Muscles; Muscular system
Miology - quiz in English
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Question 1 |
During an examination of the patient's facial expressions was revealed that he can not put his lips in tube form, can’t whistle, the corners of the mouth do not rise up during laughing and the oral cleft is stretched sideways (transverse smile). The patient suffers from myopathy - degenerative hereditary disease with dystrophic muscle lesions. Atrophy of which muscle causes these symptoms?
A | Platizma |
B | Musculus masseter |
C | Musculus orbicularis oris |
D | Musculus risorius |
E | Musculus zygomaticus major |
Question 2 |
In the dental practice, there are incidents with the breach of outflow of secret of the parotid salivary gland through its excretory duct. Through what the muscle does run this duct?
A | M. buccinator |
B | M. orbicularis oris |
C | M. zygomaticus major |
D | M. zygomaticus minor |
E | M. masseter |
Question 3 |
In a patient was found stabbed in the anterior chest wall (closer to the sternum). The superficial muscles of the chest and membrana intercostalis externa are damaged. The continuation of what the muscles of the chest is this membrane?
A | Mm. transversi thoracis |
B | Mm. intercostales interni |
C | Mm. intercostales externi |
D | Mm. levatores costarum |
E | Mm. subcostales |
Question 4 |
The patient was hospitalized due to the penetrating trauma of the mouth’s floor. Which muscle is injured?
A | M. geniohyoideus |
B | M. digastricus |
C | M. mylohyoideus |
D | M. stylohyoideus |
Question 5 |
A child 5-year-old suffers on deformation of the neck. At clinical inspection, it is set: inclination of the head to the left, turn of face to the right, the passive motion of the head to the right is limited. Of what muscle does shortening take place?
A | Splenius cervicis |
B | Sternocleidomastoideus |
C | Longus colli |
D | Trapezius |
E | Splenius capitis |
Question 6 |
After an injury, a boy has a fracture of the patella. The function of which muscle will be broken?
A | M. semimembranosus |
B | M. sartorius |
C | M. semitendinosus |
D | M. biceps femoris |
E | M. quadriceps femoris |
Question 7 |
The man 35-year-old with the trauma of left palm has applied to traumatology. It is set at inspection: sword-cut of left palm, middle phalanges of 2-5 fingers cannot flex. Which structures were injured?
A | Palmar interosseal muscles |
B | Tendons of superficial flexor digitorum |
C | Lumbricales muscles |
D | Tendons of deep flexor digitorum |
Question 8 |
In the young man, the humerus is broken in the area of crista tuberculi majoris. Movements are limited. What muscle is attached to cristae tuberculi majoris humeri?
A | M. serratus anterior |
B | M. pectoralis major |
C | M. subclavius |
D | M. serratus posterior superior |
E | M. transversus thoracis |
Question 9 |
An athlete felt pain along the sciatic nerve due to the compression of the muscle that goes through the incisura ischiadiaca major. Which muscle was injured during exercise?
A | Musculus piriformis |
B | Musculus obturatorius internus |
C | Musculus quadratus lumborum |
D | Musculus gluteus medius |
E | Musculus obturatorius externus |
Question 10 |
To the hospital applied a man with the sliced wound of the lower third of the anterior surface of the forearm. As a result, he can not to flex proximal phalanx II-V fingers. What muscle is damaged?
A | M. pronator quadratus |
B | M. brachioradialis |
C | M. flexor carpi radialis |
D | M. flexor digitorum profundus |
Question 11 |
A 5 years old child who is diagnosed with severe diphtheria was hospitalized in the infectious department. To prevent suffocation child had the tracheostomy. In which triangle of the neck the operation was performed?
A | Omotracheale triangle |
B | Omotrapezoideum triangle |
C | Caroticum triangle |
D | Submandibulare triangle |
E | Omoclaviculare triangle |
Question 12 |
During the operation (cesarean section), was made the sectionon in the pubic area, the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle was cated. What does consis the anterior wall of the vagina of rectus abdominis muscle?
A | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis. s m. transversi abdominis, m. pyramidalis |
B | Aponeurosis m. obliqui internus abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis, m. transversi abdominis |
C | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus externus abdominis. |
D | Aponeurosis m. transversi abdominis, m. obliquus internus abdominis |
Question 13 |
After the fall a woman received a fracture of olecranon of the ulna, as a result she can’t straighten the upper limb in the elbow and shoulder joints. The function of which muscle is broken?
A | M. biceps brachii |
B | M. brachialis |
C | M. anconeus |
D | M. triceps brachii |
E | M. coracobrachialis |
Question 14 |
After the fracture of bones in a distal part of the forearm and long-term immobilization in a patient the limitation of movements at wrist joint came into being. What movements, peculiar to this joint, must be renewed by persistent training?
