Bones; Skeletal system
Osteology - quiz in English
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Question 1 |
A 54 years old man with an eyeball injury went to the hospital. Besides the damage to the eyeball, the doctor found a fracture in the orbital surface, orbital process and one of the parts of the sphenoid bone. Which part of the sphenoid bone was injured?
A | Ala minor |
B | Body |
C | Pterygoid process |
D | Ala major |
E | Turkic sell |
Question 2 |
Choose a bone which does not belong to neurocranium:
A | Parietal bone |
B | Occipital bone |
C | Ethmoid bone |
D | Sphenoid bone |
E | Palatine bone |
Question 3 |
Find parts of the temporal bone.
A | Pterygoid processes |
B | Tympanic part |
C | Glabella |
D | Lesser wings |
E | The sella turcica |
Question 4 |
What part of the sphenoid bone contains optic foramen?
A | The median portion and the body |
B | Two lesser wings |
C | Two pterygoid processes |
D | Two great wings |
E | Glabella and mastoid process |
Question 5 |
It was radiographically determined, that a man, 24 years old, has an accumulation of pus in the right maxillary sinus. In which of the nasal passages will pus go initially?
A | In the right middle nasal. |
B | In common right nasal |
C | In the right upper nose. |
D | In right nasopharyngeal |
E | In the lower right nasal. |
Question 6 |
A man went to the hospital with a brain injury. The doctor found a fracture in the skull. The line of fracture passes through linea nuchae superior. Which bone was injured?
A | Os occipitale |
B | Os ethmoidale |
C | Os parietale |
D | Os temporale |
E | Os frontale |
Question 7 |
A patient suffered from an acute inflammation of the nasolacrimal canal. It is known that after suffering from flu, the patient had long discharges from the nose. From which meatus of the nasal cavity discharges could lead to the infection in the nasolacrimal canal?
A | From meatus nasi media |
B | From meatus nasi inferior |
C | From meatus nasi superior |
D | From meatus nasi communis |
E | From foramen sphenopalatinum |
Question 8 |
During the examination of woman, 36 years, doctor diagnosed the inflammation of the maxillary sinus (sinus maxillaris). Thus it was discovered pus in one of the nasal passages, that came out right from the maxillary sinus. In which meatus did doctor see pus?
A | Meatus nasopharyngeus |
B | Meatus nasi communis |
C | Meatus nasi medius |
D | Meatus nasi superior |
E | Meatus nasi interior |
Question 9 |
What bone should be broken to remove the pituitary tumor?
A | Parietal bone (os parietale). |
B | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale). |
C | Occipital bone (os occipitale). |
D | Temporal bone (os temporale). |
E | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
Question 10 |
A man, 27 years old, after eye injury arose inflammation of the soft tissues of the orbit. Later the inflammation spread in the pterygopalatine fossa. Through which anatomic structure did purulent process spread into this fossa?
A | Through sphenopalatine foramen. |
B | Through fissura orbitalis superior. |
C | Throght oval foramen. |
D | Through fissura orbitalis inferior. |
E | Through foramen zygomaticoorbitale. |
Question 11 |
In the hospital was delivered a man, 34 years old, with stab wounds on the anterior cervical area. The cornu majus of bone, which is located under the mandibulla, was damaged due to injury. What bone is damaged?
A | Maxilla. |
B | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
C | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
D | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
E | Hyoid bone (os hyoideum). |
Question 12 |
The doctor suggested the stimulating of reflex zones which are located in the skin projection of the unpaired notch of the sternum for a patient in case of breathlessness during asthma attacks. Which sternal notch is unpaired?
A | Incisura costalis I |
B | Incisura costalis VII |
C | Incisura costalis II |
D | Incisura jugularis |
E | Incisura clavicularis |
Question 13 |
What structure is separatec pelvis major from pelvis minor?
A | Linea transversa |
B | Crista iliaca |
C | Linea terminalis |
D | Linea aspera |
E | Linea glutea |
Question 14 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a pain in a joint. A fracture across the intertrochanteric line would involve which bone?
A | femur |
B | ilium |
C | patella |
D | fibula |
E | tibia |
Question 15 |
Internal acoustic meatus belongs to ______
A | Temporal bone |
B | Occipital bone |
C | Mandible |
D | Parietal bone |
E | Sphenoid bone |
Question 16 |
Woman, 35 years old, came to the doctor complaining about complications of nasal breathing. After the examination, the doctor found a distortion of the bone that almost forms the posterior inferior part of the nasal septum. What bone is distorted?
A | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
B | Maxilla. |
C | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
D | Vomer. |
E | Mandibula. |
Question 17 |
After an accident, a woman was hospitalized due to the fracture of the temporal bone, which was accompanied by bleeding from the sinus of dura mater of the brain. The gap of sinus emerged in the place where it is adjacent to the groove on the inner surface of the mastoid process. In what part was damaged the sinus of dura mater of the brain?
A | Sulcus sinus sagitalis superioris |
B | Sulcus sinus sigmoidei |
C | Sulcus sinus petrosi superioris |
D | Sulcus sinus transversi |
E | Sulcus sinus pertosi inferioris |
Question 18 |
After the plastic surgery of the palatinum of boy, 12 years old, there was complication as inflammation of the bone, located in the area of Lesser palatine foramina (foramina palatina minora). What bone was inflammated?
A | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
B | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
C | Maxilla. |
D | Frontal bone (os frontale). |
E | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale). |
Question 19 |
In the hospital was delivered a male, 26 years old, with a gunshot wound to the joint, the formation of which involves the lower jaw (mandibula). The doctor established a damaged joint surfaces of both bones that form this joint. What bone, except for the lower jaw is damaged?
A | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
B | Maxilla. |
C | Temporal bone (os temporale). |
D | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale). |
E | Occipital bone (os occipitale) |
Question 20 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with a pain in a shoulder joint. When in anatomical position, the subscapular fossa faces:
A | medially |
B | anteriorly |
C | posteriorly |
D | superiory |
E | laterally |
Question 21 |
18 years old patient and after suffering from a sore throat appealed to the doctor after the deterioration of his situation. The examination revealed retropharyngeal abscess. In what space of the neck surgeon must penetrate during the autopsy abscess?
A | Inrtacervical |
B | Previsceral |
C | Pretracheal |
D | Retrovisceral (retropharyngeal) |
E | Suprasternal |
Question 22 |
What pars os sphenoidale does contain a round hole (foramen rotundum)?
