessel?
A | Azygos vein |
B | Inferior phrenic veins |
C | Great cardiac vein |
D | Hepatic portal vein |
E | Hepatic veins |
Question 218 |
Find the joints with basis ossis metatarsi?
A | Intermetatarseae |
B | Tarsometatarseae |
C | Tarsi transversa |
D | Metatarsophalangeae |
E | Interphalangeae |
Question 219 |
The patient was admitted to the hospital with haematoma suspected in the brain area. After the tomographic examination the lemniscus lateralis damage was revealed. Which of the pathways is this structure belong to?
A | Tr. reticulospinalis |
B | Tr. tectospinalis |
C | Tr. pyramidalis |
D | Tr. frontopontinus |
E | Tr. acusticus |
Question 220 |
Name the bone that has linea nuchalis superior.
A | The occipital bone (os occipitale) |
B | The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale) |
C | The parietal bone (os parietale) |
D | The temporal bone (os temporale) |
E | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
Question 221 |
Where is the right and left brachiocephalic veins join and form the superior vena cava?
A | anterior to the lower edge of the right first costal cartilage |
B | posterior to the lower edge of the right first costal cartilage |
C | anterior to the right second costal cartilage |
D | posterior to the left second costal cartilage |
E | posterior to the right second costal cartilage |
Question 222 |
Which of the following is NOT a branch of the superior mesenteric artery?
A | Ileocolic artery |
B | Jejunal artery |
C | Right colic artery |
D | Left colic artery |
Question 223 |
Patient aged 30 with inflammation of the 2nd upper molar pulp came to a doctor complaining of headaches and mucus from the nose. After examination he was diagnosed – pulpitis, complicated with sinusitis. Name the infected sinuse.
A | frontal |
B | ethmoidal |
C | mastoid cells |
D | sphenoid |
E | maxillary |
Question 224 |
After the fracture of bones in a distal part of the forearm and long-term immobilization in a patient the limitation of movements at wrist joint came into being. What movements, peculiar to this joint, must be renewed by persistent training?
A | abduction-adduction |
B | flexion-extension, abduction-adduction |
C | rotation, flexion-extension |
D | flexion-extension |
E | flexion-extension, abduction-adduction, rotation |
Question 225 |
In a patient was diagnosed the oblique inguinal hernia, which came out of the inguinal canal. What structure does forms the inferior wall of the inguinal canal?
A | Aponeurosis of m. obliqui externus abdominis. |
B | Ligamentum inguinale. |
C | Ligamentum lacunare. |
D | M. transversus abdominis. |
E | Fascia transversalis. |
Question 226 |
Choice uniaxial joints?
A | spheroidea, hinge, sellaris |
B | ball and socket, cochlearis, plana |
C | pivot, hinge |
D | cochlearis, plana |
E | pivot, condylaris, ellipsoidea |
Question 227 |
What are the arteries branched from the aa. intercostales posteriors III-XI of the thoracic aorta?
A | Aa. thoracica interna |
B | Rami mediastinales |
C | Rami dorsalis |
D | Aa. phrenicae superiores |
E | Aa. intercostales posteriors I-XI |
Question 228 |
In the department of maxillofacial surgery with a gunshot wound was taken a man, 43 years. After radiological examination the doctor found that the bullet passed through the skull at mental foramen (foramen mentale). What bone is damaged?
A | Vomer |
B | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
C | Mandibula. |
D | Maxilla |
E | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
Question 229 |
To the hospital applied a man with the fracture of the upper third of the humerus with a displacement of fragments, as a result blood vessels and nerves that pass through foramen quadrilaterum of the posterior wall of the axillary cavity, were damaged. What structure limits the foramen quadrilaterum?
A | M. teres major, m teres minor, m. triceps brachii, m. brachialis. |
B | M. teres major, m. teres minor, m. triceps brachii, os humeri. |
C | M. latissimus dorsi, m. infraspinatus, m. coracobrachialis, m. brachialis. |
D | M. teres major, m. biceps brachii, os humeri, m. brachialis. |
Question 230 |
Choose the parts of the sphenoid bone.
A | The pterygoid processes |
B | Talus |
C | Glabella |
D | The squama |
E | The petrous (pyramid) with mastoid process |
Question 231 |
A 30 years old woman fell and injured the sacrum. The radiological investigations revealed damage of the sacral crest which is formed by the transverse processes of the sacral vertebrae. Which sacral crest was damaged?
A | Right lateral and right medial crests |
B | Middle and right medial crests. |
C | Median and left medial crests. |
D | Right lateral and left lateral crests. |
E | Left lateral and left medial crests. |
Question 232 |
Continue the sentence: The sphenoid bone consist of…
A | 1 body, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 sphenoidal sinuses. |
B | seven different parts: 1 sella turcica, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 pterygoid process. |
C | seven different parts: 1 body, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 pterygoid process. |
D | 1 cribriform plate, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 pterygoid process. |
E | 1 sella turcica, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 sphenoidal sinuses. |
Question 233 |
What auxiliary apparatus does art. Humeri have?
A | plica synovialis, discus articularis |
B | ligamentum intracapsulare |
C | meniscus, bursa synovialis |
D | labrum articulare, bursa synovialis, vagina synovialis |
E | ligamentum intracapsulare, plica synovialis |
Question 234 |
What ligaments does art. Cubiti have?