A | flexion-extension |
B | flexion-extension, abduction-adduction |
C | abduction-adduction |
D | flexion-extension, abduction-adduction, rotation |
E | rotation, flexion-extension |
Question 15 |
A 40 years old man was taken to hospital with a sliver of the lower third of the front of the shoulder area. He has a limitation of flexion in the shoulder and elbow joints. Damage of which muscle led to these disorders?
A | M. coracobrachualis |
B | M. anconeus |
C | M. triceps brachii |
D | M. biceps brachii |
Question 16 |
To the hospital applied a man with the sliced wound of the upper third of the lateral side of the forearm. Which muscle was damaged, if the patient can not bend the upper limb in the elbow joint?
A | M. extensor carpi ulnaris |
B | M. extensor digitorum |
C | M. brachioradialis |
Question 17 |
A 35 years old man, in working conditions, received a cut wound in the area of thumb on the palmar surface. It is discovered the limitation of abduction of the thumb. The function of which muscle is damaged?
A | M. flexor pollicis brevis |
B | M. palmaris brevis |
C | M. abductor pollicis brevis |
D | M. adductor pollicis |
Question 18 |
Very ofter a cubital fossa is used for injections of medicine and venous blood sampling, it is because of localization of ulnar vein directly under the skin. What structures do limit the cubital fossa?
A | M. brachialis, m. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres |
B | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi radialis |
C | M. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres, m. flexor carpi ulnaris |
D | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. flexor carpi ulnaris |
E | M. biceps brachii, m. brachioradialis, m. pronator teres |
Question 19 |
A patient cannot lift up the dropped lower jaw. What muscles don`t execute their function?
A | orbicularis oris |
B | levator anguli oris |
C | depressor anguli oris |
D | muscles of facial expression |
E | muscles of mastication |
Question 20 |
To the hospital applied a man with the fracture of the upper third of the humerus with a displacement of fragments, as a result blood vessels and nerves that pass through foramen quadrilaterum of the posterior wall of the axillary cavity, were damaged. What structure limits the foramen quadrilaterum?
A | M. latissimus dorsi, m. infraspinatus, m. coracobrachialis, m. brachialis |
B | M. teres major, m. biceps brachii, os humeri, m. brachialis |
C | M. teres major, m. teres minor, m. triceps brachii, os humeri |
D | M. teres major, m teres minor, m. triceps brachii, m. brachialis |
Question 21 |
The patient can’t adduct the right scapula to the vertebral column. What muscle doesn’t provide the function?
A | M. serratus posterior inferior |
B | M. latissimus dorsi |
C | M. serratus posterior superior |
D | M. rhomboideus major |
E | M. levator scapulae |
Question 22 |
A 50 years old man was taken to hospital with acute pain in the abdomen. The patient needs emergency surgery, during which the abdominal cavity must be widely open. In which place have to do surgeon the section to avoid a large blood loss?
A | Above the inguinal ligament on the left site |
B | On the lateral border of the rectus abdominis on the right site |
C | Above the inguinal ligament on the right site |
D | Through the rectus abdominis |
E | Through the linea alba |
Question 23 |
In a patient at appendectomy a surgeon dissects the muscular fibers of anterior abdominal wall successively as follow:
A | external oblique, internal oblique, transversus |
B | rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique |
C | transversus, internal oblique |
D | external oblique, internal oblique, rectus abdomini |
E | rectus abdominis, external oblique |
Question 24 |
During writing the medical history of a patient, the doctor noted that the trauma is located in the submandibular triangle. Which of the following anatomical structures border this area?
A | Omohyoideus |
B | Strenocleidomastoideus |
C | Inferior border of the mandible |
D | Midline of the neck |
Question 25 |
In the victim was found stabbed muscles of the anterior wall of the axillary fossa. Which muscles forms this wall?
A | M. serratus anterior, m. pectoralis major |
B | M. serratus anterior, m. pectoralis minor |
C | M. serratus anterior, m. subclavius |
D | M. pectoralis minor, m. subclavius |
E | M. pectoralis minor, m. pectoralis major |
Question 26 |
A patient has a penetrating wound in the center of the cheek, which must be stitched. Which muscle must the surgeon stitch?
A | M. zygomaticus major |
B | M. orbicularis oris |
C | M. depressor anguli oris |
D | M. buccinator |
E | M. masseter |
Question 27 |
Because of fall, a patient got a fracture of upper part of the humerus. One of the back muscle is dysfunctional, this muscle is attached to the crista tuberculi minoris ossis humeri. What muscle is damaged?