A | Corpus |
B | Alae majora |
C | Processus pterygoideus |
D | Alae minora |
E | Sella turcica |
Question 23 |
Which of the following structures belongs to humerus?
A | Conoid tubercle |
B | Coronoid fossa |
C | Coronoid process |
D | Coracoid process |
E | Foramen ovale |
Question 24 |
In a patient, a pus is accumulated within infratemporal fossa. Which of the following openings it might be spread into orbit through?
A | foramen lacerum |
B | foramen supraorbital |
C | foramen infraorbital |
D | superior orbital fissure |
E | inferior orbital fissure |
Question 25 |
Choose vertebrae with one full fovea costalis on the corpus?
C | TI, TXII |
Question 26 |
Name the vertebrae thoracicae with one full fovea costalis on corpus?
A | I, XI, XII |
B | I, II, XII |
C | X, XII |
D | I, X, XI, XII |
E | I, X, XI |
Question 27 |
How many vertebrae in the human spine are fused to form sacrum and coccyx?
A | 24 |
B | 5 |
C | 12 |
D | 9 |
E | 7 |
Question 28 |
Find the structures of pelvis minor from lateral sides?
A | Alae ossis ilii |
B | Alae ossis ilii, os coccyges |
C | Rami ossis pubis |
D | Alae ossis ilii, ramus ossis ilii |
E | Ossa ischii |
Question 29 |
What is the specific feature of the second cervical vertebra?
A | It comes into relationship with the descending aorta and is a little flattened by it on its left flank |
B | Massive transverse process connects with the whole lateral aspect of its pedicle |
C | It has long and easily felt non-bifid spine |
D | It has no body |
E | It bears the dens (odontoid process) on the superior aspect of its body |
Question 30 |
What is the process of maxilla a considerable part of the floor of the nose and the roof of the mouth form?
A | Pterygoid process |
B | Alveolar process |
C | Palatine process |
D | Zygomatic process |
E | Frontal process |
Question 31 |
To establish the boundary between the cervical and thoracic parts of vertebral column, the doctor must palpate to find the process of VIIth cervical vertebra. Which process should exactly the doctor be looking for?
A | articularis superior |
B | mastoideus |
C | spinosus |
D | articularis inferior |
E | transversus |
Question 32 |
Find the bone that supports body weight when sitting?
A | iliac crest |
B | ischiopubic ramus |
C | ischial tuberosity |
D | pubic body |
Question 33 |
This bone assists in forming the boundaries of three cavities: the roof of the mouth, the floor and lateral wall of the nasal cavity, the wall of the orbit. What is it?
A | The mandible (mandible) |
B | The maxilla (maxilla) |
C | The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
D | The occipital bone (os occipital) |
E | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
Question 34 |
Find the structures of pelvis minor from lateral sides?
A | Alae ossis ilii |
B | Alae ossis ilii,os coccyges |
C | Alae ossis ilii, ramus ossis ilii |
D | Ossa ischii |
E | Rami ossis pubis |
Question 35 |
Which of the following structures belongs to temporal bone?
A | Conoid tubercle |
B | Clinoid process |
C | Arcuate eminence |
D | Coracoid process |
E | Medial pterygoid process |
Question 36 |
During the examination of a 2 years old boy, the ophthalmologist found the breach of outflow of tears to meatus nasi inferior . Through which structure does communicate orbit with nasal cavity?
A | Superiorr orbital fissure |
B | Anterior ethmoid foramen |
C | Inferior orbital fissure |
D | Optic canal |
E | Nasolacrimal canal |
Question 37 |
Choose two terms related to the distance of a structure from the surface of the body
A | Dexter et sinister parts |
B | Profundus and superficialis |
C | Anterior (ventralis) and posterior (dorsalis) parts |
D | Cranialis (superior) and caudalis (inferior) parts |
E | Proximalis and distalis |
Question 38 |
The man, 73 years old, with an abscess in the area of the infratemporal fossa, has complication, which is the inflammation of the tissues, that surround the eyeball. Through which communication of infratemporal fossa with orbital fossa can inflammation spread?
A | Canalis palatinus majus. |
B | Fissura orbitalis superior |
C | Foramen sphenopalatinum. |
D | Canalis pterygoideus. |
E | Fissura orbitalis inferior. |
Question 39 |
Continue the sentence: Articular tubercle of the temporal bone …
A | serves as an attachment site for several small muscles and for a ligament that supports the hyoid bone of the neck. |
B | serves as a muscle attachment site. |
C | houses the structures of the middle and inner ears. |
D | forms temporomandibular joint, which allows for movements of the mandible during opening and closing of the mouth |
E | forms the posterior portion of the zygomatic arch. |
Question 40 |
The surgeon, operating 56 years old woman with a tumor of the hard palate (palatum durum), removed along with the tumor one third of that upper jaw (maxilla) part, which is involved in the formation of bone palate (palatum osseum). One-third of which part of the upper jaw did surgeon remove?
A | Processus zygomaticus. |
B | Corpus maxillae. |
C | Processus palatinus. |
D | Processus frontalis. |
E | Processus alveolaris. |
Question 41 |
What is the location of the processus articularis vertebrae thoracicae?
A | Horizontalis |
B | Sagittalis |
C | Inter frontalis et horizontalis |
D | Inter sagittalis et frontalis |
E | Frontalis |
Question 42 |
Before the surgeon appealed a woman, 20 years old, with purulent inflammation of the skin in the region of infraorbital fossa. Doctor predicts extending inflammation in the orbit. Through which anatomic structure it possible for inflammation to spread in this case?
A | Canalis incisivus. |
B | Fissura orbitalis inferior. |
C | Canalis nasolacrimalis. |
D | Canalis pterygoideus. |
E | Canalis infraorbitalis. |
Question 43 |
Which of the following IS NOT the foramen of sphenoid bone?
A | Foramen ovale |
B | Foramen spinosum |
C | Foramen jugulare |
D | Foramen rotundum |
E | Optic foramen |
Question 44 |
What are on the facies superior costae I?
A | Sulcus costae, tuberculum m. scaleni anterioris |
B | Tuberculum costae |
C | Tuberculum, crista, fovea |
D | Sulci a. et v. vertebrales, tuberculum m. scaleni anterioris |
Question 45 |
Choose all the parts of the sternum:
A | Manubrium, corpus (body), coronoid process |
B | Clinoid process, manubrium, corpus (body) |
C | Manubrium, corpus (body), xiphoid process |
D | Corpus (body) and xiphoid process |
E | Manubrium and corpus (body) |
Question 46 |
What are the bones make up much of the medial wall of the orbit?