A | radiale et ulnare, collaterale, annulare radii |
B | collaterale radiale, radiocapeum palmare |
C | Radiacarpeum dorsale et palmare |
D | lateralis, collaterale, mediale breve |
E | collaterale radiale et ulnare, ligg. carpea |
Question 235 |
The car ambulance delivred a man, who is 35 years old, to the hospital with a brain injury. After the X-ray doctor establish the fractured skull. The line of the fracture passes through coronal process. What bone is injured?
A | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
B | Mandibula |
C | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
D | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
E | Maxilla |
Question 236 |
The 35 yearold man after meningoencephalitis had the sharp decline of hearing. The inspection has not exposed pathology of sound conducting and sound accepting organs of hearing. In what cortical gyrus have the pathological changes been found?
A | superior temporal |
B | supramarginalis |
C | superior frontal |
D | insula |
E | middle temporal |
Question 237 |
Name the two anatomic separated articulations which move at the same time
A | composita |
B | simplex |
C | ball and socket |
D | combinata |
E | complexa |
Question 238 |
What joint has ‘rotatio’?
A | articulatio zygapopbysialis |
B | articulatio atlantoaxialis mediana |
C | articulatio atlantoaxialis mediana, articulation atlanto-occipitalis |
D | articulatio atlanto-occipitalis, articulatio atlantoaxialis lateralis
E | articulatio atlantooccipitalis |
Question 239 |
After removing the tooth of the patient, the dentist saw that it has two roots. What is the tooth?
A | Upper incisor |
B | Lower premolar |
C | Lower molar |
D | Canine |
E | Upper molar |
Question 240 |
Find the features of Articulatio genus?
A | Hinge |
B | Sellaris
C | Pivot |
D | Spheroidea
E | Condylaris |
Question 241 |
Name the body parts located close to the head?
A | caudalis (inferior |
B | Dexter |
C | Profundus |
D | Cranialis (superior) |
E | Superficialis. |
Question 242 |
A patient has a tumor of the eyesocket tissues behind the eyeball. Disruption of the accomodation and pupil constriction is observed. What anatomical structure is damaged?
A | N. trochlearis. |
B | Ganglion ciliare. |
C | N.opticus. |
D | N.nasociliaris. |
E | N.lacrimalis. |
Question 243 |
After haemorrhage the patient lost an ability to pronounce words. In what gyrus this hemorrhage could be localized?
A | Middle temporal |
B | Superior temporal |
C | Middle frontal |
D | Superior frontal |
E | Inferior frontal |
Question 244 |
The patient appealed to the doctor with a complaint of difficulty in chewing. At inspection detected right temporal atrophy and chewing muscles. When you open your mouth jaw deviates to the left. What a nerve is affected?
A | inferior alveolar |
B | Mylohyoid |
C | maxillary |
D | Motor portion of the mandibular |
E | Facial |
Question 245 |
What is the name of second vertebra?
A | Atlas |
B | Axis |
C | Vertebra prominens |
D | Vertebrae cervicales |
E | Coccyx |
Question 246 |
Examination of the 27year old male showed increase in the size of hand, foot and lower jaw, deformity of the joints and spine, hormonal disorders (impotence, testicular atrophy). What gland is damaged?
A | anterior pituitary |
B | adrenal glands |
C | thyroid gland |
D | parathyroid glands |
E | pineal body |
Question 247 |
Branches of what arteries form anastomosis with the oesophageal branches (rami oesophagei)?
A | Superior thyroid artery and left gastric artery |
B | Left gastric artery |
C | Inferior thyroid artery and superior thyroid artery |
D | Inferior thyroid artery and left gastric artery |
E | Inferior thyroid artery |
Question 248 |
What are the branches aroused from truncus thyrocervicalis?
A | A.vertebralis, a.colli ascendens, a.colli transversa |
B | A.laryngea inferior, a.thoracica interna, a.colli superficialis |
C | A.thoracica interna, a.vertebralis, a.thyroidea inferior |
D | A.thyroidea superior, a.laryngea, a.vertebralis |
E | A.thyroidea inferior, a.colli ascendens, a.suprascapularis |
Question 249 |
Branches of which artery provide blood supply of the pancreas?
A | A. gastroduodenalis, a. lienalis, a. mesenterica superior |
B | A. lienalis, a. suprarenalis superior |
C | A. hepatica communis, a. colica media, a. suprarenalis inferior |
D | Aa. phrenicae inferiors, a. renalis, a. mesenterica superior |
Question 250 |
Choose the source of blood supply of hepar and ventriculus?
A | A.gastrica sinistra |
B | A.linealis |
C | Truncus coeliacus |
D | A.hepatica sinistra |
E | A.mesenterica superior |
Question 251 |
A patient suffering from an intra-articular fracture of the femoral neck. Asymmetry of the head of the femur is observed. Which structure is damaged?
A | Ligamentum capitis femoris |
B | Nervus femoralis |
C | Arteria obturatoria |
D | Nervus obturatorius |
E | Zona orbicullaris |
Question 252 |
A child has a wound located posterior to the mastiod process. Bright red blood flows from the wound. Damaged are the branches of the following artery:
A | a.carotis interna |
B | a.maxillaris. |
C | a.carotis interna. |
D | a.temporalis superior. |
E | a.occipitalis |
Question 253 |
What is the name of bones connection made up with fibrous connective tissue?
A | synchondrosis |
B | syndesmosis |
C | synostosis |
D | articulatio |
E | symphysis |
Question 254 |
Name the plane with physiological bends of the spine?