A | M. latissimus dorsi |
B | M. rhomboideus minor |
C | M. serratus posterior superior |
D | M. rhomboideus major |
E | M. trapezius |
Question 28 |
During the final game a basketball player injured his right leg, after this injury it was impossible to bend the right foot. The team’s doctor found that the tendon was damaged. The tendon of which muscle is damaged?
A | Musculus tibialis anterior |
B | Musculus gracilis |
C | Musculus biceps femoris |
D | Musculus extensor policis longus |
E | Musculus triceps surae (Achilles' tendon) |
Question 29 |
As a result of the fracture of the tibia the anterior group of muscles of the lower leg was damaged. The function of which muscle may be affected?
A | M. extensor hallucis longus |
B | M. flexor digitorum longus |
C | M. fibularis longus |
D | M. extensor digitorum brevis |
E | M. soleus |
Question 30 |
During the accident, the driver received numerous head injuries, including a fracture of the zygomatic arch. The function of which muscle, that attaches to the zygomatic arch, will be broken?
A | M. orbicularis oris |
B | M. buccinator |
C | M. masseter |
D | M. risorius |
E | M. procerus |
Question 31 |
In a patient, the stabbed wound of the anterior chest wall (closer to the sternum) was found. The superficial muscles of the chest and membrana intercostalis externa are damaged. The continuation of what the muscles of the chest are this membrane?
A | Mm. subcostales |
B | Mm. intercostales externi |
C | Mm. intercostales interni |
D | Mm. transversi thoracis |
E | Mm. levatores costarum |
Question 32 |
During the examination of a patient, 25 years old, was found a hematoma of the soft tissue of the medial wall of the axillary fossa. What the muscle of the chest forms the medial wall of the axillary fossa?
A | M. serratus anterior |
B | M. pectoralis minor |
C | M. pectoralis major |
D | M. serratus posterior superior |
E | M. serratus posterior inferior |
Question 33 |
During the examination of a patient, the doctor found the asymmetry of his face. The patient can not wrinkle his forehead, raise the eyebrows, whistle or completely close his eye. The function of what muscles is broken?
A | Subcutaneous muscles |
B | Suprahyoid muscles |
C | Mimic muscles |
D | Chewing muscles |
E | Infrahyoid muscles |
Question 34 |
A man at work received a cut wound in the lateral margin of the palmar surface of the hand. The doctor discovered limitation of the thumb abduction. The function of which muscle is damaged?
A | Musculus opponens policis |
B | Musculus abductor policis |
C | Musculus palmaris brevis |
D | Musculi lumbricales |
E | Musculus abductor policis brevis |
Question 35 |
The patient needs the catheterization and injection of medicine into the subclavian vein. The catheter is situated in the area of trigonum clavipectorale. What structures do limit it?
A | Clavicula and inferior border of musculus pectoralis minor |
B | Inferior and superior borders of musculus pectoralis minor |
C | Clavicula and superior border of musculus pectoralis minor |
D | Inferior border of musculus pectoralis major and inferior border of musculus pectoralis minor |
E | Clavicula and superior border of musculus pectoralis major |
Question 36 |
A patient’s movement was limited after falling straight on his feet. The patient feels instability in the joint and (uncertainty and strangulation)? What structures of the knee joint were damaged?
A | Medial meniscus |
B | ligament of the head of a femur |
C | Anterior crucial ligament |
D | Lateral meniscus |
E | Posterior crucial ligament |
Question 37 |
In a 37 years old patient after the ingress of foreign objects into the airways appeared a cough, and then asthma. The tracheotomy was made on the neck, in the area which is limited by m. omohyoideus venter superior, m. sternocleidomastoideus and median line of the neck. In which triangle of the neck was operation done?
A | Trigonum omotracheale |
B | Trigonum submandibulare |
C | Trigonum omotrapezoideum |
D | Trigonum omoclaviculare |
E | Trigonum caroticum |
Question 38 |
After injury a boy has a fracture of the patella. The function of which muscle will be broken?
A | M. quadriceps femoris |
B | M. semimembranosus |
C | M. sartorius |
D | M. semitendinosus |
E | M. biceps femoris |
Question 39 |
As a result of an injury, a 34 years old patient is suffering from limited flexion of middle phalanges of fingers 2-5 – of all fingers actually-. The function of which muscles is most likely to be broken?
A | m. flexor digitorum profundus |
B | m. opponens policis, m. adductor policis |
C | m. palmaris brevis, m. abductor digiti minimi |
D | m. palmaris longus |
E | m. flexor digitorum superficialis |
Question 40 |
After a chest trauma in a patient appears a pain during the breathing, especially during expiration. What muscle does depress ribs and take part in expiration?
A | M. serratus posterior inferior |
B | M. serratus posterior superior |
C | M. rhomboideus major |
D | M. trapezius |
E | M. latissimus dorsi |
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