A | palatine and zygomatic bone |
B | the greater wing of sphenoid bone |
C | frontal and sphenoid bones |
D | ethmoid and lacrimal bones |
E | frontal and temporal bones |
Question 47 |
What is the location of the processus articularis vertebrae lumbales?
A | Sagittalis |
B | Inter sagittalis et frontalis |
C | Inter frontalis et horizontalis |
D | Horizontalis |
E | Frontalis |
Question 48 |
How many vertebrae thoracales in human collumna vertebralis are present?
A | 5 |
B | 9 |
C | 7 |
D | 24 |
E | 12 |
Question 49 |
Choose the bones that contain large cavities – sinuses:
A | Occipital bone |
B | Palatine bone |
C | Frontal bone |
D | Mandible |
E | Parietal bone |
Question 50 |
Name the bone that has the zygomatic process and alveolar process.
A | The mandible (mandible). |
B | The occipital bone (os occipital) |
C | The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
D | The maxilla (maxilla) |
E | The temporal bone (os frontale) |
Question 51 |
What vertebra does have tuberculum caroticum?
A | V cervicalis |
B | VII cervicalis |
C | II cervicalis |
D | VI cervicalis |
E | I thoracicae |
Question 52 |
Male, 36 years old, with traumatic brain injury was brought to the surgical department. The doctor of the receiving department established injury of the skull bone, which is involved in the formation of the lateral side walls and bottom of the right eye socket. What bone is damaged in this case?
A | Right sphenoid bone. |
B | Right zygomatic bone |
C | Right ethmoid bone. |
D | Right frontal bone |
E | Right maxilla. |
Question 53 |
It is known, that fractures of bones both at youths and elder men happen in the area of the surgical neck. Indicate, on which of the following bones is this landmark present?
A | femur |
B | humerus |
C | radius |
D | humerus |
E | fibula |
Question 54 |
Woman, 65 years old, came to the hospital with purulent inflammation of the mastoid cells. The inflammation spread to the cranial fossa, which has a common wall with the processus. In which fossa of the skull did inflammation of the mastoid process spread?
A | In infratemporal. |
B | In pterygopalatina. |
C | In middle cranial. |
D | In the posterior cranial |
E | In frontal cranial. |
Question 55 |
Woman, 68 years old, after eye injury has inflammation of the soft tissues of the orbit, which later spread to infratemporal fossa. Through which anatomic structure did purulent process spread into this fossa?
A | Through foramen zygomaticoorbitale. |
B | Through fissura orbitalis inferior |
C | Through fissura orbitalis superior. |
D | Through sphenopalatine foramen |
E | Throght oval foramen. |
Question 56 |
Name the bone that distantly articulate to other bones by muscles or ligaments?
A | Palatine bone |
B | Hyoid |
C | Ethmoid bone |
D | Vomer |
E | Inferior nasal concha |
Question 57 |
Name the plane with physiological bends of the spine?
A | Frontalis |
B | Frontalis et sagittalis |
C | Horizontalis et sagittalis |
D | Sagittalis |
E | Horizontalis et frontalis |
Question 58 |
At the soccer match, a player has got a trauma of the knee joint. At sciagram a fracture of bone located within the tendon of quadriceps muscle is marked. What group does this bone belong to?
A | round |
B | irregular |
C | tubular |
D | flat |
E | sesamoid |
Question 59 |
Which is the lateral-most carpal bone of the proximal row?
A | pisiform |
B | hamate |
C | trapezium |
D | scaphoid |
Question 60 |
The man, 34 years old, with inflammation of sphenoid sinus, and doctor observed outflow of turbid fluid from the opening of the sinus. In which part of the nasal cavity does fluid enter first from sphenoid sinus?
A | Meatus nasi communis. |
B | Meatus nasi medius. |
C | Meatus nasi inferior. |
D | Recessus sphenoethmoidalis. |
E | Infundibulum. |
Question 61 |
What is the specific feature of vertebrae thoracales?
A | T5 and T8 have not corpus |
B | Spines of all vertebrae thoracales are small and bifid |
C | Demifacets on the sides of their bodies for articulation with the heads of the ribs and by facets on their transverse processes |
D | Foramen transversarium perforating the transverse processes |
E | All vertebrae thoracales bear the dens (odontoid process) |
Question 62 |
The tibia ________.
A | can be palpated (felt) under the skin only at its proximal and distal ends |
B | is not a weight-bearing bone |
C | is firmly anchored to the fibula by an interosseous membrane |
D | has an expanded distal end called the lateral malleolus |
Question 63 |
A man came to the hospital with the trauma of the head. After the examination, the doctor found the fracture of the facial bone of the skull. The fracture line passes through the condilar process. What bone was injured?
A | Os palatinum |
B | Mandibula |
C | Os lacrimale |
D | Maxilla |
E | Os zygomaticus |
Question 64 |
What is the name of second vertebra?
A | Coccyx |
B | Vertebra prominens |
C | Epistropheus |
D | Atlas |
E | Vertebrae cervicale |
Question 65 |
Examining the boy, who is 2 years old, ophthalmologist established breach of the outcome of his tears into the lower nostril. Through which communication of orbit with lower nasal passage is this passage of tears complicated?
A | The upper orbital fissure. |
B | The lower orbital fissure. |
C | Anterior ethmoid foramen. |
D | Nasolacrimal canal. |
E | Posterior ethmoid foramen. |
Question 66 |
In the hospital was a man with a knife at the nose. After the examination, doctor also found damage in the cribriform plate. What bone was damaged?
A | Occipital bone (os occipitale) |
B | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale) |
C | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale) |
D | Parietal bone (os parietale) |
E | Frontal bone (os frontale) |
Question 67 |
What is the specific feature of the fifth lumbal vertebra (L5)?
A | It comes into relationship with the descending aorta and is a little flattened by it on its left flank |
B | It bears the dens (odontoid process) on the superior aspect of its body |
C | Massive transverse process connects with the whole lateral aspect of its pedicle |
D | It has no body |
E | It has long and easily felt non-bifid spine |
Question 68 |
Name the body parts located close to the trunk?