A | Sagittalis |
B | Horizontalis et sagittalis |
C | Frontalis et sagittalis |
D | Horizontalis et frontalis |
E | Frontalis |
Question 255 |
Choice joints with few axial?
A | spheroidea, plana, ball and socket |
B | plana, pivot, hinge |
C | ellipsoidea, pivot, sellaris |
D | plana, pivot, sellaris |
E | spheroidea, ball and socket, sellaris |
Question 256 |
What structure is separatec pelvis major from pelvis minor?
A | Crista iliaca |
B | Linea aspera |
C | Linea glutea |
D | Linea terminalis |
E | Linea transversa |
Question 257 |
In a patient at appendectomy a surgeon dissects the muscular fibers of anterior abdominal wall successively as follow:
A | external oblique, internal oblique, rectus abdomini
B | transversus, internal oblique |
C | rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique |
D | external oblique, internal oblique, transversus |
E | rectus abdominis, external oblique |
Question 258 |
The endothelium is found in the ________.
A | lumen |
B | tunica intima |
C | tunica media |
D | tunica externa |
Question 259 |
A man arrived into a traumatological department with a trauma of the right shoulder. Examination revealed a displaced humeral shaft fracture on the right in the middle right third of the humerus; the patient can't extend the fingers if his right hand. What nerve is damaged?
A | Radial |
B | Median |
C | Axillary |
D | Musculocutaneus. |
E | Ulnar |
Question 260 |
After the injury of temporal region a patient got epidural hematoma. Which artery is damaged?
A | Deep temporal |
B | Superior tympanic |
C | Inferior tympanic |
D | Deep auriculary |
E | Middle meningeal |
Question 261 |
What bone does have processus spinosus?
A | Humerus |
B | Os temporale |
C | Os sphenoidale |
D | Ulna |
E | Vertebra |
Question 262 |
The patient cannot understand the text (cannot reabecause of complication after the trauma of the head. What is the localization of the central nervous system lesion in this case?
A | Superior temporal gyrus |
B | Superior frontal gyrus |
C | Middle frontal gyrus |
D | Middle temporal gyrus |
E | Gyrus angularis |
Question 263 |
Before the surgeon appealed a woman, 20 years old, with purulent inflammation of the skin in the region of infraorbital fossa. Doctor predicts extending inflammation in the orbit. Through which anatomic structure it possible for inflammation to spread in this case?
A | Fissura orbitalis inferior. |
B | Canalis infraorbitalis. |
C | Canalis pterygoideus. |
D | Canalis nasolacrimalis. |
E | Canalis incisivus. |
Question 264 |
The patient who entered the neurological department, the examination revealed deviations in the protrusion of the tongue aside, half tongue atrophy, speech disorders, difficulty swallowing. What nerve is damaged?
A | vagus |
B | hypoglossal |
C | glossopharyngeal |
D | chorda tympani |
E | lingual |
Question 265 |
What is the main artery supplying the pelvic region?
A | Superior rectal artery |
B | Median sacral artery |
C | Internal iliac artery |
D | External iliac artery |
Question 266 |
The patient 34 years old was admitted to the hospital with compression fracture at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra. At the level of which spinal cord segment will be disturbance?
A | ThII |
B | ThVII |
C | LI |
D | ThV |
Question 267 |
The patient has inflammation of the inner ear. After the examination, the lesion of VIII pairs of cranial nerves was found by the doctor. What is a location of bodies of first neurons of the auditory analyzer?
A | G. vestibulare |
B | G. geniculi |
C | G. trigeminale |
D | G. spirale |
E | G. ciliare |
Question 268 |
An athlete felt pain along the sciatic nerve due to the compression of the muscle that goes through the incisura ischiadiaca major. Which muscle was injured during exercise?
A | Musculus gluteus medius
B | Musculus piriformis |
C | Musculus quadratus lumborum |
D | Musculus obturatorius internus |
E | Musculus obturatorius externus |
Question 269 |
What is the specific feature of the second cervical vertebra?
A | Massive transverse process connects with the whole lateral aspect of its pedicle |
B | It has long and easily felt non-bifid spine |
C | It bears the dens (odontoid process) on the superior aspect of its body |
D | It comes into relationship with the descending aorta and is a little flattened by it on its left flank |
E | It has no body |
Question 270 |
To the hospital applied a man with the fracture of the upper third of the humerus with the displacement of fragments, as a result blood vessels and nerves that pass through foramen quadrilaterum of the posterior wall of the axillary cavity, were damaged. What structures do limit foramen quadrilaterum?
A | M. latissimus dorsi, m. infraspinatus, m. coracobrachialis, m. brachialis |
B | M. teres major, m teres minor, m. triceps brachii, m. brachialis. |
C | M. teres major, m. biceps brachii, os humeri, m. brachialis. |
D | M. teres major, m. teres minor, caput longum m. triceps brachii, os humeri. |
Question 271 |
What are the organ middle colic vein drained?
A | transverse colon |
B | jejunum and ileum
C | pancreas and duodenum |
D | ascending colon |
E | greater curvature of the stomach |
Question 272 |
Examining the boy, who is 2 years old, ophthalmologist established breach of the outcome of his tears into the lower nostril. Through which communication of orbit with lower nasal passage is this passage of tears complicated?