A | Superficialis. |
B | Profundus |
C | Distalis |
D | Proximalis |
E | Sinister |
Question 69 |
Continue the sentence: Mastoid process …
A | houses the structures of the middle and inner ears. |
B | serves as a muscle attachment site. |
C | forms the posterior portion of the zygomatic arch. |
D | serves as an attachment site for several small muscles and for a ligament that supports the hyoid bone of the neck. |
E | forms temporomandibular joint, which allows for movements of the mandible during opening and closing of the mouth. |
Question 70 |
The radius bone ________.
A | is found on the medial side of the forearm |
B | has a head that articulates with the radial notch of the ulna |
C | does not articulate with any of the carpal bones |
D | has the radial tuberosity located near its distal end |
Question 71 |
A patient was admitted to the hospital with muscles of facial expression disorder. The facial nerve passes through the foramen?
A | rotundum |
B | ovale |
C | lacerum |
D | spinosum |
E | stylomastoid |
Question 72 |
The ischial spine is found between the following structures:
A | inferior pubic ramus and ischial ramus |
B | lesser sciatic notch and greater sciatic notch |
C | pectineal line and arcuate line |
D | nterior superior iliac spine and posterior superior iliac spine |
Question 73 |
The victim injured his face and the outer surface of the temporal region, this injury caused the fracture of the zygomatic arch. Which processes of skull bones were broken?
A | Zygomatic process of the maxilla and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
B | Zygomatic process of the maxilla and zygomatic process of the frontal bone |
C | Temporal process of the frontal bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
D | Temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone |
E | Temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the frontal bone |
Question 74 |
A woman, 67 years old, with a brain injury, after X-ray doctor discovered the fracture of the facial skull bones. Fracture line is located along linea mylohyoidea. What bone is injured?
A | Mandibula. |
B | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
C | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
D | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
E | Maxilla. |
Question 75 |
What kind of crista is on os sacrum?
A | Mediana, intermedia, lateralis |
B | Mediana, lateralis, pubis |
C | Iliaca, lateralis, mediana |
D | Lateralis, pubis, intermedia |
E | Iliaca, intermedia, lateralis |
Question 76 |
A purulent process was spread from fossa canina to the soft tissues of orbit. Through which anatomical structure did the purulence get into orbit?
A | Canalis infraorbitale |
B | Foramen zygomaticofaciale |
C | Foramen zygomaticotemporal |
D | Canalis nasolacrimalis |
E | Foramen zygomaticoorbitale |
Question 77 |
Which bony landmark is located on the lateral side of the proximal humerus?
A | lateral epicondyle |
B | lesser tubercle |
C | greater tubercle |
D | trochlea |
Question 78 |
Woman 35 years old came to the otolaryngologist with complaints of headache and runny nose. The doctor set the maxillary sinus inflammation (sinusitis). What bone is inflammated?
A | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
B | Frontal bone (os frontale). |
C | Maxilla. |
D | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
E | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale). |
Question 79 |
Anterior longitudinal ligament joins _________
A | Metatarsals |
B | Bones of the facial skull |
C | Carpals |
D | Ribs |
E | Vertebrae |
Question 80 |
Name the bone that has pharyngeal tubercle.
A | ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
B | frontal bone (os frontale) |
C | parietal bone (os parietale). |
D | occipital bone (os occipitale) |
E | temporal bone (os temporale). |
Question 81 |
Name the body parts located close to the head?
A | Cranialis (superior) |
B | Superficialis |
C | Dexter |
D | Profundus |
Question 82 |
The girl, 12 years, with long-term inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity has symptoms of sphenoid sinus inflammation. Through which anatomic structure did inflammation spread into this sinus?
A | Foramen of sphenoid bone. |
B | Sphenopalatine foramen. |
C | Oval foramen. |
D | Round foramen. |
E | Hiatus semilunaris. |
Question 83 |
In the department of maxillofacial surgery with a gunshot wound was taken a man, 43 years. After radiological examination the doctor found that the bullet passed through the skull at mental foramen (foramen mentale). What bone is damaged?
A | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
B | Mandibula. |
C | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
D | Vomer. |
E | Maxilla. |
Question 84 |
Name the bone that has sagittal margin
A | Parietal bone (os parietale) |
B | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
C | Occipital bone (os occipitale) |
D | Temporal bone (os temporale) |
E | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale) |
Question 85 |
A child fractured his humerus. The broken arm showed decreased growth (compared with his second arm). Which part of the bone was affected?
A | epiphysis |
B | metaphysis |
C | diaphysis |
D | apophysis |
E | medullary canal |
Question 86 |
How many bones are there in the upper limbs combined?
A | 20 |
B | 60 |
C | 30 |
D | 40 |
Question 87 |
Choose bone does not belong to the viscerocranium:
A | Zygomatic bones |
B | Maxilla |
C | Temporal bone |
D | Lacrimal bone |
E | Palatine bone |
Question 88 |
X-ray of a patient showed the destruction and increase of Turkish saddle because of pituitary tumors. Which bone cavity was destroyed?
A | Canalis opticus |
B | Sinus of sphenoid bone |
C | Tympanic cavity |
D | Canalis facialis |
E | Canalis caroticus |
Question 89 |
Continue the sentence: Styloid process …
A | serves as an attachment site for several small muscles and for a ligament that supports the hyoid bone of the neck. |
B | serves as a muscle attachment site. |
C | forms temporomandibular joint, which allows for movements of the mandible during opening and closing of the mouth. |
D | houses the structures of the middle and inner ears. |
E | forms the posterior portion of the zygomatic arch. |
Question 90 |
Woman, 52 years, came to the neurosurgical department with intracranial tumor. Additional examination of the patient revealed that the tumor has destroyed the front half of the upper wall of the eye socket. Which bone is damaged by the tumor?
A | Ethmoid bone. |
B | Frontal bone. |
C | Sphenoid bone. |
D | Temporal bone. |
E | Nasal bone. |
Question 91 |
X-ray showed the intraarticular fracture of the proximal epiphysis of the humerus. What the structure of the humerus is damaged?
A | Tuberculum minor |
B | Caput humeri |
C | Crista tuberculi minor |
D | Collum chirurgicum |
E | Crista tuberculi major |
Question 92 |
The patient 69 years old, has purulent inflammation of the nasal cavity, which spread in the anterior cranial fossa. Through which anatomic structure did purulent process spread into this fossa?
A | Foramen sphenopalatinum |
B | Foramina cribrosa. |
C | Foramen ovale. |
D | Foramen rotundum. |
E | Foramen ethmoidalae posterius. |
Question 93 |
What bone does not articulate maxilla?
A | Palatine bone |
B | Frontal bone |
C | Ethmoid bone |
D | Sphenoid bone |
E | Nasal bone |
Question 94 |
Choose the vertebra that has fovea dentis?
A | I thoracicae |
B | I cervicalis |
C | XII thoracicae |
D | II cervicalis |
E | III cervicalis |
Question 95 |
What is the bone that does not form the orbit?
A | Palatine bone |
B | The ethmoid bone |
C | Maxilla |
D | The frontal bone |
E | The temporal bone |
Question 96 |
Name the vertebra with no corpus?
A | II cervicalis |
B | VI cervicalis |
C | V lumbalis |
D | I thoracicae |
E | I cervicalis |
Question 97 |
How many bones are fused in adulthood to form the hip bone?
A | 4 |
B | 2 |
C | 5 |
D | 3 |
Question 98 |
Continue the sentences: The pituitary gland sits in a protective bony enclosure called…
A | the sella turcica |
B | sphenoidal air sinuses |
C | corpus sphenoidale |
D | two small wings |
E | two great wings |
Question 99 |
Frontal plane (coronal plane) divides the body into:
A | Profundus and superficialis |
B | Anterior (ventralis) and posterior (dorsalis) parts |
C | Dexter et sinister parts |
D | Proximalis and distalis |
E | Cranialis (superior) and caudalis (inferior) parts |
Question 100 |
A patient has purulent inflammation of the nasal cavity. The inflammation spread in the anterior cranial fossa. Through which anatomic structure spread the inflammation?
A | Foramen ethmoidalae posterius |
B | Foramen ovale |
C | Foramen rotundum |
D | Foramen sphenopalatinum |
E | Lamina cribrosa |
Question 101 |
What is the specific feature of vertebrae lumbales?
A | All five vertebrae lumbales are fused |
B | Foramen transversarium perforating the transverse processes |
C | Great size with strong, square, horizontal spines and with articular facets which lie in the sagittal plane |
D | All vertebrae lumbales bear the dens (odontoid process) |
Question 102 |
Continue the sentence: The sphenoid bone consist of…
A | 1 sella turcica, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 sphenoidal sinuses |
B | 1 body, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 sphenoidal sinuses. |
C | 1 cribriform plate, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 pterygoid process. |
D | seven different parts: 1 body, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 pterygoid process. |
E | seven different parts: 1 sella turcica, 2 lesser wings, 2 greater winds, 2 pterygoid process. |
Question 103 |
What is the location of the processesus articularis vertebrae cervicalis?
A | Interfrontalis et horizontalis |
B | Inter sagittalis et frontalis |
C | Horizontalis |
D | Frontalis
E | Sagittalis |
Question 104 |
What is the name of seventh vertebra?
A | Epistropheus |
B | Atlas |
C | Axis |
D | Coccyx |
E | Vertebra prominens |
Question 105 |
Name the bone that has the ramus. What bone injured?
A | The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale) |
B | The maxilla (maxilla) |
C | The occipital bone (os occipital) |
D | The mandible (mandible) |
E | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
Question 106 |
Find the structures of pelvis major?
A | Ossa pubis- from lateral, vertebrae lumbalis- from dorsal |
B | Ossa ischii-from lateral, basis ossis sacri-from dorsal |
C | Ossa ischii-- from lateral,facies pelvina ossis sacri- from dorsal |
D | Ossa ischii-- from lateral, apex ossis sacri- from dorsal |
E | Alae ossis ilii- from lateral, promotorium- from dorsal |
Question 107 |
Sagittal plane (median plane, midsagittal plane) divides the body into:
A | Anterior (ventralis) and posterior (dorsalis) parts |
B | Proximalis and distalis |
C | Dexter et sinister parts |
D | Cranialis (superior) and caudalis (inferior) parts |
E | Profundus and superficialis |
Question 108 |
The pelvis ________.
A | has a subpubic angle that is larger in females |
B | consists of the two hip bones, but does not include the sacrum or coccyx |
C | has a space located inferior to the pelvic brim called the greater pelvis |
D | has an obturator foramen, an opening that is defined in part by the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments |
Question 109 |
What is the name of first vertebra?
A | Atlas |
B | Vertebra prominens |
C | Coccyx |
D | Epistropheus |
E | Axis |
Question 110 |
Choose the bones form the orbit.
A | Temporal bone, Parietal bone, Frontal bone |
B | Temporal bone, Sphenoid bone, Lacrimal bone |
C | Ethmoid bone, Occipital bone Temporal bone |
D | Ethmoid bone, Maxilla, Zygomatic bone |
E | Occipital bone, Temporal bone, Sphenoid bone |
Question 111 |
What bone does form the lateral wall and lateral floor of the orbit?
A | The ethmoid bone |
B | The maxilla |
C | The temporal bone |
D | The zygomatic bone |
E | The sphenoid bone |
Question 112 |
Coronoid process belongs to _______
A | Mandible |
B | Maxilla |
C | Temporal bone |
D | Sphenoid bone |
E | Parietal bone |
Question 113 |
Choose structures that surround the vertebral canal
A | Processus articularis superior and processus articularis inferior |
B | Pedicles and lamina |
C | Corpus and arcus |
D | Discus intervertebrales |
E | Corpus and lamina arcus vertebrae |
Question 114 |
Bified transverse processes is the feature of _______
A | Cervical vertebrae |
B | Sacral vertebrae |
C | No option is correct |
D | Thoracic vertebrae |
E | Lumbar vertebrae |
Question 115 |
A surgeon, during the operation of a woman with a tumor of the hard palate, removed the tumor, with a part of the upper jaw, which takes part in the formation of a bone palate. Which part of palate bone was removed?
A | Processus zygomaticus |
B | Corpus |
C | Processus alveollaris |
D | Processus frontalis |
E | Processus palatinus |
Question 116 |
Name the body parts located distantly from the trunk?
A | Profundus |
B | Distalis |
C | Sinister |
D | Superficialis. |
E | Proximalis |
Question 117 |
What bone does have processus spinosus?
A | Ulna |
B | Vertebra |
C | Os sphenoidale |
D | Os temporale |
E | Humerus |
Question 118 |
What is the specific feature of vertebrae cervicales?
A | Foramen transversarium perforating the transverse processes |
B | Vertebra cervicales has no body |
C | Spines of all vertebrae cervicales are small and bifid |
D | All vertebrae cervicales bear the dens (odontoid process) |
E | All vertebrae cervicales have big corpus |
Question 119 |
A 45 years old woman was taken to hospital with purulent inflammation of the tympanic cavity. Before that, there was inflammation of the nasal cavity and throat, which then spreaded to the tympanic cavity through the auditory tube. Via which topographical formation of the base of fornix of the skull the infectious process got into the tympanic cavity?