A | The lower orbital fissure. |
B | Anterior ethmoid foramen. |
C | Nasolacrimal canal. |
D | Posterior ethmoid foramen. |
E | The upper orbital fissure. |
Question 273 |
Patient M., 41 years old, got into an infectious department of the hospital with high fever. He has been showing meningeal symptoms. A spinal puncture was performed. Which anatomical formation has been punctured?
A | cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior |
B | spatium subarachnoideum |
C | spatium subdurale |
D | spatium epidurale |
E | cavum trigeminale |
Question 274 |
What bone does have transverse processes?
A | Vertebra |
B | Humerus |
C | Coccyx |
D | Os temporale |
E | Sacrum |
Question 275 |
In a patient, liquid food enters the nasal cavity through the upper wall of the mouth due to damage of the bone formation. Which anatomic formation is damaged?
A | soft palate |
B | circular muscle of mouth |
C | root of the tongue |
D | palate |
E | pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube (eustachian cushion) |
Question 276 |
What is the artery pass below the twelfth rib?
A | Posterior intercostal artery |
B | Subcostal artery |
C | Inferior phrenic artery |
D | Internal thoracic artery |
E | Anterior intercostal artery |
Question 277 |
A patient diagnosed lesions of the third branch of the trigeminal nerve. Through which opening of the skull comes out of this branch?
A | foramen lacerum |
B | foramen spinosum |
C | superior orbital fissure |
D | foramen rotundum |
E | foramen ovale |
Question 278 |
18year old man came to a sexologist. On analyzing complaints and after examining the young man, the doctor diagnosed abnormal ejaculation in the output phase (accumulation of secretions in the prostate of the male urethra). What is a name of the duct through which the secret goes (sperm and seminal fluid) to the male urethra?
A | Ductus epididymidis |
B | Ductus ejaculatorius |
C | Ductuli prostatici |
D | Ductus deferens |
E | Ductus excretorius |
Question 279 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with problem in abdomen. The tunica muscularis of which tubular organs of alimentary canal consists of three layers?
A | stomach |
B | duodenum |
C | esophagus |
D | jejunum |
E | ileum |
Question 280 |
As a result of an injury, a 34 years old patient is suffering from limited flexion of middle phalanges of fingers 2-5 –of all fingers actually-. The function of which muscles is most likely to be broken?
A | m. flexor digitorum profundus
B | m. palmaris brevis, m. abductor digiti minimi |
C | m. flexor digitorum superficialis |
D | m. palmaris longus |
E | m. opponens policis, m. adductor policis |
Question 281 |
What movements can we do in sagital axis?
A | abductio, adductio |
B | rotatio,extensio |
C | flexio, adduction |
D | flexio, extensio |
E | circumductio, flexio |
Question 282 |
A patient is developed a tumor in the bottom of the bladder. What organ can be damaged based on syntopy of the bladder?
A | rectum |
B | prostate |
C | ampulla of the deferent duct |
D | seminal vesicles |
E | spermatic cord |
Question 283 |
At the prophylactic inspection at school, in pupil was revealed a harsh systolic murmur in second intercostal space. At the detailed inspection, the persistence of arterial duct of Botallo was diagnosed, which connects:
A | Aorta with truncus pulmonalis |
B | Aorta with vena cava superior |
C | Right atrium with vena cava superior |
D | Right atrium with left atrium |
E | Aorta with vena cava inferior |
Question 284 |
What are the vessels belong to the rami viscerales of the thoracic aorta?
A | Aa. intercostales posteriors I-XI, rami oesophagei, rami pericardiaci |
B | Rami bronchiales, rami oesophagei, rami mediastinales, rami pericardiaci |
C | Rami oesophagei, rami pericardiaci |
D | Rami mediastinales, rami pericardiaci |
E | Aa. intercostales posteriors III-XI, rami oesophagei, rami pericardiaci |
Question 285 |
At the inspection of blood supply of foot, a physician feels a pulsation of a large artery, which passes behind malleolus medialis in the separate fibrous channel. Which artery is this?
A | a.fibularis |
B | a.tarsea medialis |
C | a.tarsea lateralis |
D | a.tibialis posterior |
E | a.tibialis anterior |
Question 286 |
What is the type of articulatio intervertebralis?
A | combinata, simplex |
B | simplex, complex |
C | composita |
D | composite, combinata |
E | composita |
Question 287 |
A patient who got into a car accident has bleeding from soft tissues in front of the angle of the mandible. Which vessel must be legated to stop the bleeding?
A | A. facialis |
B | A. lingualis |
C | A. carotis interna |
D | A. alveolaris inferior |
E | A. temporalis superficialis |
Question 288 |
In a patient, a doctor diagnosed brain damage after strike head on the ground. The median atlantoaxial joint is classified as:
A | ball-and-socket |
B | hinge |
C | condyloid |
D | gliding |
E | pivot |
Question 289 |
At a child, there is suspected the stenosis of the mitral valve. At what point is its auscultation performed?
A | second intercostal space near the right margin of sternum |
B | fifth intercostal space near the right margin of sternum |
C | point of cardiac beat |
D | basis of xyphoid process |
E | second intercostal space near the left margin of sternum |
Question 290 |
A patient can not extend a knee joint, knee reflex is not observed, skin sensitivity of the anterior surface. Which nerve is damaged?