A | Canalis caroticus |
B | Canalis musculotubaris |
C | Canalis facialis |
D | Canaliculus tympanicus |
E | Canaliculus chordae tympani |
Question 120 |
A man was brought in a surgical department with a wound on the medial border of the forearm. The examination showed that the patient damaged the process which borders with incisura trochlearis . What the process was damaged?
A | Processus styloideus |
B | Olecranon |
C | Tuberositas ulnae |
D | Procesus coronoideus. |
E | Margo interosseus |
Question 121 |
How many vertebrae lumbales in human collumna vertebralis are present?
A | 24 |
B | 9 |
C | 5 |
D | 12 |
E | 7 |
Question 122 |
What are the sulcus sinus os occipitale has?
A | Petrosi superioris, sagittal superioris, transversus |
B | Petrosi superioris, sagittal inferiorios, transversus |
C | Petrosi superioris et inferiorios |
D | Petrosi superioris, cavernosi |
E | Petrosi inferioris, transversus, sagittal superioris, sigmoidei |
Question 123 |
How many vertebrae in the human spine aren’t fused?
A | 12 |
B | 7 |
C | 5 |
D | 24 |
E | 9 |
Question 124 |
What structure contributes to the knee joint?
A | lateral epicondyle of the femur |
B | tibial tuberosity |
C | lateral malleolus of the fibula |
D | medial condyle of the tibia |
Question 125 |
In a patient, the fracture of a base of the skull has occurred. The line of fracture passes through foramen spinosum and foramen ovale. What cranial bone is injured?
A | temporal bone |
B | palatine |
C | sphenoid bone |
D | occipital bone |
E | ethmoidal bone |
Question 126 |
What bone does form the roof of the orbit?
A | The zygomatic bone |
B | The ethmoid bone |
C | The frontal bone |
D | The palatine bone |
E | The maxilla |
Question 127 |
In the surgical department was delivered a man, 22 years old, with gunshot wound of the head. It was established damage of the collum mandibulae. Which process of mandible is damaged?
A | Lingula of mandible (lingula mandibulae). |
B | Coronoid process (processus coronoideus). |
C | Inferior mental (spina mentalis inferior). |
D | Condylar process (processus condylaris). |
E | Superior mental spine (spina mentalis superior). |
Question 128 |
Which region of the humerus articulates with the radius as part of the elbow joint?
A | capitulum |
B | olecranon process |
C | styloid process |
D | trochlea |
Question 129 |
What is the total number of bones found in the foot and toes?
A | 7 |
B | 14 |
C | 30 |
D | 26 |
Question 130 |
Choose the bone with the jugular notch:
A | Os parietale |
B | Os frontale |
C | Maxilla |
D | Os occipitale |
Question 131 |
Name the body parts located far from the head?
A | Profundus |
B | Caudalis (inferior) |
C | Superficialis |
D | Dexter |
E | Cranialis (superior) |
Question 132 |
Infraorbital canal is in ______
A | Temporal bone |
B | Sphenoid bone |
C | Nasal bone |
D | Maxilla |
E | Mandible |
Question 133 |
A 40 years old patient felt a pain after a fall. The doctor found a broken rib, which doesn’t have articular surface on tuberculum costae. What rib was damaged?
A | XII |
B | V |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | X |
Question 134 |
Choose structures that surround the foramen vertebrale
A | Pedicles and lamina |
B | Discus intervertebrales |
C | Processus articularis superior and processus articularis inferior |
D | Corpus and arcus |
E | Corpus and lamina arcus vertebrae |
Question 135 |
The car ambulance delivred a man, who is 35 years old, to the hospital with a brain injury. After the X-ray doctor establish the fractured skull. The line of the fracture passes through coronal process. What bone is injured?
A | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
B | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
C | Mandibula. |
D | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum) |
E | Maxilla.
Question 136 |
What is the specific feature of the seventh cervical vertebra?
A | Massive transverse process connects with the whole lateral aspect of its pedicle |
B | It comes into relationship with the descending aorta and is a little flattened by it on its left flank |
C | It has no body |
D | It has long and easily felt non-bifid spine |
E | It bears the dens (odontoid process) on the superior aspect of its body |
Question 137 |
Which tarsal bone articulates with the tibia and fibula?
A | calcaneus |
B | navicular |
C | cuboid |
D | talus |
Question 138 |
At person, the trauma has occurred due to direct violence on the medial aspect of the middle third of the leg. What anatomic structure might be most likely fractured?
A | distal epiphysis of fibula |
B | proxial epiphysis of femur |
C | distal epiphysis of tibia |
D | proximal epiphysis of fibula |
E | diaphysis of tibia |
Question 139 |
What component does form the superior part of the hip bone?
A | ilium |
B | ischium |
C | pubis |
D | sacrum |
Question 140 |
Name the bone that situated at the upper and lateral part of the face and form the prominence of the cheek, part of the lateral wall and floor of the orbit, and parts of the temporal and infratemporal fossa?
A | Inferior nasal concha |
B | Vomer |
C | Zygomatic bone |
D | Ethmoid bone |
E | Palatine bone |
Question 141 |
Name the bone that has superior nuchal line.
A | Parietal bone (os parietale) |
B | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
C | Occipital bone (os occipitale) |
D | Temporal bone (os temporale) |
E | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
Question 142 |
Male 56 years came to the dentist, doctor for the purpose of anesthesia of large molars made anesthetic injection (painkillers) to formation of the upper jaw, which is the entry point of the nerves of the infratemporal fossa through foramina alveolaria to the alveolae dentales. Where did the doctor inject the anesthetic?
A | Processus alveolaris |
B | Processus palatinus. |
C | Processus frontalis. |
D | Sinus maxillaris. |
E | Tuber maxillae. |
Question 143 |
What department of vertebra column does have vertebrae with split processus spinosus?
A | Lumbaris |
B | Cervicalis, except first and seventh |
C | IV, V lumbalis |
D | Sacralis et V lumbalis |
E | Thoracicae, except first |
Question 144 |
The boy, who is 13 years old, with long-term inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity has symptoms of inflammanation of frontal sinus (sinusitis). Through which formation of the nasal cavity was it possible for the infection to spread in this sinus?