A | Inferior gluteal nerve |
B | Obturator |
C | Common peroneal |
D | Superior gluteal |
E | Femoral |
Question 291 |
On the x-ray image of the pelvis of newborn, the three distinct bones are marked, which are separated by cartilage in the area of the acetabulum. These bones are:
A | os sacrum, os pubis, os coccygis |
B | os pubis, os femur, os sacrum |
C | os ilii, os pubis, os ischii |
D | os pubis os ischii, femur |
E | os ilii, os sacrum, os coccygis |
Question 292 |
The pointer tip introduced into space between lig. hepatorenale and lig. hepatoduodenale enters:
A | Inferior duodenojejunal recess |
B | Bursa omentalis |
C | Bursa hepatica |
D | Superior duodenojejunal recess |
E | Bursa pregastrica |
Question 293 |
Which of the following is not one of the three major branches of the inferior mesenteric artery?
A | Right colic artery |
B | Sigmoid artery |
C | Superior rectal artery |
D | Left colic artery |
Question 294 |
The girl complains on difficulty of extension fingers and hands, loss of sensitivity of the skin of posterior surface of the shoulder, forearm and I-III fingers. Which nerve affected?
A | N. musculocutaneus |
B | N. medianus |
C | N. cutaneus antebrachii medialis |
D | N. ulnaris |
E | N. radialis |
Question 295 |
A patient was admitted to a neurological department with deflection of the tongue to the side when extruded, atrophic changes of the half of the tongue, logopathy, deglutitive problem. Which nerve was damaged?
A | Chorda tympani |
B | N. lossopharyngeal |
C | N. hypoglossal |
D | N. lingual |
E | N. vagus |
Question 296 |
Choice ligament which doesn’t connect with articulatio radiocarpea?
A | ligg.collaterale carpi |
B | lig.radiocarpeum palmare |
C | ligg.collaterale carpi radiale |
D | lig.collaterale carpi ulnare |
E | lig.radiocarpeum dorsale |
Question 297 |
At patient 28year old is diagnosed acute inflammation of nasolacrimal duct. From what department of nasal cavity could an infection spread in the nasolacrimal duct?
A | Inferior nasal meatus |
B | Vestibulum of nasal cavity |
C | Common nasal meatus |
D | Middle nasal meatus |
E | Superior nasal meatus |
Question 298 |
As a result of the fracture of the tibia, the anterior group of muscles of the lower leg was damaged. The function of which muscle may be affected?
A | M.extensor digitorum brevis |
B | M.extensor hallucis longus. |
C | M. fibularis longus. |
D | M. soleus. |
E | M.flexor digitorum longus. |
Question 299 |
After the injured soft tissues of the oral cavity, the patient lost taste sensitivity of the posterior third of the tongue. What nerve is affected?
A | N. facialis |
B | N. hypoglossus |
C | N. glossopharyngeus |
D | N. lingualis |
Question 300 |
During the operation (cesarean section), was made the sectionon in the pubic area, the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle was cated. What does consis the anterior wall of the vaginaof rectus abdominis muscle?
A | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis. |
B | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis. |
C |
Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis
D | Aponeurosis m. obliqui internus abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis., m. transversi abdominis |
E | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. pyramidalis. |
Question 301 |
What are the vessels belong to the rami viscerales of the thoracic aorta?
A | Rami mediastinales, rami pericardiaci |
B | Aa. intercostales posteriors III-XI, rami oesophagei, rami pericardiaci |
C | Aa. intercostales posteriors I-XI, rami oesophagei, rami pericardiaci |
D | Rami oesophagei, rami pericardiaci |
E | Rami bronchiales, rami oesophagei, rami mediastinales, rami pericardiaci |
Question 302 |
In the patient at the time of swallowing particles food getting into the nasal cavity. Which muscle of the soft palate affected?
A | Tensor veli palatine |
B | Glossopharyngeal |
C | Musculus uvulae |
D | Palatopharyngeus |
E | Palatoglossus |
Question 303 |
The patient complains of dizziness of the head and hearing loss.Which nerve is damaged?
A | N.vestibulocochlearis |
B | N. hypoglossus |
C | N.trigeminus |
D | Vagus |
E | N.trochlearis |
Question 304 |
An ambulance brought a man with an injury of the brain to the hospital. The doctor found the fracture of the skull. The fracture line passes through the sagittal border. Which bone was injured?
A | os occipitale |
B | os parietale |
C | os ethmoidale |
D | os temporale |
E | os frontale |
Question 305 |
A patient complains of pain and spasms along the posteromedial surface of the leg. Which vein is damaged?
A | V. saphena magna |
B | V. poplitea |
C | V. epigastrica superficialis |
D | V. femoralis |
E | Left common caroitd artery |
Question 306 |
During examination of the patient the injury of the lemniscus lateralis was revealed. Which of the pathways is this structure?
A | Tr. tectospinalis |
B | Tr. reticulospinalis |
C | Tr. frontopontinus |
D | Tr. acusticus |
E | Tr. pyramidalis |
Question 307 |
Find the features of articulatio radiocarpea?
A | composita, ellipsoidea |
B | simplex, spheroidea |
C | simplex, ellipsoidea |
D | composita, sellaris |
E | composita, plana |
Question 308 |
In a patient was diagnosed the oblique inguinal hernia, which came out of the inguinal canal. What structure does form the inferior wall of the inguinal canal?
A | Fascia transversalis. |
B | M. transversus abdominis. |
C | Aponeurosis of m. obliqui externus abdominis |
D | Ligamentum inguinale. |
E | Ligamentum lacunare. |
Question 309 |
A 10 years old child with nasal inflammation complains about a pain in his left ear. The examination has found inflammation of the middle ear. Through which anatomical formation the infection passed in the middle ear?
A | Carotic canal |
B | Musculotubal canal |
C | Semicanal of tensor tympany muscle |
D | Tympanic canal |
E | Semicanal of auditory tube |
Question 310 |
The patient 69 years old, has purulent inflammation of the nasal cavity, which spread in the anterior cranial fossa. Through which anatomic structure did purulent process spread into this fossa?
A | Foramen ovale. |
B | Foramina cribrosa. |
C | Foramen ethmoidalae posterius. |
D | Foramen rotundum. |
E | Foramen sphenopalatinum. |
Question 311 |
What arteries provide blood supply spatia intercostales I et II?
A | A.thoracica interna, a.colli ascendens |
B | Aa.intercostales anteriores, a.thoracoacromialis |
C | Aa. intercostalis suprema, aa. intercostales anteriores, a. thoracica superior |
D | Aa. intercostales anteriores, a.colli ascendens |
E | A.intercostales posteriores, a.colli ascendens |
Question 312 |
In the victim was found stabbed muscles of the anterior wall of the axillary fossa. Which muscles forms this wall?
A | M. pectoralis minor, m. pectoralis major. |
B | M. pectoralis minor, m. subclavius |
C | M. serratus anterior, m. pectoralis minor |
D | M. serratus anterior, m. pectoralis major |
E | M. serratus anterior, m. subclavius |
Question 313 |
In a patient, difficulty tight closing jaws chewing. Physician defined partial atrophy of masticatory muscles located below zygomatic The branches of which these nerves innervate listed muscles?
A | N. maxillaries |
B | Nn. alveolares superiors |
C | N. infraorbitalis |
D | N. mandibularis |
E | N. alveolaris inferior |
Question 314 |
How many veins systems drain abdominal structures?
A | 5 |
B | 2 |
C | 3 |
D | 1 |
E | 4 |
Question 315 |
What types of syndesmosis do you know?
A | articulatio, synchondrosis, synostosis, fonticulus |
B | ligamentum, membrana, sutura, fonticulus |
C | ligamentum, sutura, gomphosis, symphysis |
D | diartrosis, symphysis, synartrosis |
E | sutura, symphysis, fonticulus |
Question 316 |
For confirmation of diagnosis “myocardial ischemia” in a patient was executed coronarography (inspection of circulation in the coronary arteries of the heart). A physician must know that the left coronary artery is distributed into branches:
A | ramus interventricularis anterior and ramus descendens |
B | ramus interventricularis anterior and ramus ascendens |
C | ramus interventricularis anterior and ramus interventricularis posterior |
D | ramus interventricularis posterior and ramus descendens |
E | ramus interventricularis anterior and ramus circumphlexus |
Question 317 |
Find ribs that don’t have articulatio castotransversaria?
A | XI, XII |
B | X, IX |
C | I, II |
D | VI, XII |
E | VIII, V |
Question 318 |
Woman 35 years old came to the otolaryngologist with complaints of headache and runny nose. The doctor set the maxillary sinus inflammation (sinusitis). What bone is inflammated?
A | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
B | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale) |
C | Maxilla. |
D | Frontal bone (os frontale). |
E | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
Question 319 |
What are the visceral branches of the a.thoracica?
A | Pulmonales, cardiaci, mediastinales |
B | Aa. phrenici inferiores, intercostales anteriores, cardiac |
C | Aa. bronchiales, mediastinales, esophageales, pericardiaci |
D | Aa. bronchiales, intercostales, epigastrici superiores |
Question 320 |
During the examination of the oral cavity of the patient decay of the tooth crown is found. The decay of the tooth crown is addressed to proper oral cavity. What is the name of the tooth crown surface?
A | Facies vestibularis |
B | Facies lingualis |
C | Facies distalis |
D | Facies contactus |
E | Facies mesialis |
Question 321 |
It is known, that fractures of bones both at youths and elder men happen in the area of the surgical neck. Indicate, on which of the following bones is this landmark present?
A | humerus |
B | ulna |
C | fibula |
D | femur |
E | radius |
Question 322 |
Find the bone that supports body weight when sitting?
A | iliac crest |
B | ischial tuberosity |
C | pubic symphys |
D | ischiopubic ramus |
E | pubic body |
Question 323 |
The girl, 12 years, with long-term inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity has symptoms of sphenoid sinus inflammation. Through which anatomic structure did inflammation spread into this sinus?
A | Sphenopalatine foramen. |
B | Round foramen. |
C | Hiatus semilunaris. |
D | Foramen of sphenoid bone. |
E | Oval foramen. |
Question 324 |
Due to the tumor in the third ventricle of the brain the patient developed the autonomic disorders such as sleep disorders, thermoregulation, all types of metabolism disorders, diabetes insipidus. Irritating of nuclei of which areas of the brain caused these symptoms?
A | Hypothalamus |
B | Pons |
C | Peduncles of the brain |
D | Medulla oblongata |
E | Tegmentum of the midbrain |
Question 325 |
In a patient 45 years old on the right foot observed paleness of skin leg and foot and there is a lack artery pulsation dorsal foot and posterior tibial arteries. The ripple of the femoral artery is preserved. About lesion of which artery is evidenced by?
A | external iliac |
B | fibular |
C | descending genu |
D | deep artery of the thigh |
E | popliteal |
Question 326 |
Patient after injury observed decrease pain and temperature sensitivity in the region of 1.5 on the palmar surface of the fingers and toes of 2.5 on the dorsum of the part of the little finger. Which nerve is damaged due to injury?