A | Semilunar hiatus. |
B | Cellulae ethmoidales |
C | Sphenopalatine foramen. |
D | Infundibulum ethmoidale |
E | Sphenoethmoidal recess. |
Question 145 |
In the hospital came a 57 years old man with the injury of the head. After the examination, the doctor found that the crack runs along the inferior surface of the temporal bone. What structure are located on the inferior surface?
A | foramen jugulare |
B | foramen spinosum |
C | sulcus arteriae occipitales |
D | foramen caroticum internum |
E | hiatus canalis nervi petrosi minoris |
Question 146 |
What the structure is located between two vertebrae?
A | Lamina |
B | Processus spinosus |
C | Discus intervertebrales |
D | Arcus vertebrae |
E | Corpus |
Question 147 |
Choose structures that form arcus vertebrae
A | Pedicles and lamina |
B | Discus intervertebrales |
C | Processus articularis superior and processus articularis inferior |
D | Corpus and arcus |
E | Corpus and lamina arcus vertebrae |
Question 148 |
An ambulance brought a man with an injury of the brain to the hospital. The doctor found the fracture of the skull. The fracture line passes through the sagittal border. Which bone was injured?
A | os frontale |
B | os temporale |
C | os parietale |
D | os ethmoidale |
E | os occipitale |
Question 149 |
What vertebra does have anterior arch (arcus anterior) and posterior arch (arcus posterior)?
A | Seventh cervical vertebra (vertebra prominens) |
B | First thoracic vertebra (T1) |
C | Lumbar vertebrae |
D | The second cervical vertebrae (axis or epistropheus) |
E | The first cervical vertebra (atlas) |
Question 150 |
Find the structures of pelvis major?
A | Ossa ischii-- from lateral, apex ossis sacri- from dorsal |
B | Ossa ischii-- from lateral, facies pelvina ossis sacri- from dorsal |
C | Ossa pubis- from lateral, vertebrae lumbalis- from dorsal |
D | Ossa ischii-from lateral, basis ossis sacri-from dorsal |
E | Alae ossis ilii- from lateral, promotorium- from dorsal |
Question 151 |
On the x-ray image of the pelvis of newborn, the three distinct bones are marked, which are separated by cartilage in the area of the acetabulum. These bones are:
A | os sacrum, os pubis, os coccygis |
B | os ilii, os pubis, os ischii |
C | os pubis, os ischii, femur |
D | os ilium, os sacrum, os coccygis |
E | os pubis, os femur, os sacrum |
Question 152 |
Horizontal (transverse) plane divides the body:
A | Anterior (ventralis) and posterior (dorsalis) parts |
B | Profundus and superficialis |
C | Dexter et sinister parts |
D | Cranialis (superior) and caudalis (inferior) parts |
E | Proximalis and distalis |
Question 153 |
From the sports man, 24 years old, was taken to hospital with face injury. The doctor of the receiving department established fracture of the facial skull bone. Fracture line passes through the infraorbital edge (margo infraorbitalis). What bone is injured?
A | Maxilla. |
B | Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale). |
C | Mandibula. |
D | Palatinum bone (os palatinum). |
E | Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). |
Question 154 |
What bone does have transverse processes?
A | Vertebra |
B | Coccyx |
C | Os temporale |
D | Sacrum |
E | Humerus |
Question 155 |
After an injury, the branches of the carotid artery started bleeding. For temporary stoppage of bleeding, the carotid artery should be pressed to the tubercle of the transverse processes of one of the cervical vertebras. Which vertebrae exactly?
A | VI |
B | II |
C | IV |
D | V |
E | III |
Question 156 |
In hospital was hospitalized a man with the injury of the brain. After the examination, the doctor found the fracture of a bone of the skull. The fracture line passes through protuberantia mentalis. Which bone was injured?
A | Os zygomaticus |
B | Maxilla |
C | Os palatinum |
D | Os lacrimale |
E | Mandibula |
Question 157 |
How many vertebrae cervicales in human collumna vertebralis are present?
A | 9 |
B | 24 |
C | 12 |
D | 7 |
E | 5 |
Question 158 |
Name the bone that has linea nuchalis superior.
A | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
B | The occipital bone (os occipitale) |
C | The parietal bone (os parietale) |
D | The temporal bone (os temporale) |
E | The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale) |
Question 159 |
What structure is separatec pelvis major from pelvis minor?
A | Linea terminalis |
B | Linea aspera |
C | Linea glutea |
D | Crista iliaca |
E | Linea transversa |
Question 160 |
What structures are located on the arcus posterior atlantis?
A | Fovea articularis inferior, tuberculum posterius |
B | Massa lateralis, fovea articularis inferior |
C | Fovea articularis superior, tuberculum posterius
D | Fovea dentis, sulcus a.vertebralis |
E | Sulcus a. vertebralis, tuberculum posterius |
Question 161 |
In a patient, a purulent maxillary sinusitis was diagnosed. A pus from maxillary sinus drains into:
A | Lateral nasal meatus |
B | Vestibule |
C | Lower nasal meatus |
D | Upper nasal meatus |
E | Middle nasal meatus |
Question 162 |
After the injury of the occipital area, a crack in the region of transverse sinus was found. Which part of the occipital bone is damaged:
A | Left lateral |
B | Right lateral |
C | Squama |
D | Base |
E | Cerebellum |
Question 163 |
A doctor during the examination of nasal cavity of woman, 54 years, established the narrowing of the set due to nasal benign tumor in the area of projection of canalis incisivus. Which nasal passage is narrowed in this scenario?
A | Meatus nasi superior. |
B | Meatus nasopharyngeus. |
C | Meatus nasi communis. |
D | Meatus nasi interior. |
E | Meatus nasi medius. |
Question 164 |
What are on the caput II-X costae?
A | Facies articulares, crista capitis, cartilago articularis |
B | Tuberculum, sulcus |
C | Tuberculum m. scaleni anterioris, tuberculum m. scaleni posterioris |
D | Tuberculum, crista, fovea |
E | Facies articulares, crista capitis |
Question 165 |
In the surgical department was brought a man with an injury of the brain. A doctor established the bone injury, which takes part in the formation of the lateral walls of the right orbit. Which bone was damaged?
A | Right ethmoid bone. |
B | Right maxilla |
C | Right temporal bone. |
D | Right zygomatic bone. |
E | Right frontal bone. |
Question 166 |
In a girl with the long-term inflammation of the mucosa of the nasal cavity appeared symptoms of inflammation of the sphenoid sinus. Through which structure spread the infection from the nasal cavity to the sinus?
A | Foramen rotundum |
B | Foramen sphenopalatinum |
C | Foramen sinus sphenoidalis |
D | Recessus sphenoethmoidalis |
E | Foramen ovale |
Question 167 |
An ambulance brought a 8 months old baby with the injury of the head in the anterior fontanel region. The X-ray found the damage of bone which limits this fontanel in front. What bone was damaged?
A | Os frontale |
B | Os zygomaticus |
C | Os lacrimale |
D | Maxilla |
E | Os palatinum |
Question 168 |
A patient was hospitalized for the correction of the curvature of the nasal septum. Which bones must be corrected in this case?
A | Horizontal plate of the palatine bone and vomer |
B | Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and inferior nasal concha |
C | Nasal bone and vertical plate of the palatine bone |
D | Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and vomer |
E | Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone and vomer |
Question 169 |
Choose the structure that the palatine bone and the upper jaw form.
A | The orbital floor |
B | The posterior portion of the zygomatic arch |
C | The structures of the middle and inner ears |
D | The nasal conchae and nasal meatus |
E | The nasal cavity |
Question 170 |
A woman was brought by an ambulance to the emergency department with a trauma of the cervical region of the vertebral column. The radiologist diagnosed the fracture of nonbifid spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae. The spinous process of which cervical vertebra is fractured?
A | V |
B | IV |
C | VII |
D | III |
E | VI |
Question 171 |
What structure is separatec pelvis major from pelvis minor?
A | Linea terminalis |
B | Crista iliaca |
C | Linea aspera |
D | Linea glutea |
E | Linea transversa |
Question 172 |
Choose the parts of the sphenoid bone.
A | Glabella |
B | The petrous (pyramid) with mastoid process |
C | The squama |
D | The pterygoid processes |
E | Talus |
Question 173 |
Which ligament joins spinous processes of vertebrae?
A | Internal spinous |
B | Supraspinous |
C | Subspinous |
D | Medial spinous |
E | Lateral spinous |
Question 174 |
Which bony landmark of the femur serves as a site for muscle attachments?
A | lesser trochanter |
B | fovea capitis |
C | medial condyle |
D | head |
Question 175 |
What department of vertebra column does have vertebrae with split processus spinosus?
A | Lumbaris |
B | Sacralis et V lumbalis |
C | Thoracicae, except first |
D | Cervicalis, except first and seventh |
E | IV, V lumbalis |
Question 176 |
А patient had trepanation and curettage of temporal bone cells (due to) purulent inflammation which moved from the middle ear. On which process the surgery was done?
A | Processus zygomaticus |
B | Processus pterygoideus |
C | Processus mastoideus |
D | Processus styloideus |
E | Processus jugularis |
Question 177 |
How many vertebrae does columna vertebralis contain?
A | 31-40 |
B | 34-36 |
C | 33-34 |
D | 30-32 |
E | 35-38 |
Question 178 |
Choose two terms, used in anatomy, refer to back and front or belly of an organism.
A | Dexter et sinister parts |
B | Proximalis and distalis |
C | Anterior (ventralis) and posterior (dorsalis) parts |
D | Cranialis (superior) and caudalis (inferior) parts |
E | Profundus and superficialis |
Question 179 |
A 30 years old woman fell and injured the sacrum. The radiological investigations revealed damage of the sacral crest which is formed by the transverse processes of the sacral vertebrae. Which sacral crest was damaged?
A | Middle and right medial crests. |
B | Left lateral and left medial crests. |
C | Right lateral and right medial crests. |
D | Right lateral and left lateral crests. |
E | Median and left medial crests. |
Question 180 |
Choose part of the sacrum:
A | Superior articular facet |
B | Canalis pterygoideus |
C | Corpus |
D | Alae minora |
E | Sella turcica |
Question 181 |
Name the bone that has crista galli.
A | The frontal bone (os frontale) |
B | The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale) |
C | The sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale) |
D | The occipital bone (os occipitale) |
E | The parietal bone (os parietale) |
Question 182 |
In a patient, the upper displacement is marked of acromial end of the clavicle. What ligaments are torn?
A | Ligg. costoslavicular, interclavicular |
B | Ligg. anterior sternoclavicular, posterior sternoclavicular |
C | Ligg. acromioclavicular, costoclavicular |
D | Ligg. costoslavicular, acromioclavicular |
E | Ligg. coracoclavicular, acromioclavicular |
Question 183 |
A 62 years old man got an injured of the lumbar part of the vertebral column. The X-ray revealed a fracture of processes of the III lumbar vertebra which are located in the sagittal plane. What processes of this vertebrae are the located in the sagittal plane?
A | Spinous and inferior articular processes |
B | Superior inferior articular and spinous processes |
C | Superior articular and mastoid processes |
D | Mastoid and spinous processes |
E | Spinous and costal processes |
Question 184 |
In the emergency hospital was delivered a woman, 57 years old, with a brain injury. After the examination it was necessary to perform surgical intervention of the cranial cavity. During the operation neurosurgeon cut the bone just before coronal suture (sutura coronalis). What bone did surgeon cut?
A | Ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale). |
B | Frontal bone. |
C | Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale). |
D | Occipital (os occipitale). |
E | Temporal bone (os temporale). |
Question 185 |
Inflammation in the sinus of which bone (sinusitis) can cause pain or pressure behind the eyes, but often refers to the skull vertex (top of the head), over the mastoid processes, or the back of the head?
A | sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale) |
B | parietal bone (os parietale) |
C | zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum |
D | temporal bone (os temporale) |
E | occipital bone (os occipitale) |
Question 186 |
Dislocation of the mandible was established for the man, 35 years old. Where are caput mandibulae located in case of dislocation?
A | On the right from the tuberculum articulare. |
B | On the left from the tuberculum articulare. |
C | On top of the tuberculum articulare. |
D | On the back from the tuberculum articulare |
E | In front of the tuberculum articulare. |
Question 187 |
What is the specific feature of the first cervical vertebra?
A | It comes into relationship with the descending aorta and is a little flattened by it on its left flank |
B | It has long and easily felt non-bifid spine |
C | Massive transverse process connects with the whole lateral aspect of its pedicle |
D | It bears the dens (odontoid process) on the superior aspect of its body |
E | It has no body |
Question 188 |
What pars os sphenoidale does contain a round hole (foramen ovale)?
A | Pterygoid process |
B | Zygomatic process |
C | Alveolar process |
D | Palatine process |
E | Frontal process |
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