A | N. medianus |
B | N. ulnaris |
C | N. radialis |
D | N. cutaneus antebrachii medialis |
E | N. musculocutaneus |
Question 327 |
What are the parried visceral branches of the a. abdominalis?
A | Aa. suprarenales mediae, iliacae internae, uterinae |
B | Aa. suprarenales superiores, renales, phrenici inferiores |
C | Aa. renales, suprarenales mediae, testiculares (ovaricae) |
D | Aa. testiculares (ovaricae), lumbales, mesenterici inferiors |
E | Aa. suprarenales inferiores, aa. colicae, aa. renales |
Question 328 |
The pelvis ________.
A | has a space located inferior to the pelvic brim called the greater pelvis |
B | consists of the two hip bones, but does not include the sacrum or coccyx |
C | has a subpubic angle that is larger in females |
D | has an obturator foramen, an opening that is defined in part by the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments |
Question 329 |
Woman, 52 years, came to the neurosurgical department with intracranial tumor. Additional examination of the patient revealed that the tumor has destroyed the front half of the upper wall of the eye socket. Which bone is damaged by the tumor?
A | Ethmoid bone. |
B | Sphenoid bone. |
C | Nasal bone. |
D | Frontal bone. |
E | Temporal bone. |
Question 330 |
Where is inferior mesenteric artery arising from the aorta?
A | either side posteriorly, at the level of L1 |
B | laterally of the aorta, at the level of L2 |
C | laterally at the level between L1 and L2 |
D | anteriorly, at the level of L3 |
E | at the lower level of L1 |
Question 331 |
In patient removed tooth. The crown of the tooth has a rhomboid shape, on the chewing surface of the four tubercles, it has three roots. Determine which tooth removed.
A | upper third molar |
B | lower second molar |
C | upper second molar |
D | first lower molar |
E | upper first molar |
Question 332 |
Frontal plane (coronal plane) divides the body into:
A | Cranialis (superior) and caudalis (inferior) parts |
B | Profundus and superficialis |
C | Anterior (ventralis) and posterior (dorsalis) parts |
D | Profundus and superficialis |
E | Proximalis and distalis |
Question 333 |
In a patient 65 years old the dysfunction of motor centers that regulate the activity of the muscles of the head was observed after the household trauma. In which areas of the cerebral cortex the corresponding center is localized?
A | Angular gyrus |
B | Lower part of the precentral gyrus |
C | Upper part of the precentral gyrus |
D | Marginal gyrus |
E | Superior parietal lobe |
Question 334 |
What are the branches a.thoracica interna has?
A | A. pericardiacophrenica, a. epigastrica inferior |
B | Aa. mediastinales et pericardiacae |
C | A. intercostalis, a. phrenica |
D | A. musculophrenica, a. epigastrica superior |
E | A. intercostalis. a. epigastrica superior |
Question 335 |
During the examination of a 2 years old boy, the ophthalmologist found the breach of outflow of tears to meatus nasi inferior . Through which structure does communicate orbit with nasal cavity?
A | Inferior orbital fissure |
B | Superior orbital fissure |
C | Nasolacrimal canal |
D | Anterior ethmoid foramen |
E | Optic canal |
Question 336 |
A patient 45-year-old was turned to the clinic with complaints of loss of sensation in the area of the back 1/3 of the tongue. The function which pairs of cranial nerves broken?
A | X |
B | IX |
C | VIII |
D | V |
E | XII |
Question 337 |
At a patient, there is a disturbance of the skin sensitivity at the lateral surface of the forearm. What nerve is damaged?
A | axilaris |
B | musculocutaneus |
C | ulnaris |
D | medianus |
E | radialis |
Question 338 |
After the trauma the patient 45 years old has loss of sensitivity on specific areas of the right part of the body. What gyrus of the cerebral hemispheres is affected?
A | Inferior temporal gyrus |
B | Middle temporal gyrus |
C | Postcentral gyrus |
D | Precentral gyrus |
E | Superior temporal gyrus |
Question 339 |
What kinds of joints do we have between calvaria cranii?
A | Suturae, Synostosis, Fonticuli |
B | Articulatio,Suturae |
C | Suturae, Symphysis |
D | Ligamenta |
E | Symphysis, Ligamenta |
Question 340 |
What structure contributes to the knee joint?
A | tibial tuberosity |
B | lateral epicondyle of the femur |
C | medial condyle of the tibia |
D | lateral malleolus of the fibula |
Question 341 |
The patient underwent Subtotal subfascial resection of the thyroid gland. In the postoperative period lasting hoarseness. What nerve is damaged during surgery?
A | hypoglossal nerve |
B | mandibular nerve |
C | lingual nerve |
D | superior laryngeal nerve |
E | recurrent laryngeal nerve |
Question 342 |
After an injury, the branches of the carotid artery started bleeding. For temporary stoppage of bleeding, the carotid artery should be pressed to the tubercle of the transverse processes of one of the cervical vertebras. Which vertebrae exactly?
A | IV |
B | V |
C | VI |
D | III |
E | II |
Question 343 |
To the hospital applied a woman which has a problem with genital organs. Which of the following structures does derive from ductus paramesonephricus?
A | Tuba uterina |
B | Ductus excretorius |
C | Ductus epididymidis |
D | Ductus deferens |
E | Ductus ejaculatorius |
Question 344 |
What is the specific feature of vertebrae thoracales?
A | All vertebrae thoracales bear the dens (odontoid process) |
B | Spines of all vertebrae thoracales are small and bifid |
C | Foramen transversarium perforating the transverse processes |
D | T5 and T8 have not corpus |
E | Demifacets on the sides of their bodies for articulation with the heads of the ribs and by facets on their transverse processes |
Question 345 |
Developmentally the arc of aorta is homologous to:
A | left subclavian artery |
B | truncus brachiocephalicus |
C | right subclavian artery |
D | left carotid artery |
E | right carotid artery |
Question 346 |
A patient came to the hospital with a complaint of pain, limitation of movement in the radio-carpal joint. What movements are limited in the joint?
A | Flexio, extensio, circumductio |
B | Flexio, extensio, rotatio |
C | Abductio, adductio, circumductio |
D | Flexio, extensio, abductio, adductio, circumductio. |
E | Abductio, adductio, rotatio. |
Question 347 |
Which vein does NOT drain directly into the inferior vena cava?
A | Right hepatic vein |
B | Left renal vein
C | Splenic vein |
D | Right testicular vein |
Question 348 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with muscles of facial expression disorder. The facial nerve passes through the foramen
A | lacerum |
B | stylomastoid |
C | rotundum |
D | spinosum |
E | ovale |
Question 349 |
Articulationes metacarpophalangeales manus is....
A | Composita, Sellaris |
B | Simplex, Ellipsoidea |
C | Simplex, Plana |
D | Composita, Spheroidea |
E | Composita |
Question 350 |
The patient after the stroke has the hemorrhage in the area of the medial surface of the occipital lobe of the brain. The function of which analyzer is likely to be broken?
A | Auditory |
B | Olfactory |
C | Gustatory |
D | Visual |
E | Somatosensory |
Question 351 |
This bone assists in forming the boundaries of three cavities: the roof of the mouth, the floor and lateral wall of the nasal cavity, the wall of the orbit. What is it?
A | The occipital bone (os occipital) |
B | The mandible (mandible) |
C | The maxilla (maxilla) |
D | The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
E | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
Question 352 |
Branches of what arteries form anastomosis with the oesophageal branches (rami oesophagei)?
A | Left gastric artery |
B | Superior thyroid artery |
C | Inferior thyroid artery |
D | Superior thyroid artery and left gastric artery |
E | Inferior thyroid artery and left gastric artery |
Question 353 |
What structures does the right suprarenal vein drain?
A | Posterior abdominal wall |
B | Diaphragm |
C | Anterior abdominal wall |
D | Right adrenal gland |
E | Kidneys |
Question 354 |
An ambulance brought a 8 months old baby with the injury of the head in the anterior fontanel region. The X-ray found the damage of bone which limits this fontanel in front. What bone was damaged?
A | Maxilla |
B | Os lacrimale |
C | Os frontale |
D | Os zygomaticus |
E | Os palatinum |
Question 355 |
At patient is diagnosed a necrotic form of acute pancreatitis. Where the exudate does in the peritoneal spaces is spread?
A | into left lateral canal |
B | into right lateral canal |
C | into bursa omentalis |
D | into bursa hepatica |
E | into bursa pregastrica |
Question 356 |
Name the body parts located distantly from the trunk?
A | Profundus |
B | Distalis |
C | Superficialis. |
D | Proximalis |
E | Sinister |
Question 357 |
A surgeon must amputate a gangrenous part of the foot at Chopart joint in a patient. Which of the following ligaments is a key for this operation?
A | lig.mediale (deltoideum) |
B | lig.plantare longum |
C | lig.bifurcatum |
D | lig.collaterale |
E | lig.laterale |
Question 358 |
Contraction or a great vessel reduced blood derivation from the left ventricle. Which vessel has undergone pathologica changes?
A | Aorta |
B | Pulmonary trunk |
C | Pulmonary vein |
D | Inferior vena cava |
E | Superior vena cava |
Question 359 |
In a traffic accident in the victim is damaged lower limb, at the level of the upper third of the tibia. After on the injured limb was an impossible rear extension of the foot. What nerve is damaged?
A | Superficial peroneal nerve |
B | Tibial nerve |
C | Femoral nerve |
D | Deep peroneal nerve |
E | Common peroneal nerve |
Question 360 |
Woman, 68 years old, after eye injury has inflammation of the soft tissues of the orbit, which later spread to infratemporal fossa. Through which anatomic structure did purulent process spread into this fossa?
A | Through fissura orbitalis inferior. |
B | Through foramen zygomaticoorbitale. |
C | Through fissura orbitalis superior. |
D | Through sphenopalatine foramen. |
E | Throght oval foramen. |
Question 361 |
The doctor suggested the stimulating of reflex zones which are located in the skin projection of the unpaired notch of the sternum for a patient in case of breathlessness during asthma attacks.Which sternal notch is unpaired?
A | Incisura costalis VII. |
B | Incisura clavicularis. |
C | Incisura jugularis. |
D | Incisura costalis II. |
E | Incisura costalis I. |
Question 362 |
Entrapment of this sensory nerve may present clinical signs of paresthesia (numbness) extending from the medial aspect of the knee as far as the medial aspect of the foot:
A | cutaneus surae medialis |
B | sural nerve. |
C | common peroneal nerve |
D | tibial nerve. |
E | saphenous nerve. |
Question 363 |